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Rcon2IRC [Mac/Linux]

Hi All,

Recently, while searching for information on how to setup plugins for Rcon2IRC, I noticed there's not much documentation for it. So, I've decided to make a simple guide on setting up Rcon2IRC:

- System Requirements:

libdigest-hmac-perl, libdigest-md4-perl & libdigest-sha1-perl
Linux: Use this command to install the dependencies in one go: sudo apt-get install libdigest-hmac-perl libdigest-md4-perl libdigest-sha-perl
Mac users need MacPorts installed. You can find the dependencies here:

- Rcon2IRC Setup

Navigate to Xonotic/server/rcon2irc, then make a copy of rcon2irc-example.conf. Name the copy rcon2irc.conf. Now open rcon2irc.conf in a text editor, and change the first 7 settings to match your server and the IRC network and channel you want the Rcon2IRC bot to connect to. Give the bot a good name too! The rest of the config doesnt matter for now. If the server is running on your computer, you can use or localhost as the dp_server.

Next, open a Terminal window (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal - Mac, Main Menu>Accessories>Terminal - Linux), cd into the Rcon2IRC directory (e.g. "cd ~/Xonotic/server/rcon2irc), and type this: "perl rcon2irc.conf" without quotes. If it fails to start, scroll down to Common Errors, & make sure you have all the required dependencies installed.

Next, in your server console type in rcon2irc_eval. You will have to type this in each time you start/restart the server or Rcon2IRC.

- Common Errors

- If you get "dp << sv_cmd bansstatus 1log_dest_udprcon2irc_eval set dummy 1" repeated, open rcon2irc.conf & uncomment dp_secure 1 (remove the # from the front of the command), & type these commands in your Xonotic server console: "rcon_secure 0; rcon_password password" without quotes, make sure "password" matches dp_password in rcon2irc.conf. Now, run "perl rcon2irc.conf" in Terminal again and see if you get the same problem. If this does not fix the issue, make sure you're not G-Lined (banned) from the IRC server.

- If you restart Rcon2IRC while your Xonotic server is running, type this in the Xonotic server console: rcon2irc_eval. This will fix a few problems, including "<set> dummy" spam.

- Optional things to change in rcon2irc.conf:

- You can announce when someone joins or leaves your server, uncomment the "plugins =" line and add "". The line should look like this when you are done: "plugins =" Seperate plugins with a space, e.g. "plugins ="

- You can announce map changes and free slots on IRC by uncommenting #irc_announce_mapchange = always and #irc_announce_slotsfree = 1 respectively.

- If you're getting "ctf_runningmanctf has begun (9 free slots); join now: nexuiz +connect localhost:26000" whenever there is a new map change and want to show the real IP to connect to, uncomment dp_server_from_wan = and add the WAN IP to connect to, so it looks like this: "dp_server_from_wan =" You can find out what your WAN IP address is at:

- Using this custom, you can remove the need to highlight the IRC bot's name to chat to the server from IRC:

- You can also control your Xonotic from IRC, by uncommenting the "plugins =" line and adding "" (e.g. "plugins =" - Seperate plugins with a space, e.g. "plugins =") in rcon2irc.conf, then uncomment "irc_admin_password =" & add a desired password (e.g. "irc_admin_password = R2C0N"). Next, type this in your IRC client: "/query botname" (change "botname" to your Rcon2IRC bot's IRC nick), then type "login password" ("password" being the irc_admin_password you specified in rcon2irc.conf). IRC admin control works similar to Rcon in Xonotic, except instead of "rcon", you use "raw dp" (e.g. "raw dp timelimit inf").

Thanks for reading, & I hope this guide helps those with Rcon2IRC questions/problems,
[Image: 230.jpg]

Neat stuff. Mac users probably *don't* need MacPorts, but can instead run the following command:

sudo cpan Digest::HMAC Digest::MD4 Digest::SHA

You may have to hit 'return' a few times to get through the initial CPAN setup, but it should take a lot less time than setting up MacPorts.

If it's the same cpan script that I know, it makes things hard to uninstall or maintain :x

Great guide, I had to apt-get install libdigest-sha-perl as well as the listed packages above there.

Any information on what the other perl scripts do or how to interact with them?

Cant seem to get this to work. Also libdigest-sha1-perl is not available from the repost anymore only libdigest-sha-perl

I have this in my server.cfg file

Quote:alias rcon2irc_eval "$*"log_dest_udpsv_logscores_console 0sv_logscores_bots 1sv_eventlo$
alias rcon2irc_say_as "set say_as_restorenick \"$sv_adminnick\"; sv_adminnick \"$1^3\";$
alias rcon2irc_say_as_restore "set sv_adminnick \"$say_as_restorenick\""
alias rcon2irc_quit "echo \"quitting rcon2irc $1: log_dest_udp is $log_dest_udp\""

This is what I get in the terminal

Quote:Listening on
dp << echo "Unknown command \"rcon2irc_eval\""
unhandled: irc >> NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname
unhandled: irc >> NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking Ident
unhandled: irc >> NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname
unhandled: irc >> NOTICE AUTH :*** No ident response
dp << sv_cmd banliststatus 1log_dest_udprcon2irc_eval set dummy 1

Quote:# DarkPlaces server data
dp_server =
dp_password = mypass

# IRC configuration
irc_server =
irc_nick = killerIRC
irc_nick_alternates = testXon_ testXon__
irc_user = killerIRC
irc_channel =

# uncomment for server administration via IRC
#irc_admin_password = hackme

# IRC NickServ authentication (optional)
#irc_nickserv_password = hackme

# IRC Quakenet challenge/response authentication (optional)
#irc_quakenet_authname = hack
#irc_quakenet_password = me
# Users with a Q account listed here can use admin commands on the bot
#irc_quakenet_authusers = a b c

# IRC on-connect commands
#irc_commands = PRIVMSG Admin :hello, I am there; MODE $nick +x

# Extra plug-ins to load
#plugins =

# Alternate IRC trigger (can be used instead of nickname to send stuff to the server)
#irc_trigger = xonxonxon

# Custom output options
#irc_announce_slotsfree = 1
# The var irc_announce_mapchange can be set to either never, notempty or always
#irc_announce_mapchange = always

# Tuning
#dp_secure = 1
#dp_secure_challengetimeout = 1
#dp_server_from_wan =
#dp_listen =
#dp_listen_from_server =
#dp_status_delay = 30
#dp_utf8_enable = 1
#dp_timinglog = timing.log
#irc_reconnect_delay = 300
#irc_admin_timeout = 3600
#irc_admin_quote_re =
#irc_local =
#irc_ping_delay = 120
#irc_nickserv_identify = PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY %2$s
#irc_nickserv_ghost = PRIVMSG NickServ :GHOST %1$s %2$s
#irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts = 3
#irc_quakenet_getchallenge = PRIVMSG :CHALLENGE
#irc_quakenet_challengeauth = PRIVMSG :CHALLENGEAUTH
#irc_quakenet_challengeprefix = :Q! NOTICE [^:]+ :CHALLENGE

# Example: Gamesurge AuthServ (does not provide ghosting)
#irc_nickserv_password = mypassword
#irc_nickserv_identify = AUTHSERV AUTH myauthname %2$s
#irc_nickserv_ghost =
#irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts = 0

# Example: connect to a non-secure DP server
dp_secure = 0
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

What is not working?

