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[NEED HELP] Game types | Tipos de juego [Votable]

[This post it was write in English and Spanish because my English is very very poor. I am sorry for this.]
[Este post fue escrito en inglés y español porque mi inglés es muy muy pobre. Lo siento por ello.]



Hi! How are you? Well, I need your help for one problem. I configured one server (You will can see it to the end of this Post) and I tried  in it configure some custom game types. It works correctly except in one think... For select the map in a custom type, this is loading and the player or players can't choose map (But you can see the time to choose a new map and the possible maps). I saw that the wait time depends of the number of players, for instance: if I am only me in the server, I have wait about 15 seconds; but if anybody join with me, this time duplicate. What am I do wrong? A lot of thanks previously!

NOTE: The custom menu options is commented because this fail. I thought in BOTs but no because without BOTs work same.



¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? Bueno, necesito vuestra ayuda para un problema. Configuré un servidor (Que puedes ver al final del Post) e intenté configurar algunos tipos de juego personalizados. Funcionaron correctamente excepto en una cosa... Para seleccionar un mapa en un modo personalizado, éste estará cargando y el o los jugadores no podrán escoger mapa (Aunque puedes ver el tiempo para seleccionar el mapa y los posibles mapas). Observé que hay que esperar un tiempo que depende del número de jugadores, por ejemplo; si estoy yo solo en el servidor, yo tengo que esperar más o menos 15 segundos; mientras que si alguien se une, el tiempo se duplica. ¿Qué estoy haciendo mal? ¡Muchas gracias de antemano!

NOTA: La opción de cambiar a modos personalizados está comentado por el error. Pensé en los BOTs pero trabaja igual sin BOTs.


sv_public 1
hostname "Error 418.2. I'm a game."
maxplayers 16

gametype ctf


g_balance_teams 0
g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance 0

g_instagib 1
g_powerups 0

g_grappling_hook 1

timelimit_override 20
capturelimit_override 10

//sv_curl_defaulturl ""
sv_curl_defaulturl ""
g_maplist ""
g_maplist_shuffle 1
g_maplist_votable 9

//alias global "g_maxplayers 0;fraglimit_override -1;g_tourney 0;minplayers 4;teamplay_mode 4;global;g_powerup_strength 1;"
alias global "g_maxplayers 0;fraglimit_override -1;g_tourney 0;teamplay_mode 4;global;endmatch;"

alias bot0 "bot_number 0;global;"
alias bot16 "bot_number 16;global;"

alias dm0 "gametype dm;bot0;"
alias tdm0 "gametype tdm;bot0;"
alias ctf0 "gametype ctf;bot0;"
alias dm16 "gametype dm;bot16;"
alias tdm16 "gametype tdm;bot16;"
alias ctf16 "gametype ctf;bot16;"

addvote dm0
addvote tdm0
addvote ctf0
addvote dm16
addvote tdm16
addvote ctf16

//set sv_vote_gametype_ctf0_name "Capture the flag 0"
//set sv_vote_gametype_ctf0_type "ctf"
//set sv_vote_gametype_ctf0_description "Capture the flag without BOTs."
//alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_ctf0 "ctf0"
//set sv_vote_gametype_ctf16_name "Capture the flag 16"
//set sv_vote_gametype_ctf16_type "ctf"
//set sv_vote_gametype_ctf16_description "Capture the flag with BOTs."
//alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_ctf16 "ctf16"
//set sv_vote_gametype_dm0_name "Damage 0"
//set sv_vote_gametype_dm0_type "dm"
//set sv_vote_gametype_dm0_description "Damage without BOTs."
//alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_dm0 "dm0"
//set sv_vote_gametype_dm16_name "Damage 16"
//set sv_vote_gametype_dm16_type "dm"
//set sv_vote_gametype_dm16_description "Damage with BOTs."
//alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_dm16 "dm16"
//set sv_vote_gametype_tdm0_name "Team damage 0"
//set sv_vote_gametype_tdm0_type "tdm"
//set sv_vote_gametype_tdm0_description "Team damage without BOTs."
//alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tdm0 "tdm0"
//set sv_vote_gametype_tdm16_name "Team damage 16"
//set sv_vote_gametype_tdm16_type "tdm"
//set sv_vote_gametype_tdm16_description "Team damage with BOTs."
//alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tdm16 "tdm16"

//sv_vote_gametype 1
//sv_vote_gametype_options "tdm0 tdm16 dm0 dm16 ctf0 ctf16"
//sv_vote_gametype_options "tdm0 dm0 ctf0"

sv_vote_gametype 1
sv_vote_gametype_options "tdm dm ctf"

set g_use_ammunition 0
set g_balance_grapplehook_speed_fly 5000
set g_weaponratefactor 8.6

How many maps do you have?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

You should use minplayers instead of bot_number, as bot_number blocks player slots...
If you have maxplayers 16 and bot_number 16 none will be able to join your server.

