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[SUGGESTION] GUI suggestions for gfx settings

right now when you enter the settings menu, the background darkens/gets covered with translucent sheet or such.
i had to notice this to be quite bad when i wanted to tweak this or that thing and have a look at the outcome.

as you know some changes to settings can be applied immediatly, whilest others may need a video restart.
well, for the first ones (which you can tamper in realtime with) an unoccluded view on the actual screen would be beneficial. in other words, pls remove the darkening cover sheet for the settings menu, so i can actually see my my changes in the background.

also, a notice when i change something that needs restart/reload would be fine.

(ever tried changing color/brightness settings with that fogged screen? wooahr!)

uhm... also a 'save this setting as .cfg file' would be nice.
also.. please make all gfx-related settings (or else) available via GUI, so one does not have to fiddle with that cvar lists and old txt-files.

i consider this part of the 'user-friendly experience' all scream about ;-)

I think that translucent thing comes from the "complete menu".. so just disabling it for the settings menu (and also just for fiddling with certain settings) sounds like a bad user experience. Maybe a checkbox to make the menu totally transparent would be better? At least makes more sense to me..

The engine currently does not give a clue as to what settings require a apply/restart/vid_restart, so if one were to add such notifications in the menu they would be totally independent from the engine, and thus could be wrong whenever the engine changes.

Howoften does one really need the 'save settings as other cfg file'?? Use the console and saveconfig name.cfg (iirc?) if you really need to.. The console is especially for such seldomly used things so that the menu can remain straight forward. The same goes for all gfx related settings, there are just too many of them if you ask me. And really only a few of them make sense to change.. And the most important ones are already in the menu.
Real signature is still in production!

well, okay.. make it an option then Wink
i always get annoyed when i notice my screen being to bright/whatever and want to change it; then noticing it all greying out when entering menu, therefore making it impossible to adjust properly.

(many maps appear too bright, like near white for ground or sky..)

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