(05-04-2013, 11:21 PM)end user Wrote: I have this in my server.cfg file

Quote:alias rcon2irc_eval "$*"log_dest_udpsv_logscores_console 0sv_logscores_bots 1sv_eventlo$
alias rcon2irc_say_as "set say_as_restorenick \"$sv_adminnick\"; sv_adminnick \"$1^3\";$
alias rcon2irc_say_as_restore "set sv_adminnick \"$say_as_restorenick\""
alias rcon2irc_quit "echo \"quitting rcon2irc $1: log_dest_udp is $log_dest_udp\""

Huh. rcon2irc should do it on its own, you don't need that in your server.cfg. Remove it and read rcon2irc.txt.

dp_listen_from_server should be set to your IRC server's external IP, unless it's on the same machine as the Xonotic server (in which case, set dp_server to

That long line of aliases is indeed not needed, I'll remove it from the OP.

(10-26-2011, 05:03 PM)mianosm Wrote: Great guide, I had to apt-get install libdigest-sha-perl as well as the listed packages above there.

Any information on what the other perl scripts do or how to interact with them?

Most of the scripts have some information about how they work inside themselves (you can open perl scripts like text files).
You can load them in your rcon2irc.conf by uncommenting & adding their full file-names to plugins =
[Image: 230.jpg]

Ok so I got it to connect to a Dalnet server and my channel but no messages are coming through the irc channel or Xonotic.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

You need to highlight the bot in your IRC chat messages for them to show in-game.
You may also need to set rcon_secure to 0 in your server's config for anything to work (check your server's console log for "server denied rcon access to ..." messages).

The second option should also fix the game to IRC chat.
[Image: 230.jpg]

(05-05-2013, 08:05 PM)Mario Wrote: You need to highlight the bot in your IRC chat messages for them to show in-game.
You may also need to set rcon_secure to 0 in your server's config for anything to work (check your server's console log for "server denied rcon access to ..." messages).

The second option should also fix the game to IRC chat.

>rcon_secure to 0

Are you talking about running rcon_sercure 0; rcon_password in the game/server console?

I do that and the game does log it but still no chat info going back and forth.

Highlighting the bot what do you mean? Private chat?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

(05-05-2013, 11:50 PM)end user Wrote: Highlighting the bot what do you mean? Private chat?

Did you read the documentation at all? That question is answered in rcon2irc.txt, so please read that.

(05-06-2013, 01:13 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote:
(05-05-2013, 11:50 PM)end user Wrote: Highlighting the bot what do you mean? Private chat?

Did you read the documentation at all? That question is answered in rcon2irc.txt, so please read that.

Ok so I got the irc chat to show in game by using prefix of

ircbot_name: enter text

So in order in order to get the extra chat features I have to add the plug-in to the plug-in section of the recon2irc.conf file?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

What extra chat features? What plugin?

(05-06-2013, 01:25 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: What extra chat features? What plugin?

From the read me file


- Show results of matches in the IRC channel

- Act as a gateway to allow chat between Xonotic server and IRC users, useful
for making the server more interesting to the public, but also useful as a
mere helper for the server admin to watch what's happening in game (like, if
people complain about a problem):
- Any line written in game using say (not say_team) goes to the IRC channel.
- Any line written in the channel, prefixed by the bot's nick name and a :,
goes into the Xonotic game.
- Example:
View in game:
(RedAlert) stop teamkilling!
.ThreeHeadedMonkey.: I am behind you!
View on IRC, assuming the IRC gateway has the nick noobXon and is voiced:
<+noobXon> <.ThreeHeadedMonkey.> I am behind you!

- Notify about free slots on the server. Example:
* noobXon is full!
* noobXon can be joined again (2 free slots); join now: xonotic +connect!
<+noobXon> ctf_capturecity_v2r1 has begun (2 free slots); join now: xonotic +connect

- Display scores at the end of a match in the IRC channel. Example:
<+noobXon> ctf_capturecity_v2r1 ended: 301:78 Nicole 115, elsteer BLD {Y} 77,
CensoredNickname 57, 0grueN# 29, Bigus 23, ZeroA 36, ricer 22,
Treey@suse8 12, cZaR6RUSS7 8, BrightDev1l 0

I though maybe the extra pl file in the recon2irc folder where needed for the above.

How can I diagnose why the in game say messages are not being sent to the irc channel?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

(05-06-2013, 11:41 PM)end user Wrote: I though maybe the extra pl file in the recon2irc folder where needed for the above.

How can I diagnose why the in game say messages are not being sent to the irc channel?

No, those are features of rcon2irc itself, you don't need plugins for that.

Send us logs of both rcon2irc and the game server, from the moment you start rcon2irc to the moment you feel something should have happened but did not.

Ok got this going for the most part and I think originally I had issues because I wasn't using PORT 26000 so had to use ip:26001 in the cfg file.

Im using the plugin and have this in there

# Do not use more than 5 lines here, as they will be cut off by the client.
my @jmtext = (
"Join us on IRC at #freeze.xonotic or",
"There are no rules here KILL OR BE KILLED",

In the game this is what it displays

<Freeze MoFo [Nexuiz Camping Rifle] git tells you> .....

What I need to do is change the hostname/server name (Freeze MoFo [Nexuiz Camping Rifle] git) in that message but can't find it in any of the rcon2irc files or the text "tells you"
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Ok so Mario suggested using the help.cfg file found in xonotic/server where you can enter help messages that are inserted into the game chat window every say 300 seconds.

In order to use this you need to move the help.cfg file to .xonotic/data and if your server is already running in the server console type in exec help.cfg and then type in help_loop

In the help.cfg file you can enter the nic that you want to use.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

(06-22-2013, 05:51 PM)end user Wrote: What I need to do is change the hostname/server name (Freeze MoFo [Nexuiz Camping Rifle] git) in that message but can't find it in any of the rcon2irc files or the text "tells you"

Did you try the apropos command? There's a cvar for exactly that purpose. I'll let you search for it.

HAH so here's one

rcon2irc was running good and decided to remove the plugin. All I did was remove it from this line plugins =
uploaded the new cfg and restarted. Now i get this error /6667: Invalid argument at line 318.