Thus you should replace
alias bot0 "bot_number 0;global;"
alias bot16 "bot_number 16;global;"
alias bot0 "minplayers 0;global;"
alias bot16 "minplayers 16;global;"

Hi again! How are you? Thanks a lot for your answers "end user" and "It'sMe".

Answering to end user
(08-25-2017, 11:42 AM)end user Wrote: How many maps do you have?

I have about 50 maps more or less. Do you think they are too many? I try to execute this server with the default game types and works successfully but with the custom modes no. Thanks a lot!

Answring to It'sMe
(08-25-2017, 12:51 PM)It\sMe Wrote: You should use minplayers instead of bot_number, as bot_number blocks player slots...
If you have maxplayers 16 and bot_number 16 none will be able to join your server.

Thus you should replace
alias bot0 "bot_number 0;global;"
alias bot16 "bot_number 16;global;"
alias bot0 "minplayers 0;global;"
alias bot16 "minplayers 16;global;"

I am not in my home in this moment but when I arrave there I will test your option and I will publish the results. Thanks a lot for your option!

Thanks for your help It'sMe but it not work neither, it made the same that my settings. Do you have another solution? A lot of thanks previously!

sv_public 1
hostname "Error 418.2. I'm a game."
maxplayers 16

gametype ctf


g_balance_teams 0
g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance 0

g_instagib 1
g_powerups 0

g_grappling_hook 1

timelimit_override 20
capturelimit_override 10

//sv_curl_defaulturl ""
sv_curl_defaulturl ""
g_maplist ""
g_maplist_shuffle 1
g_maplist_votable 9

//alias global "g_maxplayers 0;fraglimit_override -1;g_tourney 0;minplayers 4;teamplay_mode 4;global;g_powerup_strength 1;"
alias global "g_maxplayers 0;fraglimit_override -1;g_tourney 0;teamplay_mode 4;global;endmatch;"

alias bot0 "minplayers 0;global;"
alias bot16 "minplayers 16;global;"

alias dm0 "gametype dm;bot0;"
alias tdm0 "gametype tdm;bot0;"
alias ctf0 "gametype ctf;bot0;"
alias dm16 "gametype dm;bot16;"
alias tdm16 "gametype tdm;bot16;"
alias ctf16 "gametype ctf;bot16;"

addvote dm0
addvote tdm0
addvote ctf0
addvote dm16
addvote tdm16
addvote ctf16

set sv_vote_gametype_ctf0_name "Capture the flag 0"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf0_type "ctf"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf0_description "Capture the flag without BOTs."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_ctf0 "ctf0"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf16_name "Capture the flag 16"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf16_type "ctf"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf16_description "Capture the flag with BOTs."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_ctf16 "ctf16"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm0_name "Damage 0"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm0_type "dm"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm0_description "Damage without BOTs."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_dm0 "dm0"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm16_name "Damage 16"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm16_type "dm"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm16_description "Damage with BOTs."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_dm16 "dm16"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm0_name "Team damage 0"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm0_type "tdm"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm0_description "Team damage without BOTs."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tdm0 "tdm0"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm16_name "Team damage 16"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm16_type "tdm"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm16_description "Team damage with BOTs."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tdm16 "tdm16"

sv_vote_gametype 1
sv_vote_gametype_options "tdm0 tdm16 dm0 dm16 ctf0 ctf16"
//sv_vote_gametype_options "tdm0 dm0 ctf0"

//sv_vote_gametype 1
//sv_vote_gametype_options "tdm dm ctf"

set g_use_ammunition 0
set g_balance_grapplehook_speed_fly 5000
set g_weaponratefactor 8.6

Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r3 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
Authenticated connection to has been established: client is feOGiacz0XvlZpdO5BpBltcqidpkG0FsOcRUAVrEYsU=@Xon//Ks, I am BId/yO8@Xon//Ks
Mita Snow   is connecting...
Client "kyman" connection timed out
Client "kyman" dropped
Mita Snow   connected
Mita Snow   connected
Mita Snow   is now spectating
Player stats synchronized with server
Authenticated connection to has been established: client is LkGCjhGwNirD/BTgCDOSMbiEh1Ykc/FKaVIdIogGtsQ=@Xon//Ks, I am BId/yO8@Xon//Ks
kyman is connecting...
kyman connected
kyman connected
kyman is now spectating
Player stats synchronized with server
kyman is now playing
Mita Snow   is now playing
Mita Snow   ha sido el primero en eliminar a alguien!
kyman has been sublimated by Mita Snow  's Vaporizer
kyman has been sublimated by Mita Snow  's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   ha hecho una ELIMINACION TRIPLE!
kyman has been sublimated by Mita Snow  's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer, finalizando su cadena de 3 eliminaciones
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
kyman ha hecho una ELIMINACION TRIPLE!
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
kyman has been sublimated by Mita Snow  's Vaporizer, finalizando su cadena de 4 eliminaciones
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   was in the wrong place
kyman ha hecho una ELIMINACION TRIPLE!
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
kyman has been sublimated by Mita Snow  's Vaporizer, finalizando su cadena de 3 eliminaciones
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
kyman has been sublimated by Mita Snow  's Vaporizer, finalizando su cadena de 2 eliminaciones
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
kyman has been sublimated by Mita Snow  's Vaporizer, finalizando su cadena de 2 eliminaciones
Authenticated connection to has been established: client is ouNfvRLjZMZsFiDF9rnR51Y5akB7DTFMYL3yXgIO7l4=@Xon//Ks, I am BId/yO8@Xon//Ks
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ is connecting...
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
kyman ha hecho una ELIMINACION TRIPLE!
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ connected
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ connected
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ is now spectating
Player stats synchronized with server
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ is now playing
kyman desbloqueo FURIA!
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by ⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙'s Vaporizer
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
kyman ha empezado una MASSACRE!
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
kyman has been sublimated by ⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙'s Vaporizer, finalizando su cadena de 11 eliminaciones
kyman has been sublimated by Mita Snow  's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by ⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙'s Vaporizer
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ ha hecho una ELIMINACION TRIPLE!
kyman has been sublimated by ⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙'s Vaporizer
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer, finalizando su cadena de 3 eliminaciones
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
kyman ha hecho una ELIMINACION TRIPLE!
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
kyman has been sublimated by ⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙'s Vaporizer, finalizando su cadena de 3 eliminaciones
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ has been sublimated by Mita Snow  's Vaporizer
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by ⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙'s Vaporizer
Authenticated connection to has been established: client is YIWVGjmuaGa4vAty5HlI8HQjZiPVymgsrHJcsq49hzI=@Xon//Ks, I am BId/yO8@Xon//Ks
kyman ha hecho una ELIMINACION TRIPLE!
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
ANDREW2X is connecting...
Client "ANDREW2X" dropped
Mita Snow   has been sublimated by ⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙'s Vaporizer
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
kyman has been sublimated by ⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙'s Vaporizer, finalizando su cadena de 4 eliminaciones
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ has been sublimated by kyman's Vaporizer
kyman wins.
Weapon stats writing failed: -404
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map 79drgc2 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map a-spec-dm3 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map aetime supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map dissocia contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map dissocia_fixed contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map dissocia_fixed_02 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map dissocia_nex contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_01 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_02 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_3teams_01 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_3teams_02 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_4teams_02 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_01 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_02 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_egypt_style2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_fixed supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:619)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:620)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_new contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v1r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:946)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r3 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map grassoline_v1r1 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:875)
autogenerated mapinfo file maps/autogenerated/inverted_lostspace2.mapinfo has been loaded; please edit that file and move it to maps/inverted_lostspace2.mapinfo
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map lostspace2-inverted contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map lostspace2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map lostspace_jb supports unknown game type jb, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:1063)
Map lostspace_jb supports no game types, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map lostspace_reloaded contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map lostspace_reloaded_v1r1 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map powerstation supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:946)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_01 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_01 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map a-spec-dm3 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map a-spec-dm3 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map 79drgc2 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map 79drgc2 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_fixed supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:619)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:620)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_fixed supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:619)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:620)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map 79drgc2 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map a-spec-dm3 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map aetime supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map dissocia contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map dissocia_fixed contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map dissocia_fixed_02 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map dissocia_nex contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_01 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_02 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_3teams_01 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_3teams_02 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_4teams_02 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_01 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_02 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_egypt_style2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_fixed supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:619)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:620)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_new contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v1r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:946)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r3 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map grassoline_v1r1 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:875)
