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Hi guys

eh, hi!

I am greek, but do not live in greece for a long >5y time. I started playing nexuiz in 2006 , under painfedora6. I played exclusively CTF/KH and the last 2yrs FFA DM. God knows why i chose that nick, probably a friend of mine used to call me pain paraphrasing my greek name. I enjoy an awful lot my early nexuiz days with my officemates, (i studied/worked in a scottish university) , i put the name XSAX on purpose on my final thesis, and we along with DonCorleone and Cammy changed or office name tags to our nexuiz nicks, much to the frustration and amusent of the neighboring profs. Since then i had to move unfortunately from my beloved scotland, i know work as a researcher in a uni switzerland.

I know have the chance to play xonotic on freaky good computers in our computer orientated lab Tongue .
Never bothered to say hi, i think i must have burned though quite some records when it comes to my online time when i was more active .
Time to fix that, HI guys!

special hi's to my nexuiz infancy/innocence ppl, Stryku whom i'd love to play with now, never was able to win that guy, Mirio as the most positive guy in nexuiz, DeathScrap/Scrapbot as by far the funniest person to play around with, Jeff/degage/lol DMer for the tons of laughs, Xeno/MMeister for pwning me at the old times, Nicko/Jekki which are now grown ups and actually say goodnight, XSAX)) ,RonanUbuntu, tZork, the weird regulars of DCC like bart, dIM 4 never finally winning him, BBumkin, Sepelio and of course [RBI] Hama* first person i ever saw online. ufff done! : ) [/offtopic]

Ah there you are =) Welcome!

Heyya booo, I sorta remember you!
Welcome back! Smile
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

* Halogene remembers both boo and painfedora6 Tongue

welcome back!

You should tell XSAX about your final thesis if you meet him, last time I met him was on Xonotic a couple of months ago though (I don't play Nexuiz anymore...)
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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Hello new guy. Wink

Join IRC. ^_^

Greetinx PainFedora 6-10, booo ... ol'gamer.

Sendin' a warm welcome to tha nu guy =)
[Image: Sigsig.jpg]

Welcome! Here's a puzzle that every new member has to solve:

[Image: 350681_700b_v11u6m.jpg]

Heh pain, long time. We need to make a penthouse's key hunt reunion one off these days. But first I need to be active again. Blush


I thought you were someone else that time booo, AHAHAAHAAA)) the joys of fake nicking eh Big Grin
"the best trolls are indistinguishable from idiots"

damn i miss penthouse ronan : )
somehow i loved that map. even wacka-wacka seemed to somehow work for kh, as well as that curse of something map.

lol rad, i m still the same guy. but somehow, i felt that being 30y old ,and having a nick with such a negativity it (even though its not meant at all) was a reason for booooing Tongue

Penthouse is an awesome map! Smile

Hello there. I'm Greek myself and I aim to make a [fairly] complete and high-quality Greek translation for Xonotic. I won't bother introducing myself in a thread of my own as I've always been a crappy gamer (well, except Europa Universalis and Afterwind) but I think you may be interested, booo.

You seem to be a patriot by mentioning your ethnicity right off the bat. I was like that when I first started translation work for open-source projects although those feelings have gradually subsided in me. I've lived in England for most of my life and have been raised here to a rather great extent. My family came over from Athens before all those waves of Greek immigrants the country has been experiencing recently. Generally, I feel more British than Greek and I admittedly don't really conform to Greek society's standards of openness. You'll know what I mean if you've been there. Blush

Anyway, I'll ensure the translation gets uploaded to the git repository soon. Don't start on your own, I've already translated roughly 50% of the strings! I just need a fellow Greek speaker to review these changes. If you're up for that, I'll notify you as soon as possible. You may also be want to check out TranslateWiki and Transifex for more open-source translation goodness.
Please reply to this, I need to get a Greek community together to develop this game. I could just pop by the openSUSE forum (I bet no-one got that joke) but that wouldn't be as convienient. Wink

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