Now I can get onto IRC from the server itself as I run a third user on the channel. I did set up the recon2irc from home and it does connect, just to make sure no files were corrupted I re uploaded the rcon2irc files and tried it running it on another user but still get the same results

Here's my config file

# DarkPlaces server data
dp_server =
dp_password = ******

# IRC configuration
irc_server =
irc_nick = xxxbot
irc_nick_alternates = xxxbot_ xxxbot__
irc_user = banme
irc_channel = #freeze.xonotic

# uncomment for server administration via IRC
#irc_admin_password = hackme

# IRC NickServ authentication (optional)
#irc_nickserv_password = hackme

# IRC Quakenet challenge/response authentication (optional)
#irc_quakenet_authname = hack
#irc_quakenet_password = me
# Users with a Q account listed here can use admin commands on the bot
#irc_quakenet_authusers = a b c

# IRC on-connect commands
#irc_commands = PRIVMSG Admin :hello, I am there; MODE $nick +x

# Extra plug-ins to load
plugins =

# Alternate IRC trigger (can be used instead of nickname to send stuff to the server)
irc_trigger = say

# Custom output options
irc_announce_slotsfree = 1
# The var irc_announce_mapchange can be set to either never, notempty or always
irc_announce_mapchange = always

# Tuning
dp_secure = 1
#dp_secure_challengetimeout = 1
#dp_server_from_wan =
#dp_listen =
#dp_listen_from_server =
#dp_status_delay = 30
#dp_utf8_enable = 1
#dp_timinglog = timing.log
#irc_reconnect_delay = 300
#irc_admin_timeout = 3600
#irc_admin_quote_re =
#irc_local =
#irc_ping_delay = 120
#irc_nickserv_identify = PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY %2$s
#irc_nickserv_ghost = PRIVMSG NickServ :GHOST %1$s %2$s
#irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts = 3
#irc_quakenet_getchallenge = PRIVMSG :CHALLENGE
#irc_quakenet_challengeauth = PRIVMSG :CHALLENGEAUTH
#irc_quakenet_challengeprefix = :Q! NOTICE [^:]+ :CHALLENGE

# Example: Gamesurge AuthServ (does not provide ghosting)
#irc_nickserv_password = mypassword
#irc_nickserv_identify = AUTHSERV AUTH myauthname %2$s
#irc_nickserv_ghost =
#irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts = 0

# Example: connect to a non-secure DP server
#dp_secure = 0
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Can I get the full, exact output of running the script?

Unfortunately this is all I get

xonotic@Ubuntu-1204-precise-64-minimal:~/xonotic/server/rcon2irc$ perl rcon2irc.conf
/6667: Invalid argument at line 318.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

That's unusual. Did you modify the .pl script at all? You're using the version shipping with Xonotic 0.7, are you not?

(06-23-2013, 04:29 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: That's unusual. Did you modify the .pl script at all? You're using the version shipping with Xonotic 0.7, are you not?

Yes I even uploaded a fresh one from a fresh download. I'm gonna set up a different user and install from scratch as it does work from my home computer.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

That's just overkill. Can you provide or check sha1 hashes for both the script and your redacted config that you posted here?
$ openssl sha1 /tmp/end_user.cfg
SHA1( f3d9d0c3a93be84aa14db5ce0f42e74d94b6de8a
SHA1(/tmp/end_user.cfg)= 65b7a94f15ce023ffab65a5d6fa21e6495e0678e

EDIT: We should be having this discussion over IRC but I don't have time right now, sorry about that.
EDIT2: Anyway, you shouldn't run away from issues like that. You can't afford to reinstall everything from scratch when such a tiny detail gets in the way, or you'll never know how to deal with it when it inevitably comes back.

Well I found a Xonotic zip in the the trash folder so got another set of fresh files and uploaded them to a different user. That worked but uploading those files to the first user still gives that error.

(06-23-2013, 04:44 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: That's just overkill. Can you provide or check sha1 hashes for both the script and your redacted config that you posted here?
$ openssl sha1 /tmp/end_user.cfg
SHA1( f3d9d0c3a93be84aa14db5ce0f42e74d94b6de8a
SHA1(/tmp/end_user.cfg)= 65b7a94f15ce023ffab65a5d6fa21e6495e0678e

EDIT: We should be having this discussion over IRC but I don't have time right now, sorry about that.
EDIT2: Anyway, you shouldn't run away from issues like that. You can't afford to reinstall everything from scratch when such a tiny detail gets in the way, or you'll never know how to deal with it when it inevitably comes back.

wont your checksums be different as I have the password blanked out in the cfg.

Here's my


our $VERSION = '0.4.2 svn $Revision$';

# Copyright (c) 2008 Rudolf "divVerent" Polzer
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
# files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
# conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

# MISC STRING UTILITY ROUTINES to convert between DarkPlaces and IRC conventions

# convert mIRC color codes to DP color codes
our $color_utf8_enable = 1;
our @color_irc2dp_table = (7, 0, 4, 2, 1, 1, 6, 1, 3, 2, 5, 5, 4, 6, 7, 7);
our @color_dp2irc_table = (-1, 4, 9, 8, 12, 11, 13, -1, -1, -1); # not accurate, but legible
our @color_dp2ansi_table = ("m", "1;31m", "1;32m", "1;33m", "1;34m", "1;36m", "1;35m", "m", "1m", "1m"); # not accurate, but legible
our %color_team2dp_table = (5 => 1, 14 => 4, 13 => 3, 10 => 6);
our %color_team2irc_table = (5 => 4, 14 => 12, 13 => 8, 10 => 13);
sub color_irc2dp($)
    my ($message) = @_;
    $message =~ s/\^/^^/g;
    my $color = 7;
    $message =~ s{\003(\d\d?)(?:,(\d?\d?))?|(\017)}{
        # $1 is FG, $2 is BG, but let's ignore BG
        my $oldcolor = $color;
            $color = 7;
            $color = $color_irc2dp_table[$1];
            $color = $oldcolor if not defined $color;
        ($color == $oldcolor) ? '' : '^' . $color;
    $message =~ s{[\000-\037]}{}gs; # kill bold etc. for now
    return $message;