autogenerated mapinfo file maps/autogenerated/inverted_lostspace2.mapinfo has been loaded; please edit that file and move it to maps/inverted_lostspace2.mapinfo
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map lostspace2-inverted contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map lostspace2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map lostspace_jb supports unknown game type jb, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:1063)
Map lostspace_jb supports no game types, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map lostspace_reloaded contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map lostspace_reloaded_v1r1 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map powerstation supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map 79drgc2 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map a-spec-dm3 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map aetime supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_01 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_02 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_fixed supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:619)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:620)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:946)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r3 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
Game type successfully switched to dm
Cbuf_InsertText: overflow
Cbuf_InsertText: overflow
Client "kyman" connection timed out
Client "kyman" dropped
kyman disconnected
Client "⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙" connection timed out
Client "⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙" dropped
⚙Дискретный Процесс⚙ disconnected
Switching to map arena999
Loaded maps/arena999.ent
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map 79drgc2 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map a-spec-dm3 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map aetime supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map dissocia contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map dissocia_fixed contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map dissocia_fixed_02 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map dissocia_nex contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_01 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_02 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_3teams_01 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_3teams_02 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_4teams_02 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_01 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_02 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_egypt_style2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_fixed supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:619)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:620)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_new contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v1r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:946)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r3 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map grassoline_v1r1 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:875)
autogenerated mapinfo file maps/autogenerated/inverted_lostspace2.mapinfo has been loaded; please edit that file and move it to maps/inverted_lostspace2.mapinfo
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map lostspace2-inverted contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map lostspace2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map lostspace_jb supports unknown game type jb, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:1063)
Map lostspace_jb supports no game types, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map lostspace_reloaded contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map lostspace_reloaded_v1r1 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map powerstation supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r3 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_01 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map aetime supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map 79drgc2 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_02 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_fixed supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:619)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:620)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:946)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map a-spec-dm3 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map 79drgc2 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map a-spec-dm3 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map aetime supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_01 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_02 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_fixed supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:619)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:620)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:946)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r3 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map 79drgc2 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map a-spec-dm3 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map aetime supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map altered17 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map arena999 supports unknown game type arena, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_01 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasoline_noteams_02 supports unknown game type inf, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_fixed supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:619)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'freezetag'. Should use 'ft'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Type_FromString(./common/mapinfo.qc:620)
MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably gasolinepowered_fixed): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:946)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 supports unknown game type rune, ignored
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:942)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r2 contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[::SVQC::WARNING] MapInfo_Get_ByName_NoFallbacks(./common/mapinfo.qc:955)
Map gasolinepowered_v2r3 supports unknown game type vip, ignored
HMAC mismatch
0000:12545093 E67C9DF1 FB1EEB18 FD6519D0 .TP��|���.�.�e.�
0010:20100009 00000005 02                 ........      
HMAC mismatch
0000:EF0A2C52 075FE2F3 059E6686 14BB8926 �.,R._��.�f�.��&
0010:40100009 00000006 02                @........      
HMAC mismatch
0000:15A4AEA1 38912E11 D7E73529 3AC58522 .���8�..��5):Ņ"
0010:70100009 00000007 02                p........      
^AClient "Mita Snow  " connection timed out
Client "Mita Snow  " dropped
Authenticated connection to has been established: client is feOGiacz0XvlZpdO5BpBltcqidpkG0FsOcRUAVrEYsU=@Xon//Ks, I am BId/yO8@Xon//Ks
Mita Snow   is connecting...
Mita Snow   connected
Mita Snow   connected
Mita Snow   is now spectating
Player stats synchronized with server
Mita Snow   is now playing

