01-27-2014, 09:08 PM
Recently, I started to not see the maps to vote on at the end of a match until only 2 choices were left, with the other 7 as blank thumbnails with the "if-you-can-see-this-the-code-is-broken" message. Now (as of three days ago), I never see map choices. I've discovered that I can still vote by pressing appropriate number keys, but I can't see what to vote for. Although I only play on a couple of servers, this happens on each server I've connected to.
Running 0.7 on Mint, upgraded a while back from 0.6. No recent (past month or more) updates installed by me, but I do get new csprogs.dat quite frequently. I tried going back to an old known-good config.cfg file, no help.
Running 0.7 on Mint, upgraded a while back from 0.6. No recent (past month or more) updates installed by me, but I do get new csprogs.dat quite frequently. I tried going back to an old known-good config.cfg file, no help.