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hi every1 its dualbit (j-_-j)

hi evry1 im dualbit im newish to this game i looove it its a bit too fast i sed something about it in the suggestions page. but yeah great gme fun RLY nice gfx fora game at the best price free lol. i played cod halo gmod mimecraft so im glad to add this game to me list. cant wait for next.update gonna b awsoooome Smile)). frag u l8r gais Big Grin

Smile Welcome to Xonotic!

Welcome Smile
A friendly advice: next time please write in a less 1337 speak.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

sry my english is bad plus i use my phone all the time lol


Howdy friend Smile

If THIS is too fast for you, go play Quakeworld Tongue
Noobing around since three hours ago.

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