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Writing a NetRadiant plugin with Visual C++


I'm currently trying to write a plugin for NetRadiant with Visual C++. Right now, it's just a simple plugin that should add an entry to the menu bar. My problem is that NetRadiant always crashes on startup when trying to load that plugin. It looks like strings and/or pointers do not get passed correctly.

GDB backtrace:

Thanks in advance Wink
[Image: 604.png] We Think We aRe Pros (Homepage)


Can you try comparing to the Bobtoolz plugin? That one is known to work, but no idea about the "example" plugin. I doubt id software ever tested this, the plugin may even use 1.4 API and not 1.5 stuff.
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Also, I see you pass the wrong type argument to registerModule. You probably need to fix this.
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Those plugins never have Visual Studio project files (.vcproj). Do I have to create a new project and add all the files to it? (I did this for the sample)

Also, I don't call registerModule directly, I just use selfRegister (which then calls registerModule)
[Image: 604.png] We Think We aRe Pros (Homepage)


No idea. NetRadiant is not compiled with Visual Studio normally, but gcc (mingw32).
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The Bot Orchestra is back! | Xoylent Easter Egg | 5bots1piano
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Yeah I know, but I thought It'd be possible anyways.
And compiling NetRadiant with Visual Studio isn't possible either I guess?
[Image: 604.png] We Think We aRe Pros (Homepage)


Nobody made Visual Studio projects for that, but probably the GtkRadiant 1.5.0 files won't need many changes to support NetRadiant.

However, I don't have Windows, so I won't maintain them. If you want to, you can take this task on though. No idea where to get original GtkRadiant 1.5.0 source now though, as is down.
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The Bot Orchestra is back! | Xoylent Easter Egg | 5bots1piano
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