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[SUGGESTION] 3rd person view blocking crosshair when looking down

I love how well done and customizeable 3rd person view is, but I keep blocking the view of the crosshair when especially when looking down. I was wondering if there was a way to make the character transparent when the model blocks what is in front of the crosshair. Unfortunately I find myself frequently in this situation becasuse I use 3rd person to judge distances for grappling hook and for jumping with alt fire. I find 3rd person essential to play ctf.

Also I couldnt figure out how to configure input to toggle between 1st and 3rd person view or if possible.

To toggle:
bind p toggle chase_active
will make "p" a bind to toggle between 1st and 3rd.

As for the transparency, I don't think there's such a thing yet. It might be possible to implement with CSQC player models. Make that a low-priority feature request, or find a "third-party" developer to implement it!

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