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Where the frick is everyone?

Thursday 10:58 pm. NuckyC just woke up from a much needed nap from a day of pwning his girlfriend and stumbled, half naked, to the fridge. Luckily his roomate went shopping and got his favorite post sex beverage. PURPLE STUFF! After guzzling what seemed like a gallon of kool-aid and finally putting on some pants... He Was Ready. With out even kissing his girl goodbye he pushed her out the door and let out a rather girlish giggle. Jittery with excitment, he ran to his computer and quickly booted it up. After what seemed like years (fucking windows) he was booted up and navigating to his favorite Pandora Radio station. Everything was almost ready. NuckyC slowly but confidently double-clicked on the Xonotic icon, goosebumps rose all over his body. He moved his mouse oveR the servers icon and took a slow, deep breath...*click*...AND WOULDNT YOU FUCKING KNOW IT! NOBODY WAS FUCKING ON!!!!!!!! FUCKING FUCKER FUCK FCUCK FVUKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im the iron chef of pwning vagBig Grin

Judging from the forum activity, everyone is on here fighting about weapon settings. Tongue
Links to my: SoundCloud and bandcamp accounts

xD "the electro sucks!""No you suck!""your mom sucks!". I swear we need to hire a babtysitter for the forums!
Im the iron chef of pwning vagBig Grin

Hello Nuck

Great story, bro.

Here's the deal with Xonotic in the north american community.

For those who don't know, I run the House of CTF [HOCTF] server. For North America, there were two efforts to push Xonotic.

1) In August, 2010, I created a page explaining how to compile and try out xonotic. I spammed the URL on my server for weeks. I put up a basic default settings server. That was somewhat successful in getting people to try it. I would say a couple dozen tried it out. Reviews were mostly negative

2) When the preview came out, another batch of people gave Xonotic a try. There were more servers available to test on, and a few more maps. Reviews were still mostly negative.

When v0.2 comes out (hopefully soon), I'll give another attempt at pushing Xonotic. I now have a better server setup to play more maps. I'm really hoping the balance changes by tZork, Samual and others will result in some improvements. I also hope there are more maps by that time, because that is a major limiting factor in getting people to play Xonotic.

If v0.2 also has bad reviews and people don't switch over to Xonotic, then my next plan would be to start playing around with my own custom config (with feedback from the HOCTF community). If that is successful, then hopefully some of those ideas will trickle up the pipe and influence the Xonotic default settings.

BTW, this isn't really off topic. Moving it to the general discussion forum.

(02-19-2011, 11:08 AM)FruitieX Wrote: Judging from the forum activity, everyone is on here fighting about weapon settings. Tongue

YOU WANT SOME OF THIS! RAWR! lol sad but true, we have a few disagreements on what what a good balance is.

(02-19-2011, 01:30 PM)Dokujisan Wrote: Hello Nuck

Great story, bro.

Here's the deal with Xonotic in the north american community.

For those who don't know, I run the House of CTF [HOCTF] server. For North America, there were two efforts to push Xonotic.

1) In August, 2010, I created a page explaining how to compile and try out xonotic. I spammed the URL on my server for weeks. I put up a basic default settings server. That was somewhat successful in getting people to try it. I would say a couple dozen tried it out. Reviews were mostly negative

2) When the preview came out, another batch of people gave Xonotic a try. There were more servers available to test on, and a few more maps. Reviews were still mostly negative.

When v0.2 comes out (hopefully soon), I'll give another attempt at pushing Xonotic. I now have a better server setup to play more maps. I'm really hoping the balance changes by tZork, Samual and others will result in some improvements. I also hope there are more maps by that time, because that is a major limiting factor in getting people to play Xonotic.

If v0.2 also has bad reviews and people don't switch over to Xonotic, then my next plan would be to start playing around with my own custom config (with feedback from the HOCTF community). If that is successful, then hopefully some of those ideas will trickle up the pipe and influence the Xonotic default settings.

BTW, this isn't really off topic. Moving it to the general discussion forum.

Here's a link you may be interested in... lol couldn't resist, though it has changed a bit since the preview release, so you still might want to give it a try.

Oh wait.

Why fighting whole the time about the balance. It just IS good that there are some different balances to play on. Variation is good, I like that.

And also here in Europe, most of the time NO ONE is only. Or maybe one or two race players, nothing more. But if I look to the quality of this game, that shouldn't be POSSIBLE. If just every one is this world would know that this exists....... But they fucking hell don't! #%*@!

We shouldn't make mess about that balance, just put one balance on a few servers, and an other one on another server, etc.

BETTER FIND PLAYERS! I don't really like playing race whole the time, I need people to play against.

Moved to Mepper

I actually think Xonotic would be a huge hit with ALL of the old players, if the weapons and physics completely reverted back to the old, and the team started focusing soley on visual presentation. Then later, after the entire community is engaged in hardcore fast deathmatch awesomesauce action, you start slowly introducing small changes here and there through an autoupdate system.

PS: Speaking of visual respresentation, I would love to see better firing animations and eyecandy for each gun, like smoke, particles, and other various mechanics moving on the guns themselves, rather than only the projectile. Not to mention animated hand models holding the weapon. Perhaps see your player models body when you look down?
[Image: jngsiggy.png]

mepper Wrote:FIND PLAYERS! I don't really like playing race whole the time, I need people to play against.

There aren't many players because there isnt any marketing for the game yet. This will change hopefully (or actually it MUST) when we're getting close to the beta. Until then, feel free joining the #xonotic.pickup IRC channel at QuakeNet. We're getting often games started at the weekends there (especially 5on5 CTF).

Don't be so worried.

Please also guys stop scaring people off talking about balance stuff, half of the people don't know what there on about.