(08-26-2017, 06:31 AM)KyMAN Wrote: Hi again! How are you? Thanks a lot for your answers "end user" and "It'sMe".

Answering to end user
(08-25-2017, 11:42 AM)end user Wrote: How many maps do you have?

I have about 50 maps more or less. Do you think they are too many? I try to execute this server with the default game types and works successfully but with the custom modes no. Thanks a lot!

Answring to It'sMe
(08-25-2017, 12:51 PM)It\sMe Wrote: You should use minplayers instead of bot_number, as bot_number blocks player slots...
If you have maxplayers 16 and bot_number 16 none will be able to join your server.

Thus you should replace
alias bot0 "bot_number 0;global;"
alias bot16 "bot_number 16;global;"
alias bot0 "minplayers 0;global;"
alias bot16 "minplayers 16;global;"

I am not in my home in this moment but when I arrave there I will test your option and I will publish the results. Thanks a lot for your option!

Not sure why but I do remember Mario's servers having issues with the map loading screens as he had so many maps. Are you running the SMB mod? Have you checked your CPU/Memory usage on the server when the maps are loaded?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Thanks for your answer "end user" but I think the memory or CPU is not the problem because I have a Dual Core 2.4Ghz with 4GB DDR3 Dual Channel 2133 and today I test with 200 maps (more or less, now I don't know the number exactly xD) and before I had about 17 (Before I wrong with 50 maps xD) and now the server works correctly without the custom game types.

I don't say you about SMB Mod because I don't know what is it. Hahaha! What is it? Possibility the problem would be there. Thank you previously!

NOTE: The computer where I run the server there is only the Xonotic server, there aren't anythink.

KyMAN: Are you running a release version of Xonotic (0.8.2) or one of the latest Autobuilds?

There's been some notable issues with the release version, so it might be worth trying an Autobuild.
[Image: 21975.jpg]

Quote:“To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.” - Douglas Adams

Hi and thank a lot for your porpose "cefiar". Well, my server is running in the 0.8.2 version. I can try  test in the previous version (0.8.1 where some very good servers are running) or get some of test versions and test if some of them works with the settings. Well. I try it and then I will post the results. Thanks again!

There is a script you can run in the standard setup that will download all the pieces to upgrade your site to an "autobuild" version.

Look in the in misc/tools/rsync-updater/ directory within Xonontic. The script you want is either or update-to-autobuild.bat (if you're on Windows).

There is also an (and matching .bat) that will sync you back to the release version (or the next release when 0.8.3 comes out) if you find the autobuild problematic.

Note: This won't change your config files. It is possible that it might change some of the default maps, but so far there's been no map changes that I'm aware of.
[Image: 21975.jpg]

Quote:“To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.” - Douglas Adams

Hi again and sorry for late to answer you. Thanks a lot for all yours opinions and possible solutions. Well, I found the problem. Its true that "Liberta" said me but it wasn't the problem. The mistake was between the keyboard and the chair. Hahahaha! I wrote an alias where one of its parameters was itself. The alias was global and now I post the correct code of my server.

I thank you for your help, was very important for me and my team. I have 2 other cuestions: one is a current mistake and the other is a dude about put one think.

One think for "Lyberta", in the terminal of the server I can see the 404 error for stats but not have any repercussion.

"cefiar", thank you for your help but in the end me was the mistake, the current version server, 0.8.2, works correctly for my server options and settings. Hahahaha! Thanks you for your help!


I put 12 custom game types selectable from votes but the votes not active the game type. I don't know why and where the mistake could be.

[ DUDE ]

I would like the number of votes appear in the vote screen like choose the map or the choose mode. How could I do? Thanks previously!


My current server code is the next:

// © 2017-2018 Copyleft. GPLv3.

// <p>Fichero de configuración del servidor Xonotic para el grupo Error
// 418.2. I'm a game.</p>
// @link
// @file server.cfg
// @author MitaSnow
// @author KyMAN
// @since 20170830
// @version 20170830
// @access public

sv_public 0
hostname "Error 418.2. I'm a game."
maxplayers 32

gametype ctf


g_balance_teams 0
g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance 0

g_instagib 1
g_powerups 0

g_grappling_hook 1

timelimit_override 20
capturelimit_override 10

sv_curl_defaulturl ""
g_maplist ""
g_maplist_shuffle 1
g_maplist_votable 9

alias global "g_maxplayers 0;fraglimit_override -1;g_tourney 0;teamplay_mode 4;endmatch;"
alias bots1 "minplayers 16;"
alias bots0 "minplayers 2;"
alias machinegun "g_weaponratefactor 8.6;"
alias shogun "g_weaponratefactor 1.6;"

addvote bots1
addvote bots0
addvote machinegun
addvote shotgun

alias bot0 "bots0;global;"
alias bot1 "bots1;global;"