our @text_qfont_table = ( # ripped from DP console.c qfont_table
    '',   '#',  '#',  '#',  '#',  '.',  '#',  '#',
    '#',  9,    10,   '#',  ' ',  13,   '.',  '.',
    '[',  ']',  '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',
    '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',  '.',  '<',  '=',  '>',
    ' ',  '!',  '"',  '#',  '$',  '%',  '&',  '\'',
    '(',  ')',  '*',  '+',  ',',  '-',  '.',  '/',
    '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',
    '8',  '9',  ':',  ';',  '<',  '=',  '>',  '?',
    '@',  'A',  'B',  'C',  'D',  'E',  'F',  'G',
    'H',  'I',  'J',  'K',  'L',  'M',  'N',  'O',
    'P',  'Q',  'R',  'S',  'T',  'U',  'V',  'W',
    'X',  'Y',  'Z',  '[',  '\\', ']',  '^',  '_',
    '`',  'a',  'b',  'c',  'd',  'e',  'f',  'g',
    'h',  'i',  'j',  'k',  'l',  'm',  'n',  'o',
    'p',  'q',  'r',  's',  't',  'u',  'v',  'w',
    'x',  'y',  'z',  '{',  '|',  '}',  '~',  '<',
    '<',  '=',  '>',  '#',  '#',  '.',  '#',  '#',
    '#',  '#',  ' ',  '#',  ' ',  '>',  '.',  '.',
    '[',  ']',  '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',
    '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',  '.',  '<',  '=',  '>',
    ' ',  '!',  '"',  '#',  '$',  '%',  '&',  '\'',
    '(',  ')',  '*',  '+',  ',',  '-',  '.',  '/',
    '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',
    '8',  '9',  ':',  ';',  '<',  '=',  '>',  '?',
    '@',  'A',  'B',  'C',  'D',  'E',  'F',  'G',
    'H',  'I',  'J',  'K',  'L',  'M',  'N',  'O',
    'P',  'Q',  'R',  'S',  'T',  'U',  'V',  'W',
    'X',  'Y',  'Z',  '[',  '\\', ']',  '^',  '_',
    '`',  'a',  'b',  'c',  'd',  'e',  'f',  'g',
    'h',  'i',  'j',  'k',  'l',  'm',  'n',  'o',
    'p',  'q',  'r',  's',  't',  'u',  'v',  'w',
    'x',  'y',  'z',  '{',  '|',  '}',  '~',  '<'
sub text_qfont_table($)
    my ($char) = @_;
    my $o = ord $char;
        return (($o & 0xFF00) == 0xE000) ? $text_qfont_table[$o & 0xFF] : $char;
        return $text_qfont_table[$o];
sub text_dp2ascii($)
    my ($message) = @_;
    $message = join '', map { text_qfont_table $_ } split //, $message;

sub color_dp_transform(&$)
    my ($block, $message) = @_;
    $message =~ s{(?:(\^\^)|\^x([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])|\^([0-9])|(.))(?=([0-9,]?))}{
        defined $1 ? $block->(char => '^', $7) :
        defined $2 ? $block->(rgb => [hex $2, hex $3, hex $4], $7) :
        defined $5 ? $block->(color => $5, $7) :
        defined $6 ? $block->(char => $6, $7) :
            die "Invalid match";

    return $message;

sub color_dp2none($)
    my ($message) = @_;

    return color_dp_transform
        my ($type, $data, $next) = @_;
        $type eq 'char'
            ? text_qfont_table $data
            : "";

sub color_rgb2basic($)
    my ($data) = @_;
    my ($R, $G, $B) = @$data;
    my $min = [sort { $a <=> $b } ($R, $G, $B)]->[0];
    my $max = [sort { $a <=> $b } ($R, $G, $B)]->[-1];

    my $v = $max / 15;
    my $s = ($max == $min) ? 0 : 1 - $min/$max;

    if($s < 0.2)
        return 0 if $v < 0.5;
        return 7;

    my $h;
    if($max == $min)
        $h = 0;
    elsif($max == $R)
        $h = (60 * ($G - $B) / ($max - $min)) % 360;
    elsif($max == $G)
        $h = (60 * ($B - $R) / ($max - $min)) + 120;
    elsif($max == $B)
        $h = (60 * ($R - $G) / ($max - $min)) + 240;

    return 1 if $h < 36;
    return 3 if $h < 80;
    return 2 if $h < 150;
    return 5 if $h < 200;
    return 4 if $h < 270;
    return 6 if $h < 330;
    return 1;

sub color_dp_rgb2basic($)
    my ($message) = @_;
    return color_dp_transform
        my ($type, $data, $next) = @_;
        $type eq 'char'  ? ($data eq '^' ? '^^' : $data) :
        $type eq 'color' ? "^$data" :
        $type eq 'rgb'   ? "^" . color_rgb2basic $data :
            die "Invalid type";

sub color_dp2irc($)
    my ($message) = @_;
    my $color = -1;
    return color_dp_transform
        my ($type, $data, $next) = @_;

        if($type eq 'rgb')
            $type = 'color';
            $data = color_rgb2basic $data;

        $type eq 'char'  ? text_qfont_table $data :
        $type eq 'color' ? do {
            my $oldcolor = $color;
            $color = $color_dp2irc_table[$data];

            $color == $oldcolor               ? '' :
            $color < 0                        ? "\017" :
            (index '0123456789,', $next) >= 0 ? "\003$color\002\002" :
        } :
            die "Invalid type";

sub color_dp2ansi($)
    my ($message) = @_;
    my $color = -1;
    return color_dp_transform
        my ($type, $data, $next) = @_;

        if($type eq 'rgb')
            $type = 'color';
            $data = color_rgb2basic $data;

        $type eq 'char'  ? text_qfont_table $data :
        $type eq 'color' ? do {
            my $oldcolor = $color;
            $color = $color_dp2ansi_table[$data];

            $color eq $oldcolor ? '' :
        } :
            die "Invalid type";

sub color_dpfix($)
    my ($message) = @_;
    # if the message ends with an odd number of ^, kill one
    chop $message if $message =~ /(?:^|[^\^])\^(\^\^)*$/;
    return $message;

# Interfaces:
#   Connection:
#     $conn->sockname() returns a connection type specific representation
#       string of the local address, or undef if not applicable.
#     $conn->peername() returns a connection type specific representation
#       string of the remote address, or undef if not applicable.
#     $conn->send("string") sends something over the connection.
#     $conn->recv() receives a string from the connection, or returns "" if no
#       data is available.
#     $conn->fds() returns all file descriptors used by the connection, so one
#       can use select() on them.
#   Channel:
#     Usually wraps around a connection and implements a command based
#     structure over it. It usually is constructed using new
#     ChannelType($connection, someparameters...)
#     @cmds = $chan->join_commands(@cmds) joins multiple commands to a single
#       command string if the protocol supports it, or does nothing and leaves
#       @cmds unchanged if the protocol does not support that usage (this is
#       meant to save send() invocations).
#     $chan->send($command, $nothrottle) sends a command over the channel. If
#       $nothrottle is sent, the command must not be left out even if the channel
#       is saturated (for example, because of IRC's flood control mechanism).
#     $chan->quote($str) returns a string in a quoted form so it can safely be
#       inserted as a substring into a command, or returns $str as is if not
#       applicable. It is assumed that the result of the quote method is used
#       as part of a quoted string, if the protocol supports that.
#     $chan->recv() returns a list of received commands from the channel, or
#       the empty list if none are available.
#     $conn->fds() returns all file descriptors used by the channel's
#       connections, so one can use select() on them.

