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[SUGGESTION] How singleplayer/story mode might work

The problem:
If we actually manage to get a complete singpleplayer mode (story campaign and bot matches, but mainly bot matches) in Xonotic, there's going to be loads of new maps and textures. This'll make the download size of the Xonotic package pretty big Undecided

The solution:
Have a sort of "library" of singleplayer maps online. The story campaign can be split into several "chapters", which the player can download individually. Also, there could be different packs of bot matches e.g. beginner pack contains easy matches while insanity pack contains nearly impossible matches.


* The initial download size/time of Xonotic can be reduced
* People who aren't interested in the story campaign can go straight to bot matches or multiplayer
* Experienced players don't have to play through the easy matches to get to the difficult ones.
* Makes contributing and playing easier - we won't have to wait for a new version of the game to contribute or play new content.
[Image: 370.png] AKA [~] John Smith on Nexuiz

Better Idea:

In a similar fashion to Modern Warfare, make the single player and multiplayer two different games. Also I think the main problem is the developers currently don't want to work on a single player at the moment and half the jokers on this forum are suggesting some crazy over-the-top ideas that simply wouldn't work as opposed to doing something UT3-like (which is more doable on Xonotic than it was on UT3).

Oh wait.

(04-27-2010, 05:43 PM)Lee_Stricklin Wrote: Better Idea:

In a similar fashion to Modern Warfare, make the single player and multiplayer two different games. Also I think the main problem is the developers currently don't want to work on a single player at the moment and half the jokers on this forum are suggesting some crazy over-the-top ideas that simply wouldn't work as opposed to doing something UT3-like (which is more doable on Xonotic than it was on UT3).

I'd be happy to do work on singleplayer without too much help from the devs - in fact, I'm going to start a thread in the development forum quite soon.
[Image: 370.png] AKA [~] John Smith on Nexuiz

I think a better idea would be to shape the singleplayer as a long campaing ( 6 very good levels of gameplay XYZ), and make others maps "optional" part of the campaing.



This will make singleplayer both "Closed" and "Expandable". Totally "Open" is a horrible design for a singleplayer game, because will never feel like singleplayer, just a serie of meaningless skirmish (even if singleplayer is a serie of meaningless skirmish, you don't want the player to feel that!).

How to make the xpandability thing? uh... two ways: dynamic teleporters, or a list of maps in "computer terminal" you can use on the map.

In the campaing you can have some hub levels where these "computer terminals" can let you access the other maps, in a long list.
If you are in ep4hub, you will only see the maps for episode4, not maps created for ep6. This way theres some progression.

Anyway all of this is moot point:
1) gameplay is not decide.
2) is the people that make this real that need to take this decisions.

I don't think talking about this advance anything.

(04-28-2010, 11:17 AM)Tei Wrote: 2) is the people that make this real that need to take this decisions.

Well, I'm intending do some singleplayer work myself, quite soon Big Grin
[Image: 370.png] AKA [~] John Smith on Nexuiz

indeed. as soon as I get my new computer, I will begin working on mapping, and once I get fairly good with that, I will start attempting to make some "campaign" demos. just proof of concepts to see how well the concept's play out.
Master of mysterious geometries

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(04-28-2010, 02:27 PM)theShadow Wrote: indeed. as soon as I get my new computer, I will begin working on mapping, and once I get fairly good with that, I will start attempting to make some "campaign" demos. just proof of concepts to see how well the concept's play out.


I'm thinking of doing some work on the coding side of things, like objectives and monsters Smile
[Image: 370.png] AKA [~] John Smith on Nexuiz

I'm not really skilled in the technical areas, but I can provide feedback and maybe even direction if needed. I don't fully know how a single player would be implemented, but I imagine a UT3-style approach would be the better option since the multiplayer game types (Assault, CTS, Onslaught especially) already provide a really good base to build off of. I imagine their would need to be some kind of mutator that tells the game that it's running in singleplayer though, so that the singleplayer-specific stuff happens. Also I think it would be a good idea if the story were being written as the game part itself is being worked on.

Oh wait.

Or campaign can be a separate PK3. Want campaign? Get PK3.

Some people has made a java app for Quake1, that list a lot of resouces (mostly maps) and let you get one and download.
This app can be adapted, so you "review and install" these custom maps. (Maybe even add the funcionality inside DarkPlaces (curl, are you here?). Imagine brownsing a list of available maps (with screenshots) from inside the game, and pressing a button to download the map you are looking. ).

Downloading files is never a problem: Internet is very good for that, you don't have to invent anything for that, just maybe give some usability back at the user.

but I think there should be some new weapons and these have to be included in the normal Xonotic.
Because I don't thinc they can be added later.
[Image: 788.png]

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