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[BUG] Keyboard messed up on OS X

MacBook Pro running OS X 10.8, international keyboard, locale set to Russian, if that matters

keyboard mapping is all messed up in Xonotic. i can't get the right keys set up in settings. WASD don't work at all, ~ represents ] and it doesn't open console.

i used to have the same problem in Warsow 0.61, but in 1.0 it works fine


This might be related with this bug:

Do you have a cyrillic layout? Can you try switching to a latin alphabet layout such as QWERTY and see how that works?

(07-31-2012, 03:57 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: This might be related with this bug:

Do you have a cyrillic layout? Can you try switching to a latin alphabet layout such as QWERTY and see how that works?

yeah, look like that!

yes, i have a Russian cyrillic layout. starting the game with input language set to US English doesn't help, and i can't change input language in game. that makes the game unplayable Sad

Sure, but can you try setting the system's layout to US and then start the game? Just to confirm that this is indeed the issue.

(07-31-2012, 05:25 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Sure, but can you try setting the system's layout to US and then start the game? Just to confirm that this is indeed the issue.

that helped!

please let the devs know about this issue

That issue is quite complicated, but fixing it is very important. I'll try to insist on it.

probably you can ask Warsow developers, cause they seem to have fixed it

It's engine-dependant, Warsow devs can't really help here. It's not too complicated to code support from scratch, but in this case the input in Darkplaces was written in a way that makes it impossible to bind anything else than latin1 characters and some special keys. divVerent commented on the issue on the tracker:

I'm very sorry about this, but you will have to use QWERTY or a different latin layout to play Xonotic for now.

EDIT: As suggested in the tracker, set up a key bind in your operating system to switch to US QWERTY, then you can easily switch layouts to play.

oh sorry, at first i didn't notice other forums below "Off-topic"

(08-01-2012, 03:20 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: EDIT: As suggested in the tracker, set up a key bind in your operating system to switch to US QWERTY, then you can easily switch layouts to play.

every computer in Russia has such a binding (we use two languages to type text), and like i said before, switching keyboard layout in game doesn't help Sad

so my only option now is to switch OS language to English?

Maybe it doesn't work because the game is capturing keyboard shortcuts. Try using that shortcut before launching the game, or try doing it while the console is opened (to open it, press shift escape).

EDIT: I forgot you tried the shortcut before launching, sorry.

(08-01-2012, 11:33 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Maybe it doesn't work because the game is capturing keyboard shortcuts. Try using that shortcut before launching the game, or try doing it while the console is opened (to open it, press shift escape).

EDIT: I forgot you tried the shortcut before launching, sorry.

that didn't work.

i've noticed something strange: when i type "unbindall" in console fast, it appears as "uubiidall", so i have to type it slow. but when my OS language was set to English it was ok when i typed that fast.

hi! no changes since then?

Yep, still not fixed Sad in almost two years…

No, I'm sorry about that. No one seems to be interested in tackling this bug...

The main issue is that we can support EITHER non-english latin languages right, OR non-latin languages.

E.g. German/French users would be very confused if your config file and menu shows a bind for the "Z" key when what you actually have to press is the "Y" key (this is especially important in the keybind displays in-game).

Also, the platform of the majority of developers (Linux/X11) simply provides no way to "map back" to Latin layout given a Cyrillic keypress, as you get an "XK_Cyrillic_tse" keypress. Your best bet would be switching to Latin layout in-game - this is supposed to work.

If it does not (as you described), we need someone to debug this - I verified exactly this switching back works on Linux (however only during chat entry or while the console is open). We have zero Mac developers (or in other words, none of our developers owns a Mac), so getting this fixed is unlikely unless you can find us a Mac developer.

However, we are going to switch to SDL2 eventually, given SDL2 is becoming stable, and possibly this will fix the layout switching issue you described. Once a SDL2-using build for OS X exists, we can tell you to try it out.
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Filed to track the switch to SDL2 for OS X.

As for why it took two years - for two years we had no developer with a Mac. SDL2 is our only hope there.
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you got me right – i can't switch keyboard input layout while in game. switching the whole OS language to English has been my only solution, but i don't do that. will be hoping for SDL2. thanks!

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