# Socket connection.
# Represents a connection over a socket.
# Mainly used to wrap a channel around it for, in this case, line based or rcon-like operation.
package Connection::Socket;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Handle;

# Constructor:
#   my $conn = new Connection::Socket(tcp => "localaddress" => "remoteaddress" => 6667);
# If the remote address does not contain a port number, the numeric port is
# used (it serves as a default port).
sub new($$)
    my ($class, $proto, $local, $remote, $defaultport) = @_;
    my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
        Proto => $proto,
        (length($local) ? (LocalAddr => $local) : ()),
        PeerAddr => $remote,
        PeerPort => $defaultport
    ) or die "socket $proto/$local/$remote/$defaultport: $!";
    binmode $sock;
    my $you = {
        # Mortal fool! Release me from this wretched tomb! I must be set free
        # or I will haunt you forever! I will hide your keys beneath the
        # cushions of your upholstered furniture... and NEVERMORE will you be
        # able to find socks that match!
        sock => $sock,
        # My demonic powers have made me OMNIPOTENT! Bwahahahahahahaha!
        bless $you, 'Connection::Socket';

# $sock->sockname() returns the local address of the socket.
sub sockname($)
    my ($self) = @_;
    my ($port, $addr) = sockaddr_in $self->{sock}->sockname();
    return "@{[inet_ntoa $addr]}:$port";

# $sock->peername() returns the remote address of the socket.
sub peername($)
    my ($self) = @_;
    my ($port, $addr) = sockaddr_in $self->{sock}->peername();
    return "@{[inet_ntoa $addr]}:$port";

# $sock->send($data) sends some data over the socket; on success, 1 is returned.
sub send($$)
    my ($self, $data) = @_;
    return 1
        if not length $data;
    if(not eval { $self->{sock}->send($data); })
        warn "$@";
        return 0;
    return 1;

# $sock->recv() receives as much as possible from the socket (or at most 32k). Returns "" if no data is available.
sub recv($)
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $data = "";
    if(defined $self->{sock}->recv($data, 32768, 0))
        return $data;
        return "";
        return undef;

# $sock->fds() returns the socket file descriptor.
sub fds($)
    my ($self) = @_;
    return fileno $self->{sock};

# Line-based buffered connectionless FIFO channel.
# Whatever is sent to it using send() is echoed back when using recv().
package Channel::FIFO;
use strict;
use warnings;

# Constructor:
#   my $chan = new Channel::FIFO();
sub new($)
    my ($class) = @_;
    my $you = {
        buffer => []
        bless $you, 'Channel::FIFO';

sub join_commands($@)
    my ($self, @data) = @_;
    return @data;

sub send($$$)
    my ($self, $line, $nothrottle) = @_;
    push @{$self->{buffer}}, $line;

sub quote($$)
    my ($self, $data) = @_;
    return $data;

sub recv($)
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $r = $self->{buffer};
    $self->{buffer} = [];
    return @$r;

sub fds($)
    my ($self) = @_;
    return ();

# QW rcon protocol channel.
# Wraps around a UDP based Connection and sends commands as rcon commands as
# well as receives rcon replies. The quote and join_commands methods are using
# DarkPlaces engine specific rcon protocol extensions.
package Channel::QW;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::HMAC;
use Digest::MD4;

# Constructor:
#   my $chan = new Channel::QW($connection, "password");
sub new($$$)
    my ($class, $conn, $password, $secure, $timeout) = @_;
    my $you = {
        connector => $conn,
        password => $password,
        recvbuf => "",
        secure => $secure,
        timeout => $timeout,
        bless $you, 'Channel::QW';

# Note: multiple commands in one rcon packet is a DarkPlaces extension.
sub join_commands($@)
    my ($self, @data) = @_;
    return join "\0", @data;

sub send($$$)
    my ($self, $line, $nothrottle) = @_;
    utf8::encode $line
        if $color_utf8_enable;
    if($self->{secure} > 1)
        my $c = $self->recvchallenge();
        return 0 if not defined $c;
        my $key = Digest::HMAC::hmac("$c $line", $self->{password}, \&Digest::MD4::md4);
        return $self->{connector}->send("\377\377\377\377srcon HMAC-MD4 CHALLENGE $key $c $line");
        my $t = sprintf "%ld.%06d", time(), int rand 1000000;
        my $key = Digest::HMAC::hmac("$t $line", $self->{password}, \&Digest::MD4::md4);
        return $self->{connector}->send("\377\377\377\377srcon HMAC-MD4 TIME $key $t $line");
        return $self->{connector}->send("\377\377\377\377rcon $self->{password} $line");

# Note: backslash and quotation mark escaping is a DarkPlaces extension.
sub quote($$)
    my ($self, $data) = @_;
    $data =~ s/[\000-\037]//g;
    $data =~ s/([\\"])/\\$1/g;
    $data =~ s/\$/\$\$/g;
    return $data;

sub recvchallenge($)
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $sel = IO::Select->new($self->fds());
    my $endtime_max = Time::HiRes::time() + $self->{timeout};
    my $endtime = $endtime_max;

    while((my $dt = $endtime - Time::HiRes::time()) > 0)
                my $s = $self->{connector}->recv();
                die "read error\n"
                    if not defined $s;
                length $s
                    or last;
                if($s =~ /^\377\377\377\377challenge (.*?)(?:$|\0)/s)
                    return $1;
                    if $s !~ /^\377\377\377\377n(.*)$/s;
                $self->{recvbuf} .= $1;
    return undef;

sub recv($)
    my ($self) = @_;
        my $s = $self->{connector}->recv();
        die "read error\n"
            if not defined $s;
        length $s
            or last;
            if $s !~ /^\377\377\377\377n(.*)$/s;
        $self->{recvbuf} .= $1;
    my @out = ();
    while($self->{recvbuf} =~ s/^(.*?)(?:\r\n?|\n)//)
        my $s = $1;
        utf8::decode $s
            if $color_utf8_enable;
        push @out, $s;
    return @out;

sub fds($)
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{connector}->fds();

# Line based protocol channel.
# Wraps around a TCP based Connection and sends commands as text lines
# (separated by CRLF). When reading responses from the Connection, any type of
# line ending is accepted.
# A flood control mechanism is implemented.
package Channel::Line;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw/time/;

# Constructor:
#   my $chan = new Channel::Line($connection);
sub new($$)
    my ($class, $conn) = @_;
    my $you = {
        connector => $conn,
        recvbuf => "",
        capacity => undef,
        linepersec => undef,
        maxlines => undef,
        lastsend => time()
        bless $you, 'Channel::Line';

sub join_commands($@)
    my ($self, @data) = @_;
    return @data;

