10-12-2011, 03:05 PM
eh, hi!
I am greek, but do not live in greece for a long >5y time. I started playing nexuiz in 2006 , under painfedora6. I played exclusively CTF/KH and the last 2yrs FFA DM. God knows why i chose that nick, probably a friend of mine used to call me pain paraphrasing my greek name. I enjoy an awful lot my early nexuiz days with my officemates, (i studied/worked in a scottish university) , i put the name XSAX on purpose on my final thesis, and we along with DonCorleone and Cammy changed or office name tags to our nexuiz nicks, much to the frustration and amusent of the neighboring profs. Since then i had to move unfortunately from my beloved scotland, i know work as a researcher in a uni switzerland.
I know have the chance to play xonotic on freaky good computers in our computer orientated lab
Never bothered to say hi, i think i must have burned though quite some records when it comes to my online time when i was more active .
Time to fix that, HI guys!
special hi's to my nexuiz infancy/innocence ppl, Stryku whom i'd love to play with now, never was able to win that guy, Mirio as the most positive guy in nexuiz, DeathScrap/Scrapbot as by far the funniest person to play around with, Jeff/degage/lol DMer for the tons of laughs, Xeno/MMeister for pwning me at the old times, Nicko/Jekki which are now grown ups and actually say goodnight, XSAX)) ,RonanUbuntu, tZork, the weird regulars of DCC like bart, dIM 4 never finally winning him, BBumkin, Sepelio and of course [RBI] Hama* first person i ever saw online. ufff done! : ) [/offtopic]
I am greek, but do not live in greece for a long >5y time. I started playing nexuiz in 2006 , under painfedora6. I played exclusively CTF/KH and the last 2yrs FFA DM. God knows why i chose that nick, probably a friend of mine used to call me pain paraphrasing my greek name. I enjoy an awful lot my early nexuiz days with my officemates, (i studied/worked in a scottish university) , i put the name XSAX on purpose on my final thesis, and we along with DonCorleone and Cammy changed or office name tags to our nexuiz nicks, much to the frustration and amusent of the neighboring profs. Since then i had to move unfortunately from my beloved scotland, i know work as a researcher in a uni switzerland.
I know have the chance to play xonotic on freaky good computers in our computer orientated lab

Never bothered to say hi, i think i must have burned though quite some records when it comes to my online time when i was more active .
Time to fix that, HI guys!
special hi's to my nexuiz infancy/innocence ppl, Stryku whom i'd love to play with now, never was able to win that guy, Mirio as the most positive guy in nexuiz, DeathScrap/Scrapbot as by far the funniest person to play around with, Jeff/degage/lol DMer for the tons of laughs, Xeno/MMeister for pwning me at the old times, Nicko/Jekki which are now grown ups and actually say goodnight, XSAX)) ,RonanUbuntu, tZork, the weird regulars of DCC like bart, dIM 4 never finally winning him, BBumkin, Sepelio and of course [RBI] Hama* first person i ever saw online. ufff done! : ) [/offtopic]