alias dm0 "gametype dm;bot0;"
alias tdm0 "gametype tdm;bot0;"
alias ctf0 "gametype ctf;bot0;"
alias dm1 "gametype dm;bot1;"
alias tdm1 "gametype tdm;bot1;"
alias ctf1 "gametype ctf;bot1;"

alias dm0machinegun "dm0;machinegun;"
alias tdm0machinegun "tdm0;machinegun;"
alias ctf0machinegun "ctf0;machinegun;"
alias dm1machinegun "dm1;machinegun;"
alias tdm1machinegun "tdm1;machinegun;"
alias ctf1machinegun "ctf1;machinegun;"
alias dm0shotgun "dm0;shotgun;"
alias tdm0shotgun "tdm0;shotgun;"
alias ctf0shotgun "ctf0;shotgun;"
alias dm1shotgun "dm1;shotgun;"
alias tdm1shotgun "tdm1;shotgun;"
alias ctf1shotgun "ctf1;shotgun;"

addvote dm0machinegun
addvote tdm0machinegun
addvote ctf0machinegun
addvote dm1machinegun
addvote tdm1machinegun
addvote ctf1machinegun
addvote dm0shotgun
addvote tdm0shotgun
addvote ctf0shotgun
addvote dm1shotgun
addvote tdm1shotgun
addvote ctf1shotgun

set sv_vote_gametype_ctf0machinegun_name "Capture the flag"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf0machinegun_type "ctf"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf0machinegun_description "Capture the flag without BOTs with machinegun."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_ctf0machinegun "ctf0machinegun"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf1machinegun_name "Capture the flag BOTs"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf1machinegun_type "ctf"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf1machinegun_description "Capture the flag with BOTs with machinegun."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_ctf1machinegun "ctf1machinegun"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm0machinegun_name "Damage"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm0machinegun_type "dm"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm0machinegun_description "Damage without BOTs with machinegun."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_dm0machinegun "dm0machinegun"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm1machinegun_name "Damage BOTs"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm1machinegun_type "dm"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm1machinegun_description "Damage with BOTs with machinegun."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_dm1machinegun "dm1machinegun"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm0machinegun_name "Team damage"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm0machinegun_type "tdm"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm0machinegun_description "Team damage without BOTs with machinegun."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tdm0machinegun "tdm0machinegun"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm1machinegun_name "Team damage BOTs"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm1machinegun_type "tdm"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm1machinegun_description "Team damage with BOTs with machinegun."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tdm1machinegun "tdm16machinegun"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf0shotgun_name "Capture the flag"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf0shotgun_type "ctf"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf0shotgun_description "Capture the flag without BOTs with shotgun."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_ctf0shotgun "ctf0shotgun"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf1shotgun_name "Capture the flag BOTs"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf1shotgun_type "ctf"
set sv_vote_gametype_ctf1shotgun_description "Capture the flag with BOTs with shotgun."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_ctf1shotgun "ctf1shotgun"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm0shotgun_name "Damage"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm0shotgun_type "dm"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm0shotgun_description "Damage without BOTs with shotgun."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_dm0shotgun "dm0shotgun"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm1shotgun_name "Damage BOTs"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm1shotgun_type "dm"
set sv_vote_gametype_dm1shotgun_description "Damage with BOTs with shotgun."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_dm1shotgun "dm1shotgun"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm0shotgun_name "Team damage"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm0shotgun_type "tdm"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm0shotgun_description "Team damage without BOTs with shotgun."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tdm0shotgun "tdm0shotgun"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm1shotgun_name "Team damage BOTs"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm1shotgun_type "tdm"
set sv_vote_gametype_tdm1shotgun_description "Team damage with BOTs with shotgun."
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tdm1shotgun "tdm16shotgun"

sv_vote_gametype 0
sv_vote_gametype_options "tdm0machinegun tdm1machinegun dm0machinegun dm1machinegun ctf0machinegun ctf1machinegun tdm0shotgun tdm1shotgun dm0shotgun dm1shotgun ctf0shotgun ctf1shotgun"

set g_use_ammunition 0
set g_balance_grapplehook_speed_fly 5000

NOTE: I remove the game type vote screen because it not work correctly. Nowadays I choose the option using the VCALL command in the console and works correctly, I see the command in the new tutorial of "Lyberta".

Have fun!

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