# Sets new flood control parameters:
#   $chan->throttle(maximum lines per second, maximum burst length allowed to
#     exceed the lines per second limit);
#   RFC 1459 describes these parameters to be 0.5 and 5 for the IRC protocol.
#   If the $nothrottle flag is set while sending, the line is sent anyway even
#   if flooding would take place.
sub throttle($$$)
    my ($self, $linepersec, $maxlines) = @_;
    $self->{linepersec} = $linepersec;
    $self->{maxlines} = $maxlines;
    $self->{capacity} = $maxlines;

sub send($$$)
    my ($self, $line, $nothrottle) = @_;
    utf8::encode $line
        if $color_utf8_enable;
    my $t = time();
    if(defined $self->{capacity})
        $self->{capacity} += ($t - $self->{lastsend}) * $self->{linepersec};
        $self->{lastsend} = $t;
        $self->{capacity} = $self->{maxlines}
            if $self->{capacity} > $self->{maxlines};
            return -1
                if $self->{capacity} < 0;
        $self->{capacity} -= 1;
    $line =~ s/\r|\n//g;
    return $self->{connector}->send("$line\r\n");

sub quote($$)
    my ($self, $data) = @_;
    $data =~ s/\r\n?/\n/g;
    $data =~ s/\n/*/g;
    return $data;

sub recv($)
    my ($self) = @_;
        my $s = $self->{connector}->recv();
        die "read error\n"
            if not defined $s;
        length $s
            or last;
        $self->{recvbuf} .= $s;
    my @out = ();
    while($self->{recvbuf} =~ s/^(.*?)(?:\r\n?|\n)//)
        my $s = $1;
        utf8::decode $s
            if $color_utf8_enable;
        push @out, $s;
    return @out;

sub fds($)
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{connector}->fds();

# main program... a gateway between IRC and DarkPlaces servers
package main;

use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Select;
use Digest::SHA;
use Digest::HMAC;
use Time::HiRes qw/time/;

our @handlers = (); # list of [channel, expression, sub to handle result]
our @tasks = (); # list of [time, sub]
our %channels = ();
our %store = (
    irc_nick => "",
    playernick_byid_0 => "(console)",
our %config = (
    irc_server => undef,
    irc_nick => undef,
    irc_nick_alternates => "",
    irc_user => undef,
    irc_channel => undef,
    irc_ping_delay => 120,
    irc_trigger => "",

    irc_nickserv_password => "",
    irc_nickserv_identify => 'PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY %2$s',
    irc_nickserv_ghost => 'PRIVMSG NickServ :GHOST %1$s %2$s',
    irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts => 3,

    irc_quakenet_authname => "",
    irc_quakenet_password => "",
    irc_quakenet_authusers => "",
    irc_quakenet_getchallenge => 'PRIVMSG :CHALLENGE',
    irc_quakenet_challengeauth => 'PRIVMSG :CHALLENGEAUTH',
    irc_quakenet_challengeprefix => ':Q! NOTICE [^:]+ :CHALLENGE',

    irc_announce_slotsfree => 1,
    irc_announce_mapchange => 'always',

    dp_server => undef,
    dp_secure => 1,
    dp_secure_challengetimeout => 1,
    dp_listen => "",
    dp_password => undef,
    dp_status_delay => 30,
    dp_server_from_wan => "",
    dp_listen_from_server => "",
    dp_utf8_enable => $color_utf8_enable,
    dp_timinglog => "",
    irc_local => "",

    irc_admin_password => "",
    irc_admin_timeout => 3600,
    irc_admin_quote_re => "",

    irc_reconnect_delay => 300,
    irc_commands => "",

    plugins => "",

sub pickip($$)
    my ($wan, $lan) = @_;
    # $wan shall override $lan
    return $lan
        if not length $wan;
    return $wan
        if $wan =~ /:\d+$/; # full override
    return $wan
        if $lan !~ /:(\d+)$/;
    return "$wan:$1";

# Xonotic specific parsing of some server messages

sub xon_slotsstring()
    my $slotsstr = "";
    if(defined $store{slots_max})
        my $slots = $store{slots_max} - $store{slots_active};
        my $slots_s = ($slots == 1) ? '' : 's';
        $slotsstr = " ($slots free slot$slots_s)";
        my $s = pickip($config{dp_server_from_wan}, $config{dp_server});
        $slotsstr .= "; join now: \002xonotic +connect $s"
            if $slots >= 1 and not $store{lms_blocked};
    return $slotsstr;

# Do we have a config file? If yes, read and parse it (syntax: key = value
# pairs, separated by newlines), if not, complain.
die "Usage: $0 configfile\n"
    unless @ARGV == 1;

open my $fh, "<", $ARGV[0]
    or die "open $ARGV[0]: $!";
    /^#/ and next;
    /^(.*?)\s*=(?:\s*(.*))?$/ or next;
    warn "Undefined config item: $1"
        unless exists $config{$1};
    $config{$1} = defined $2 ? $2 : "";
close $fh;
my @missing = grep { !defined $config{$_} } keys %config;
die "The following config items are missing: @missing"
    if @missing;

$color_utf8_enable = $config{dp_utf8_enable};

# Create a channel for error messages and other internal status messages...

$channels{system} = new Channel::FIFO();

# for example, quit messages caused by signals (if SIGTERM or SIGINT is first
# received, try to shut down cleanly, and if such a signal is received a second
# time, just exit)
my $quitting = 0;
$SIG{INT} = sub {
    exit 1 if $quitting++;
    $channels{system}->send("quit SIGINT");
$SIG{TERM} = sub {
    exit 1 if $quitting++;
    $channels{system}->send("quit SIGTERM");

# Create the two channels to gateway between...

$channels{irc} = new Channel::Line(new Connection::Socket(tcp => $config{irc_local} => $config{irc_server} => 6667));
$channels{dp} = new Channel::QW(my $dpsock = new Connection::Socket(udp => $config{dp_listen} => $config{dp_server} => 26000), $config{dp_password}, $config{dp_secure}, $config{dp_secure_challengetimeout});
$config{dp_listen} = $dpsock->sockname();
$config{dp_server} = $dpsock->peername();
print "Listening on $config{dp_listen}\n";

$channels{irc}->throttle(0.5, 5);

# Utility routine to write to a channel by name, also outputting what's been written and some status
sub out($$@)
    my $chanstr = shift;
    my $nothrottle = shift;
    my $chan = $channels{$chanstr};
        print "UNDEFINED: $chanstr, ignoring message\n";
    @_ = $chan->join_commands(@_);
        my $result = $chan->send($_, $nothrottle);
        if($result > 0)
            print "           $chanstr << $_\n";
        elsif($result < 0)
            print "FLOOD:     $chanstr << $_\n";
            print "ERROR:     $chanstr << $_\n";
            $channels{system}->send("error $chanstr", 0);

# Schedule a task for later execution by the main loop; usage: schedule sub {
# task... }, $time; When a scheduled task is run, a reference to the task's own
# sub is passed as first argument; that way, the task is able to re-schedule
# itself so it gets periodically executed.
sub schedule($$)
    my ($sub, $time) = @_;
    push @tasks, [time() + $time, $sub];

