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[SUGGESTION] Regarding the new xonotic website theme

maybe some people have to say more about it.

but the one thing thats bugging me about it are the socialapps buttons hovering on the left side. On my laptop which only got a 1024x600 resolution the buttons halfway overlap the first button of the main menu...

[Image: buttonsw.png]

EDIT: i just noticed the starting page is the media page? uhm... why? i think the "about xonotic" was just perfect for first time visitors.
EDITEDIT: what does "to get the skinny" in "Check out the Blog, development tracker, forums and #xonotic on / to get the skinny." mean?

EDITEDITEDIT: the greyish main menu doesnt fit to the header. too hard edges, maybe needs gradient to black at top. Or alpha transparency to let the glow of the header shine through

While I'm happy you're reporting bugs, this is still an early stage and I haven't even replaced the header yet so a lot of these things will be addressed. The blurb above the media is serving as a mini-about us, in this transition period.

There are more important things to address at this point in time but you will see these minor bugs get resolved as I meld the forum and wordpress themes together more.

thought so.
sorry for ripping it apart so soon. Wink

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