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My Configuration File for InstaGib Comp-Content

Inspired by this post by Antibody

I thought it'd be fair to help people who want to get into InstaGib, but want to use some of Antibody's settings. I have made a .cfg file to help you get started, but this is a partial version for the things I have set.

\\I absolutely love using Ignis instead of Mega Erbius, which everyone uses
"_cl_playermodel" "models/player/ignis.iqm"

\\These will distract you severly
"cl_bobfall" "0"
"cl_bobmodel" "0"

seta "cl_damageeffect" "2"
"cl_decals_fadetime" "10"
seta "cl_eventchase_death" "0"
"cl_followmodel" "0"

\\This is for concistency reasons here, just like Antibody
seta "cl_forceplayercolors" "1"
seta "cl_forceplayermodels" "1"

\\More distraction prevention
seta "cl_gentle_gibs" "2"

\\Middle alignment seems to treat you best
seta "cl_gunalign" "1"

\\Again, more distraction prevention
"cl_particles_alpha" "0.2"
"cl_particles_blood" "0"
"cl_particles_quality" "1"
"cl_particles_smoke" "0"
"cl_particles_smoke_alpha" "0.75"
"cl_particles_sparks" "0"

\\Another form of distraction prevention
seta "cl_simple_items" "1"

\\Crosshair settings for myself (and Antibody, since these are his)
"crosshair" "32"
seta "crosshair_alpha" "0.9"
seta "crosshair_color" "0.969112 0.946679 0"
seta "crosshair_color_per_weapon" "0"
seta "crosshair_color_special" "0"
seta "crosshair_dot" "1"
seta "crosshair_dot_alpha" "0.9"
seta "crosshair_dot_size" "1.1"
seta "crosshair_enabled" "2"
seta "crosshair_hitindication" "0"
seta "crosshair_hittest" "0"
seta "crosshair_hittest_blur_wall" "0"
seta "crosshair_per_weapon" "0"
seta "crosshair_pickup" "0"
seta "crosshair_ring_alpha" "0.1"
seta "crosshair_ring_reload_size" "1"
seta "crosshair_ring_size" "0.75"
"crosshair_size" "0.5"

\\I use a range of 100-115 for FOV
"fov" "115"

\\More distraction prevention, as per the usual
"gl_picmip" "-1"
"gl_picmip_world" "1337"
"gl_texture_anisotropy" "16"
"gl_texturecompression" "1"