# On IRC error, delete some data store variables of the connection, and
# reconnect to the IRC server soon (but only if someone is actually playing)
sub irc_error()
    # prevent multiple instances of this timer
    return if $store{irc_error_active};
    $store{irc_error_active} = 1;

    delete $channels{irc};
    schedule sub {
        my ($timer) = @_;
        if(!defined $store{slots_active})
            # DP is not running, then delay IRC reconnecting
            #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \$timer;
            schedule $timer => 1;
            # this will keep irc_error_active
        $channels{irc} = new Channel::Line(new Connection::Socket(tcp => $config{irc_local} => $config{irc_server} => 6667));
        delete $store{$_} for grep { /^irc_/ } keys %store;
        $store{irc_nick} = "";
        schedule sub {
            my ($timer) = @_;
            out dp => 0, 'sv_cmd banlist', 'status 1', 'log_dest_udp';
            $store{status_waiting} = -1;
        } => 1;
        # this will clear irc_error_active
    } => $config{irc_reconnect_delay};
    return 0;

sub uniq(@)
    my @out = ();
    my %found = ();
        next if $found{$_}++;
        push @out, $_;
    return @out;

# IRC joining (if this is called as response to a nick name collision, $is433 is set);
# among other stuff, it performs NickServ or Quakenet authentication. This is to be called
# until the channel has been joined for every message that may be "interesting" (basically,
# IRC 001 hello messages, 443 nick collision messages and some notices by services).
sub irc_joinstage($)
    my($is433) = @_;

    return 0
        if $store{irc_joined_channel};
        #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \%store;

        if(length $store{irc_nick})
            # we already have another nick, but couldn't change to the new one
            # try ghosting and then get the nick again
            if(length $config{irc_nickserv_password})
                if(++$store{irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts} <= $config{irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts})
                    $store{irc_nick_requested} = $config{irc_nick};
                    out irc => 1, sprintf($config{irc_nickserv_ghost}, $config{irc_nick}, $config{irc_nickserv_password});
                    schedule sub {
                        out irc => 1, "NICK $config{irc_nick}";
                    } => 1;
                    return; # we'll get here again for the NICK success message, or for a 433 failure
                # otherwise, we failed to ghost and will continue with the wrong
                # nick... also, no need to try to identify here
            # otherwise, we can't handle this and will continue with our wrong nick
            # we failed to get an initial nickname
            # change ours a bit and try again

            my @alternates = uniq ($config{irc_nick}, grep { $_ ne "" } split /\s+/, $config{irc_nick_alternates});
            my $nextnick = undef;
                if($store{irc_nick_requested} eq $alternates[$_])
                    $nextnick = $alternates[$_+1];
            if($store{irc_nick_requested} eq $alternates[@alternates-1]) # this will only happen once
                $store{irc_nick_requested} = $alternates[0];
                # but don't set nextnick, so we edit it
            if(defined $nextnick)
                $store{irc_nick_requested} = $nextnick;
                    if(length $store{irc_nick_requested} < 9)
                        $store{irc_nick_requested} .= '_';
                        substr $store{irc_nick_requested}, int(rand length $store{irc_nick_requested}), 1, chr(97 + int rand 26);
                    last unless grep { $_ eq $store{irc_nick_requested} } @alternates;
            out irc => 1, "NICK $store{irc_nick_requested}";
            return; # when it fails, we'll get here again, and when it succeeds, we will continue

    # we got a 001 or a NICK message, so $store{irc_nick} has been updated
    if(length $config{irc_nickserv_password})
        if($store{irc_nick} eq $config{irc_nick})
            # identify
            out irc => 1, sprintf($config{irc_nickserv_identify}, $config{irc_nick}, $config{irc_nickserv_password});
            # ghost
            if(++$store{irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts} <= $config{irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts})
                $store{irc_nick_requested} = $config{irc_nick};
                out irc => 1, sprintf($config{irc_nickserv_ghost}, $config{irc_nick}, $config{irc_nickserv_password});
                schedule sub {
                    out irc => 1, "NICK $config{irc_nick}";
                } => 1;
                return; # we'll get here again for the NICK success message, or for a 433 failure
            # otherwise, we failed to ghost and will continue with the wrong
            # nick... also, no need to try to identify here

    # we are on Quakenet. Try to authenticate.
    if(length $config{irc_quakenet_password} and length $config{irc_quakenet_authname})
        if(defined $store{irc_quakenet_challenge})
            if($store{irc_quakenet_challenge} =~ /^([0-9a-f]*)\b.*\bHMAC-SHA-256\b/)
                my $challenge = $1;
                my $hash1 = Digest::SHA::sha256_hex(substr $config{irc_quakenet_password}, 0, 10);
                my $key = Digest::SHA::sha256_hex("@{[lc $config{irc_quakenet_authname}]}:$hash1");
                my $digest = Digest::HMAC::hmac_hex($challenge, $key, \&Digest::SHA::sha256);
                out irc => 1, "$config{irc_quakenet_challengeauth} $config{irc_quakenet_authname} $digest HMAC-SHA-256";
            out irc => 1, $config{irc_quakenet_getchallenge};
            # we get here again when Q asks us

    for(split / *; */, $store{irc_commands})
        out irc => 1, $_;
    # if we get here, we are on IRC
    $store{irc_joined_channel} = 1;
    schedule sub {
        # wait 1 sec to let stuff calm down
        out irc => 1, "JOIN $config{irc_channel}";
    } => 1;
    return 0;

my $RE_FAIL = qr/$ $/;
my $RE_SUCCEED = qr//;
sub cond($)
    return $_[0] ? $RE_FAIL : $RE_SUCCEED;

# List of all handlers on the various sockets. Additional handlers can be added by a plugin.
@handlers = (
    # detect a server restart and set it up again
    [ dp => q{ *(?:Warning: Could not expand \$|Unknown command ")(?:rcon2irc_[a-z0-9_]*)[" ]*} => sub {
        out dp => 0,
            'alias rcon2irc_eval "$*"',
            'sv_logscores_console 0',
            'sv_logscores_bots 1',
            'sv_eventlog 1',
            'sv_eventlog_console 1',
            'alias rcon2irc_say_as "set say_as_restorenick \"$sv_adminnick\"; sv_adminnick \"$1^3\"; say \"^7$2\"; rcon2irc_say_as_restore"',
            'alias rcon2irc_say_as_restore "set sv_adminnick \"$say_as_restorenick\""',
            'alias rcon2irc_quit "echo \"quitting rcon2irc $1: log_dest_udp is $log_dest_udp\""'; # note: \\\\\\" ->perl \\\" ->console \"
        return 0;
    } ],

    # detect missing entry in log_dest_udp and fix it
    [ dp => q{"log_dest_udp" is "([^"]*)" \["[^"]*"\]} => sub {
        my ($dest) = @_;
        my @dests = split ' ', $dest;
        return 0 if grep { $_ eq pickip($config{dp_listen_from_server}, $config{dp_listen}) } @dests;
        out dp => 0, 'log_dest_udp "' . join(" ", @dests, pickip($config{dp_listen_from_server}, $config{dp_listen})) . '"';
        return 0;
    } ],

