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[SOLVED] Game displays [x] joined the [y] team upon connecting

I searched the gitlab page for this but didn't find it there or anywhere in here.

When I or other players join a server the game displays some messages in the bottom left corner of my HUD; usually:

[Player name] has joined the [BLUE or RED] team.
[Player name] connected.
[Player name] is spectating.

Since the player will always initially be spectating, the first line, claiming that the player joined a team, is wrong.
I play a regularly updated git build on this server (usually), and I've noticed this for about a month now (sorry, can't be more specific about the exact point in time this bug was introduced). While playing around a bit I noticed that changing my character model color in my profile while spectating also triggered the message (without me joining anything), however this only works the first time I change the colors in the profile.

This bug is a bit annoying because it makes is less obvious when someone joined a team. So if I'm currently playing and trying to concentrate on the game, the capital letters in BLUE or RED in their respective colors are a good way of letting me know that someone joined my team or the opponent's team without me having to check with the TAB key or look closely at the message (I can discern this by noticing it in my peripheral field of view, without actually diverting attention down to the message field). Because of this bug, however, I now have to either regularly check TAB or divert attention from the game to the message field so I can see if the message was caused by a joining player or a connecting player.

Okay cool, thanks.
I still see this after updating but I assume it's probably the server that needs to be updated for this to take effect.

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