Remember Xonotic is still in a preview version, the next release 0.2 will have a more solid balance so this should nearly be a much better representation of what will be in the final game.

Also yes, a lot of nexuiz player's don't know even about the game yet, but it's ok cause it's still in a early stage.

@jngw - Doing that would be going backwards Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Yes, it would indeed be backwards =P. But I certainly already loved Nexuiz and it's balance/weapons. I personally joined up in Xonotic because I am in love with the new visuals. Space Elevator is beautiful and I would love to see more with that design and color scheme (=. I would be more than satisfied with Xonotic as a visual rework only, but I know that will not happen.
[Image: jngsiggy.png]



Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver were a step backwards. Just saying. Sometimes you need to take a step back, my balance initially did just that and I think that's the biggest complaint about it, but it was mostly the balanceFruit cult that said it was bad while others act like it doesn't exist...

Oh wait.

Just to be clear: I like this game, alot. like more than alot actually. like i may go as far and say i love it. Not love like the way you love your dog or really good frozen yogurt, but love like it gets me through tuff times. Wait... what are we talking about again? Forzen yogurt sounds delicious.

Seriously though i really like the direction this game is heading. The only thing i want from it is more community involvement. Nothing against Germany but seriously lets get some USA love here.

Lee_Stricklin for President!!!
Im the iron chef of pwning vagBig Grin

Keep all of the visual, and performance improvements, and ditch the weapon changes, physics and balance changes, and plecos. =P
[Image: jngsiggy.png]

(02-19-2011, 05:48 PM)jngdwe Wrote: I actually think Xonotic would be a huge hit with ALL of the old players, if the weapons and physics completely reverted back to the old

This is why many people left Nexuiz (weapon balance).

(02-19-2011, 11:15 PM)Lee_Stricklin Wrote: Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver were a step backwards. Just saying. Sometimes you need to take a step back, my balance initially did just that and I think that's the biggest complaint about it, but it was mostly the balanceFruit cult that said it was bad while others act like it doesn't exist...

The games are remakes of old ones, but Xonotic is a new game and not a remake! People need to understand that.
And the major balances are the Shell balance and Samual/tZork balance. Not your balance or do you see people talking about it or testing it? You wish that but it won't happen. I guess someone had to post that some time.

Actually Xonotic is a continuation of Nexuiz, with remade content. Hell, even the FAQ (sorta) says it is.

Oh wait.

Actually, no.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

me just read it ,yep i cant see...

but i saw this:
The names of the caretakers are:

•DivVerent [GER] : Lead developer
•-z- [US] : Lead web developer, Server admin
•Dokujisan [US] : Community director, Server admin
•tZork [SWE] : Developer, Server admin, Mapper, Modeler
•mand1nga [ARG] : Developer
•merlijn [HOL] : Developer, Server admin
•Morphed [POL] : Modeler, Developer

ild like to include me as the official mascot.
and so:
The names of the caretakers are:

•DivVerent [GER] : Lead developer
•-z- [US] : Lead web developer, Server admin
•Dokujisan [US] : Community director, Server admin
•tZork [SWE] : Developer, Server admin, Mapper, Modeler
•mand1nga [ARG] : Developer
•merlijn [HOL] : Developer, Server admin
•Morphed [POL] : Modeler, Developer
•CHOOKSTA [AUST] :mascot , crappy music , nerd relations




Just getting all the old Nexuiz players to Xonotic should not be our goal. If I look to the quality, we can easily get MUCH MORE players. Also with this balance, I don't see what's wrong with it.

If people just know that this exists......
Moved to Mepper

I think for when 0.2 is to be released, we need to make a bit more of a push to get Xonotic out to more site's for starters Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


(02-20-2011, 10:37 AM)kojn^ Wrote: I think for when 0.2 is to be released, we need to make a bit more of a push to get Xonotic out to more site's for starters Smile

you already said this about 0.1
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

(02-20-2011, 12:48 PM)Cortez666 Wrote:
(02-20-2011, 10:37 AM)kojn^ Wrote: I think for when 0.2 is to be released, we need to make a bit more of a push to get Xonotic out to more site's for starters Smile

you already said this about 0.1

Let's just find a handful of gaming boards, register on them, and then do what I do best. lol

Oh wait.

(02-19-2011, 05:06 PM)mepperNoSkillsOnlyLuck Wrote: BETTER FIND PLAYERS! I don't really like playing race whole the time, I need people to play against.

This is quite interesting. Why are race servers flooded with players when the others are empty? :p
Links to my: SoundCloud and bandcamp accounts

(02-20-2011, 12:48 PM)Cortez666 Wrote:
(02-20-2011, 10:37 AM)kojn^ Wrote: I think for when 0.2 is to be released, we need to make a bit more of a push to get Xonotic out to more site's for starters Smile

you already said this about 0.1

So? And now i'm saying it about 0.2. Stop trolling my posts please.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


(02-21-2011, 07:31 AM)kojn^ Wrote:
(02-20-2011, 12:48 PM)Cortez666 Wrote: you already said this about 0.1

So? And now i'm saying it about 0.2. Stop trolling my posts please.

Since when exactly is saying the truth trolling?

Personally I think Xonotic isn't doing itself a favor by having a preview that offers people an army of empty servers. A lot of gamers who download the preview to look at the empty servers will leave again and never come back. And in my humble opinion the pickup community contributes to this problem by hiding on private servers instead of getting the community running. (I don't say that pickup is bad, I just note that it's a very bad time for this.)

I tried to contribute to getting a server full, but finally gave up and went back to nexuiz. Playing freezetag with bots really isn't fun.
[Tue Aug 5 2008] [00:15:01] <Ronan`> RoKenn, you're an evil person Tongue

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