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g_balance_sniperrifle_primary_tracer 0 (tracer OFF) does not work.

g_balance_sniperrifle_primary_tracer 0 (tracer OFF) does not work.

See what happens when one needlessly changes variable names just because they don't like the joke (camping rifle).
Seriously, why did you hate the joke so much you had to change the variable names, what the hell?

I think it had more to do with sensible naming schemes than keeping a 6+ month old joke around for dead lolz.

yea and now any .mapinfo that has those cvar names has to be rewritten and the pk3 re-released.
Also it was the actual original name of the gun.
anyway: Bug:
g_balance_sniperrifle_primary_tracer 0 (tracer OFF) does not work.

sed, how does it work?
bye / bad luck and have boredom

(03-20-2011, 03:49 AM)noobermin Wrote: sed, how does it work?

Like that:

0:[(git:master)xonotic/data/xonotic-data.pk3dir] cat physicsNexuiz25.cfg
// Xonotic 2.5 physics
sv_gravity 800
sv_maxspeed 400
sv_maxairspeed 220
sv_stopspeed 100
sv_accelerate 8
sv_airaccelerate 5.5
sv_friction 7
edgefriction 1
sv_stepheight 34
sv_jumpvelocity 300
sv_wateraccelerate -1
sv_waterfriction -1
sv_airaccel_sideways_friction 0.35
sv_airaccel_qw 0.95
sv_airstopaccelerate 0
sv_airstrafeaccelerate 0
sv_maxairstrafespeed 0
sv_airstrafeaccel_qw 0
sv_aircontrol 0
sv_aircontrol_penalty 0
sv_aircontrol_power 2
sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw 0
sv_warsowbunny_turnaccel 0
sv_warsowbunny_accel 0.1593
sv_warsowbunny_topspeed 925
sv_warsowbunny_backtosideratio 0.8
sv_friction_on_land 0
sv_doublejump 0
sv_jumpspeedcap_min ""
sv_jumpspeedcap_max ""
sv_jumpspeedcap_max_disable_on_ramps 0
g_teleport_maxspeed 0

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