12-31-2010, 12:40 PM
alias tourneysettings "fraglimit_overide 0; g_tourney 1; minplayers 0; teamplay_mode 2"
alias publicsettings "fraglimit_override -1; g_tourney 0; minplayers 4; teamplay_mode 4"
alias 1v1dm "gametype dm; g_maxplayers 2; tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 0;endmatch"
alias 2v2tdm "gametype tdm; g_maxplayers 4; tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 3v3tdm "gametype tdm; g_maxplayers 6; tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 4v4tdm "gametype tdm; g_maxplayers 8; tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 5v5tdm "gametype tdm; g_maxplayers 10;tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 2v2ctf "gametype ctf; g_maxplayers 4; tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 3v3ctf "gametype ctf; g_maxplayers 6; tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 4v4ctf "gametype ctf; g_maxplayers 8; tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 5v5ctf "gametype ctf; g_maxplayers 10;tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 2v2ca "gametype ca; g_maxplayers 4; tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 3v3ca "gametype ca; g_maxplayers 6; tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 4v4ca "gametype ca; g_maxplayers 8; tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 5v5ca "gametype ca; g_maxplayers 10;tourneysettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias dm "gametype dm; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias infection "gametype infection; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias freezetag "gametype freezetag; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias tdm "gametype tdm; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias ctf "gametype ctf; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias ca "gametype ca; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias assault "gametype as; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias keepaway "gametype keepaway; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias nexball "gametype nexball; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias domination "gametype dom; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias keyhunt "gametype kh; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias rune "gametype rune; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias arena "gametype arena; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias lms "gametype lms; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias onslaught "gametype onslaught; g_maxplayers 0; publicsettings;g_powerup_strength 1;endmatch"
alias 1on1dm "1v1dm"
alias 2on2tdm "2v2tdm"
alias 3on3tdm "3v3tdm"
alias 4on4tdm "4v4tdm"
alias 5on5tdm "5v5tdm"
alias 2on2ctf "2v2ctf"
alias 3on3ctf "3v3ctf"
alias 4on4ctf "4v4ctf"
alias 5on5ctf "5v5ctf"
alias 2on2ca "2v2ca"
alias 3on3ca "3v3ca"
alias 4on4ca "4v4ca"
alias 5on5ca "5v5ca"
alias dom "domination"
alias kh "keyhunt"
alias ons "onslaught"
addvote 1v1dm
addvote 2v2tdm
addvote 3v3tdm
addvote 4v4tdm
addvote 5v5tdm
addvote 2v2ca
addvote 3v3ca
addvote 4v4ca
addvote 5v5ca
addvote 2v2ctf
addvote 3v3ctf
addvote 4v4ctf
addvote 5v5ctf
addvote 3v3ca
addvote 4v4ca
addvote 1on1dm
addvote 2on2tdm
addvote 2on2ca
addvote 3on3ctf
addvote 3on3ca
addvote 4on4ca
addvote dm
addvote tdm
addvote ctf
addvote ca
addvote infection
addvote freezetag
addvote assault
addvote keepaway
addvote nexball
addvote kh
addvote keyhunt
addvote dom
addvote domination
addvote rune
addvote arena
addvote lms
addvote ons
addvote onslaught
alias minsta "toggle g_minstagib;g_weaponarena 0; restart"
alias nobots "minplayers 0; bot_number 0; say To re-enable bots, please revote for a public gametype"
alias infammo "toggle g_use_ammunition; restart"
alias warmup "toggle g_warmup; restart"
addvote minsta
addvote timelimit
addvote nobots
addvote infammo
addvote sv_fbskin_green
addvote sv_fbskin_orange
addvote sv_fbskin_red
addvote sv_fbskin_off
addvote warmup
put that at the end of server.cfg and players will be able to chose every game mode on your server. Script made by FruitieX. I would like to see at least dm and tdm on all dm servers, when 6+ players gather on such servers it stops all the fun and its just chaos ( not a cool version of chaos