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Support for Mobile Devices (Phones, Tablets) ?

I would like to ask you if it would be possible to support Mobile Devices on this Forum, hence the use of TAPATALK ( It is the leading Mobile-Forum-App which is for example for Android one of the most used Apps on the Market. Also for iPhone and other mobile Operating Systems.

Installation is very simple, doesn't even require editing the Forum Software in any way (didn't on vBulletin). MyBB is also supported.

Its free. The only thing that cost roughly 2,- Euro is the Mobile App for the Phones/Tablets but first of, thats not expensive and worth every penny. And those that don't do mobile Internet at all but just on their PC don't have any disadvantage with this supported here.

If you could install this on this forum, I would greatly appreciate it. Wink

Thank you in advance.

[Image: QD2BT.png]

Umm... I'm not adminning the forum inteface itself, but may I ask why would this be so über cool for us to support?
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

"über cool" Smile

Well, lets not forget that Mobile Devices are already the most used on the Internet today. People like me browse their favourite or the forums they care for, mostly on either Tablets (iPad, Android Tablet etc.) or Smartphones (iPhone,Android etc.) because often I just to want to bother firing up my PC, just for that. I want to sit on the Sofa or do it from my bed when I am in the mood for it, or from when I am out someplace else.

I could of course browse forums the old fashion way, in the browser. All these devices have a internet browser by now. But because of bandwidth issues, its often far too much to display a whole forum incl. all its images and stuff. Some of us don't have a Mobile Internet Flat, but even if so, I would always prefer to save bandwidth if I can. With Tapatalk I can do that. It only gives me all I need to know / see / read in a forum. It doesnt require me to reload all the graphics etc. everytime, things that take from my bandwidth.

[Image: TaMJys.jpg] [Image: qrkros.jpg] [Image: qQsgLs.png] [Image: XWe6Us.jpg] [Image: xEv1xs.png]

It is one of the most used Smartphone application on the Android Market & very much used by now. For those of you that have no interest in Mobile Phones etc. it doesn't hurt or will bother you when this Forum would support it. But for those of you like me, interested in this, it would help us greatly being here without wasting too much bandwidth and comfortely browsing this Forum on our mobile Devices.

The Install/Registration takes just minutes, the Plugin itself can be uploaded and doesn't need any alteration of the Forum software. So the work is minimal but to all interested, the benefit is great. Wink

Its a request, not more. If thats too much to ask, no problem. Just would be sad.

Thanks for listening. Wink
[Image: QD2BT.png]

Do they pay you for this?
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

(10-24-2011, 10:25 AM)Minkovsky Wrote: Do they pay you for this?

Your request automatically triggered the anti-Spam module of PinkRobot. An automated query turned out negative. The subject and its request appear genuine with a probability of 92%. Thank you for using our services.
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

Although this seems partly like spam Tongue -- I'm actually quite interested. I have an Android phone as well and often browse the forums from it using an Opera web browser -- which clearly isn't the most optimal way to browse it... I'll look more into this Tapatalk thing, as it seems decent enough. My only dislike is of course that you have to pay for the app itself, but meh $3 isn't much.

Anyway, i'll talk with Tyler (-z-) whenever I get the chance, I don't have the ability to install plugins like that. Thanks for the suggestion mate Big Grin

That reminds me... Is there a tapatalk clone for Linux?

And what about a Unity Lens for this forum?
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

I have a phone, and use it quite a lot for this forums (now for example).

And I think it's perfect now, I normally hage mobile versions of sites, because you mostly can't see everything on them, you miss information.

And I just don't pay for apps.


(10-25-2011, 09:31 AM)Samual Wrote: My only dislike is of course that you have to pay for the app itself, but meh $3 isn't much.

Yes, well, I normally don't pay for Apps either, but this was the most worth spend App I ever did for a mobile Device. And honestly, whats roughly 3$ these days ?

And besides, who in the end here uses it is something else, noone is forced to and it changes nothing in the forum or on this site for those that don't want to use it.

But its a very easy & simple way of making it easy for those of us actually using stuff like that. And since the Plugin doesn't require even altering the Forum Software, I don't see a problem.

Would be nice at least to have a choice if you know what I mean. Wink
(10-25-2011, 04:25 PM)Mepper Wrote: because you mostly can't see everything on them, you miss information.

Its a interactive tool for Forums to be browsed on Mobile Devices. You don't miss anything there. Its ment to be optimized for the viewability and the bandwidth usage on Mobile Devices.

And for that its brilliant. It shouldn't just be dismissed just because some here don't need that. It doesn't cost to run it here on the forum. The only ones that have to pay a very little something for it are those that want to use it.

And that should be up to them to at least be able to use it here on this Forum. All I ask is that you give those of us a choice that like to use Mobile Devices.
[Image: QD2BT.png]

Any news on this request ?
Sorry for bothering.


[Image: QD2BT.png]

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