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Teaser 1 Sleepy Heart

I'm finishing piypelab (from forum post old pk3)

Visuals are going to be completely redone (layout the similar though)
the current version isn't ready for a pk3 release ... yet ... thats why I am teasing you ... with teasers

for you ... Sleepy HeartHeartHeart

[Image: oh-stop-it-you.png]

I first thought one of Erebus' taunts was "wink". Other one was "posse".


yes ... its in the same map

4 u ^^ Sleepy HeartHeartHeart

(06-27-2012, 05:19 AM)rafallus Wrote: I first thought one of Erebus' taunts was "wink". Other one was "posse".

I still don't know what the "wink" one is.

I think he says "wimp", doesn't he?
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Wink The Fuck?
Wait. Is it a map preview? What map?

4 u Sleepy HeartHeartHeart

The texture alignment is pretty bad. You might wanna fix that.


.png   tease-0004-0001.png (Size: 127.98 KB / Downloads: 65)

hutty :: hmm hmm .... making teaser ... hmm hmm .... I want Ice cream

.png   tease-0004-0002.png (Size: 139.6 KB / Downloads: 66)

shanon :: Oh my gosh ... thats soo mean!
gakly :: what?
shanon :: he was going to send another one of those horrible jepegs to the forum peoples
gakly :: isin't its pronounced jaypegs ... like pegs of jay ...
shanon :: ummm ... ... I'm pretty sure its actually jpg ...
gakly :: what ? thats not even pronounceable
shanon :: never mind ... look


shanon :: look he was all ready to bring a compression artifact hell among all the forum people

gakly :: oh my ... what kind of terrible person could do such a thing

.png   tease-0004-0004.png (Size: 169.14 KB / Downloads: 66)

hutty :: ...
gakly :: ...
shanon :: well ... this is ... um ...


anyways ... no teaser for today ... seems that fictional characters got in the way of my posting again ...

gakly :: I dont think im fictional
hutty :: shut up or I will draw you $&*##yer ...
shanon :: but you drew yourself even worse
hutty :: I said shut up

Wtf iz up wiv ur screnshoots? They iz like all blurry and shit.

... map posted in map releases section of forum

You're such a lazy lazy person. Here's the link: wink

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