\\My settings combined with Antibody's for the HUD
seta "hud_configure_grid_xsize" "0.010000"
seta "hud_configure_grid_ysize" "0.010000"
seta "hud_configure_teamcolorforced" "1"
seta "hud_damage" "0"
seta "hud_damage_fade_rate" "1"
seta "hud_damage_gentle_alpha_multiplier" "0.25"
seta "hud_damage_maxalpha" "2"
seta "hud_dock_color" "0 0.449576 0.860796"
seta "hud_dock_color_team" "0.7"
seta "hud_dynamic_shake" "0"
seta "hud_fontsize_spec" "16"
seta "hud_panel_ammo_bg" ""
seta "hud_panel_ammo_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_panel_ammo_noncurrent_alpha" "0.7"
seta "hud_panel_ammo_noncurrent_scale" "1"
seta "hud_panel_ammo_pos" "0.650000 0.890000"
seta "hud_panel_ammo_size" "0.055000 0.110000"
seta "hud_panel_bg_border" "8"
seta "hud_panel_bg_color" "1 0.4375 0"
seta "hud_panel_bg_color_team" "0"
seta "hud_panel_bg_padding" "2"
seta "hud_panel_centerprint_fadetime" "0.250000"
seta "hud_panel_chat_pos" "0 0.775000"
seta "hud_panel_chat_size" "0.460000 0.110000"
seta "hud_panel_engineinfo_framecounter_time" "1"
seta "hud_panel_engineinfo_pos" "0.910000 0.970000"
seta "hud_panel_engineinfo_size" "0.090000 0.030000"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_bg" ""
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_padding" "0"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_maxarmor" "150"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_maxhealth" "250"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_pos" "0.350000 0.890000"
seta "hud_panel_healtharmor_size" "0.300000 0.050000"
seta "hud_panel_infomessages_pos" "0.710000 0"
seta "hud_panel_infomessages_size" "0.280000 0.090000"
seta "hud_panel_itemstime_bg" ""
seta "hud_panel_itemstime_pos" "0.000000 0.310000"
seta "hud_panel_itemstime_size" "0.070000 0.180000"
seta "hud_panel_mapvote_bg" "0"
seta "hud_panel_modicons_bg" ""
seta "hud_panel_modicons_bg_border" ""
seta "hud_panel_modicons_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_panel_modicons_pos" "0.580000 0"
seta "hud_panel_modicons_size" "0.050000 0.100000"
seta "hud_panel_notify_flip" "1"
seta "hud_panel_notify_icon_aspect" "2"
seta "hud_panel_notify_pos" "0 0"
seta "hud_panel_notify_size" "0.210000 0.260000"
seta "hud_panel_physics_bg" ""
seta "hud_panel_physics_bg_alpha" ""
seta "hud_panel_physics_pos" "0.440000 0.590000"
seta "hud_panel_physics_progressbar" "3"
seta "hud_panel_physics_size" "0.120000 0.050000"
seta "hud_panel_physics_speed_unit" "4"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_baralign" "1"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_bg" "0"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_bg_padding" "-3"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_iconalign" "1"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_pos" "0.290000 0.890000"
seta "hud_panel_powerups_size" "0.055000 0.110000"
seta "hud_panel_pressedkeys" "0"
seta "hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg" "0"
seta "hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_panel_pressedkeys_pos" "0.450000 0.650000"
seta "hud_panel_pressedkeys_size" "0.100000 0.110000"
seta "hud_panel_quickmenu_pos" "0.600000 0.460000"
seta "hud_panel_quickmenu_size" "0.190000 0.190000"
seta "hud_panel_racetimer_pos" "0.360000 0.130000"
seta "hud_panel_radar_bg" "border_default"
seta "hud_panel_radar_bg_alpha" "0.5"
seta "hud_panel_radar_bg_border" "0"
seta "hud_panel_radar_bg_padding" "0"
seta "hud_panel_radar_foreground_alpha" "0.5"
seta "hud_panel_radar_maximized_scale" "8192"
seta "hud_panel_radar_pos" "0.810000 0"
seta "hud_panel_radar_scale" "4096"
seta "hud_panel_radar_size" "0.190000 0.250000"
seta "hud_panel_score_bg" ""
seta "hud_panel_score_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_panel_score_pos" "0.465000 0.060000"
seta "hud_panel_score_size" "0.090000 0.060000"
seta "hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_doublerows" "1"
seta "hud_panel_scoreboard_bg" "0"
seta "hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_alpha" "0"
seta "hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_color" ""
seta "hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_teams_color_team" "0.7"
seta "hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_alpha" "0.8"
seta "hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha" "0.08"
seta "hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha_eliminated" "0.5"
seta "hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha_self" "0.3"
seta "hud_panel_strafehud_bg" ""
seta "hud_panel_strafehud_bg_alpha" ""
seta "hud_panel_strafehud_pos" "0.380000 0.550000"
seta "hud_panel_strafehud_size" "0.240000 0.025000"
seta "hud_panel_timer_bg" "0"
seta "hud_panel_timer_increment" "1"
seta "hud_panel_timer_pos" "0.605000 0.230000"
seta "hud_panel_timer_size" "0.100000 0.0850000"
seta "hud_panel_vote_alreadyvoted_alpha" "0.8"
seta "hud_panel_vote_bg" ""
seta "hud_panel_vote_pos" "0 0.890000"
seta "hud_panel_vote_size" "0.170000 0.110000"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_accuracy" "1"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_accuracy_color0" "1 0 0"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_accuracy_color1" "1 1 0"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_accuracy_color2" "0 1 0"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_accuracy_color_levels" "0 20 100"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_ammo" "1"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_ammo_color" "0 1 0"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_aspect" "2"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_bg" ""
seta "hud_panel_weapons_bg_padding" ""
seta "hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_donthave" "0.8 0.5 0"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_outofammo" "0.8 0 0"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_unavailable" "0 0.3 0.8"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_padding" "-1"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_label" "1"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_label_scale" "0.5"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_alpha" "1"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_scale" "1"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_pos" "0.350000 0.940000"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_selection_speed" "0"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_size" "0.300000 0.060000"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_timeout" "0"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect" "0"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadebgmin" "0"
seta "hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadefgmin" "0"
seta "hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha" "0.5"
seta "hud_powerup" "0.5"
seta "hud_progressbar_acceleration_color" "0.5 0.75 1"
seta "hud_progressbar_acceleration_neg_color" "0.125 0.25 0.5"
seta "hud_progressbar_alpha" "0.5"
seta "hud_progressbar_armor_color" "0 0.6 0"
seta "hud_progressbar_fuel_color" "0.6 0.6 0"
seta "hud_progressbar_health_color" "0.6 0 0"
seta "hud_progressbar_nexball_color" "0.7 0.1 0"
seta "hud_progressbar_oxygen_color" "0 1 1"
seta "hud_progressbar_shield_color" "0.6 0 0.6"
seta "hud_progressbar_speed_color" "1 0.75 0"
seta "hud_progressbar_strength_color" "0 0 0.6"
seta "hud_progressbar_superweapons_color" "0.6 0.3 0"
seta "hud_progressbar_vehicles_ammo1_color" "0.8 0.7 0"
seta "hud_progressbar_vehicles_ammo2_color" "0.7 0.4 0"
seta "hud_skin" "luminos"

\\Final set of distraction prevention
"r_bloom" "1"
"r_coronas_occlusionquery" "1"
"r_depthfirst" "2"
"r_drawdecals_drawdistance" "500"
"r_drawparticles_drawdistance" "2000"
"r_drawviewmodel" "0"
"r_framedatasize" "4"
"r_glsl_offsetmapping" "1"
"r_glsl_postprocess" "2"
"r_glsl_saturation" "0.8500001"
"r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows" "1"
"r_shadow_realtime_world" "1"
"r_shadow_shadowmapping" "1"
"r_subdivisions_tolerance" "2"
"r_viewfbo" "2"
"r_water" "1"
"r_water_resolutionmultiplier" "0.5"
"sensitivity" "1.8"
"showfps" "1"

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