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[SUGGESTION] A couple of suggestions

In wake of the high-speed and arena FPS scene becoming a complete mess (Tribes 4 development ceasing, Toxikk being a letdown, Reflex not drawing much of a crowd, Overwatch somehow getting a playerbase, Quake Live committing suicide, UT4's changes, etc.) I think it might be time to mostly polish what already exists here and get ready to drop it onto the public at a strategic time. Probably sometime into Quake Champions cycle after it's been out awhile, but right around the time that people are seemingly getting burnt out on it (give it a year or two probably) The following things would probably make the game have a higher perceived quality if done:

Ditch the campaign mode and replace it with some sort of training map(s). I recommend doing something similar to the tutorial found in Nexuiz 2.5 as well as having an open map with some targets and a bunch of bots running (and maybe jumping) fixed paths like Tribes 4 had. A map or two made specifically for movement techniques might also be a good idea to have here.

Hide broken or incomplete features, in particular parallax mapping needs to be swept under the rug until fixed as it creates more artifacts than graphical enhancements.

Make certain console optimizations default. In particular there were a few things in other threads I mentioned such as sloppy projectiles that have little to no visual impact but help performance a bit.

Redo the ammo distribution for the weapons. To my knowledge this is already planned.

Replace the machine gun with lightning gun. To my knowledge this also is already planned.

Make splash damage and explosions visually bleed through surfaces. This will lower the amount of confusion new players face when they're getting wrecked in the arena for the first time. Many new players don't actually realize that splash damage penetrates surfaces and many old players don't really think too hard on it so they may forget to mention it when teaching new players.

Oh wait.

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