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XDF Party Night

Hoi friends!!
We are hosting an xdf event. Anyone is welcome. We have a special maplist (22 maps in total, handpicked), and it is not strafe oriented, but rather more focused on trick jumping, columns, ramps and other "technical" goodies. The goal is to have fun, meet people, get drunk (18+ or 21+ in some countries/states, please look up you local laws, we are not responsible for any felonies or misdemeanors you might get yourself into).
We do want to first every single map on that list though, so hopefully we get 28 fresh firsts. It can become a requirement for switching to next map, if the participants will be up for the challenge.

connect (Balance changes server) hosted by homs and administered by Hurr Durr I'm a Sheep, whose real name is banhammer, and who is better known by his stage name: packer.
Date: June 2nd, 2017.
Time: around 21:00 CEST (after today's king of the map cup)

Hope to see you there Smile


Buying peppermint liquor.
<lightbringer> if you're wearing power armor, nobody can tell if you're a cat
<thearcon> you are the sickest individual on this channel Big Grin

FINALLY an event that starts 21:00 CET, not 19:00 CET.

And now I already got friends coming over tonight.

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Well I can't strafe for shit so I might be up for this. Granted that means I'd be getting drunk at 5 o clock in the morning.....
I'll see if I can join. Is there a place where you guys normally voice chat?

Thank you very much for playing guys. Was epic. We did get some firsts and we did only a handful of maps from the pool, but oh boy, was that fun. Had to call it a night at 7am, my biological needs to pass out overpowered me after all. We shall continue with this adventure for the times to come!

How about this evening? Big Grin

Yeah, lets set one up for the future.  I would definitely love to join!

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