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Some hook/vehicles oddities

I am working on my map for the CTF mapping contest while I found a few glitches/bugs/strange stuff so I decided to make a video of it to make it easier to explain.

0:29 - Use hook secondary while its energy is depleted
0:56 - Racer and Spider are really attracted by the hook secondary
1:41 - Demonstration of how this could be (ab)used
2:50 - Slowmo 10, or any positive value causes the physics of the racer to go nuts IIRC 60 gave some funny results.
3:15 - Picking up the hook doesn't give me some energy back, I guess I have negative ammo from using its secondary more than I should?
4:12 - Two secondaries destroy it, but only as soon as I enter it. While otherwise the vehicles don't seem to be damaged by it.
4:32 - Horizontal liftoff? Big Grin

Great job. You should definitely post these as individual bugs. Put 0:56 and 4:32 together perhaps. And 0:29 and 3:15 too.

EDIT: I mean post these on the tracker:

Basically hook (any form) and vehicles are not supported atm.

slowmo issues is known, i think i know why it happens too.

last two is likely related to this one i have no idea how it can happen tough.

(05-19-2012, 03:29 AM)tZork Wrote: last two is likely related to this one i have no idea how it can happen tough.

That's a very old bug, for some reason entities on a slope sometimes get stuck like that. I used to play with clone bodies, put them on a slope and they would stop moving while still having their .velocity increase. Then I would shoot them and gibs would fly off at mad speeds.

It's not vehicle-specific, more like a bug related to movetype physics?

Very likely

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