    # retrieve list of banned hosts
    [ dp => q{#(\d+): (\S+) is still banned for (\S+) seconds} => sub {
        return 0 unless $store{status_waiting} < 0;
        my ($id, $ip, $time) = @_;
        $store{bans_new} = [] if $id == 0;
        $store{bans_new}[$id] = { ip => $ip, 'time' => $time };
        return 0;
    } ],

    # retrieve hostname from status replies
    [ dp => q{host:     (.*)} => sub {
        return 0 unless $store{status_waiting} < 0;
        my ($name) = @_;
        $store{dp_hostname} = $name;
        $store{bans} = $store{bans_new};
        return 0;
    } ],

    # retrieve version from status replies
    [ dp => q{version:  (.*)} => sub {
        return 0 unless $store{status_waiting} < 0;
        my ($version) = @_;
        $store{dp_version} = $version;
        return 0;
    } ],

    # retrieve player names
    [ dp => q{players:  (\d+) active \((\d+) max\)} => sub {
        return 0 unless $store{status_waiting} < 0;
        my ($active, $max) = @_;
        my $full = ($active >= $max);
        $store{slots_max} = $max;
        $store{slots_active} = $active;
        $store{status_waiting} = $active;
        $store{playerslots_active_new} = [];
        if($store{status_waiting} == 0)
            $store{playerslots_active} = $store{playerslots_active_new};
        if($full != ($store{slots_full} || 0))
            $store{slots_full} = $full;
            return 0 if $store{lms_blocked};
            return 0 if !$config{irc_announce_slotsfree};
                out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION is full!\001";
                my $slotsstr = xon_slotsstring();
                out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION can be joined again$slotsstr!\001";
        return 0;
    } ],

    # retrieve player names
    [ dp => q{\^\d(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(-?\d+)\s+\#(\d+)\s+\^\d(.*)} => sub {
        return 0 unless $store{status_waiting} > 0;
        my ($ip, $pl, $ping, $time, $frags, $no, $name) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
        $store{"playerslot_$no"} = { ip => $ip, pl => $pl, ping => $ping, 'time' => $time, frags => $frags, no => $no, name => $name };
        push @{$store{playerslots_active_new}}, $no;
        if(--$store{status_waiting} == 0)
            $store{playerslots_active} = $store{playerslots_active_new};
        return 0;
    } ],

    # IRC admin commands
    [ irc => q{:(([^! ]*)![^ ]*) (?i:PRIVMSG) [^&#%]\S* :(.*)} => sub {
        return 0 unless ($config{irc_admin_password} ne '' || $store{irc_quakenet_users});

        my ($hostmask, $nick, $command) = @_;
        my $dpnick = color_dpfix $nick;

        if($command eq "login $config{irc_admin_password}")
            $store{logins}{$hostmask} = time() + $config{irc_admin_timeout};
            out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :my wish is your command";
            return -1;

        if($command =~ /^login /)
            out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :invalid password";
            return -1;

        if(($store{logins}{$hostmask} || 0) < time())
            out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :authentication required";
            return -1;

        if($command =~ /^status(?: (.*))?$/)
            my ($match) = $1;
            my $found = 0;
            my $foundany = 0;
            for my $slot(@{$store{playerslots_active} || []})
                my $s = $store{"playerslot_$slot"};
                next unless $s;
                if(not defined $match or index(color_dp2none($s->{name}), $match) >= 0)
                    out irc => 0, sprintf 'PRIVMSG %s :%-21s %2i %4i %8s %4i #%-3u %s', $nick, $s->{ip}, $s->{pl}, $s->{ping}, $s->{time}, $s->{frags}, $slot, color_dp2irc $s->{name};
                    out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :the server is empty";
                    out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :no nicknames match";
            return 0;

        if($command =~ /^kick # (\d+) (.*)$/)
            my ($id, $reason) = ($1, $2);
            my $dpreason = color_irc2dp $reason;
            $dpreason =~ s/^(~?)(.*)/$1irc $dpnick: $2/g;
            $dpreason =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;
            out dp => 0, "kick # $id $dpreason";
            my $slotnik = "playerslot_$id";
            out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :kicked #$id (@{[color_dp2irc $store{$slotnik}{name}]}\017 @ $store{$slotnik}{ip}) ($reason)";
            return 0;

        if($command =~ /^kickban # (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (.*)$/)
            my ($id, $bantime, $mask, $reason) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
            my $dpreason = color_irc2dp $reason;
            $dpreason =~ s/^(~?)(.*)/$1irc $dpnick: $2/g;
            $dpreason =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;
            out dp => 0, "kickban # $id $bantime $mask $dpreason";
            my $slotnik = "playerslot_$id";
            out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :kickbanned #$id (@{[color_dp2irc $store{$slotnik}{name}]}\017 @ $store{$slotnik}{ip}), netmask $mask, for $bantime seconds ($reason)";
            return 0;

        if($command eq "bans")
            my $banlist =
                join ", ",
                map { "$_ ($store{bans}[$_]{ip}, $store{bans}[$_]{time}s)" }
                0..@{$store{bans} || []}-1;
            $banlist = "no bans"
                if $banlist eq "";
            out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :$banlist";
            return 0;

        if($command =~ /^unban (\d+)$/)
            my ($id) = ($1);
            out dp => 0, "unban $id";
            out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :removed ban $id ($store{bans}[$id]{ip})";
            return 0;

        if($command =~ /^mute (\d+)$/)
            my $id = $1;
            out dp => 0, "mute $id";
            my $slotnik = "playerslot_$id";
            out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :muted $id (@{[color_dp2irc $store{$slotnik}{name}]}\017 @ $store{$slotnik}{ip})";
            return 0;

        if($command =~ /^unmute (\d+)$/)
            my ($id) = ($1);
            out dp => 0, "unmute $id";
            my $slotnik = "playerslot_$id";
            out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :unmuted $id (@{[color_dp2irc $store{$slotnik}{name}]}\017 @ $store{$slotnik}{ip})";
            return 0;

        if($command =~ /^quote (.*)$/)
            my ($cmd) = ($1);
            if($cmd =~ /^(??{$config{irc_admin_quote_re}})$/si)
                out irc => 0, $cmd;
                out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :executed your command";
                out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :permission denied";
            return 0;

        out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :unknown command (supported: status [substring], kick # id reason, kickban # id bantime mask reason, bans, unban banid, mute id, unmute id)";

        return -1;
    } ],

    # LMS: detect "no more lives" message
    [ dp => q{\^4.*\^4 has no more lives left} => sub {
            $store{lms_blocked} = 1;
                schedule sub {
                        out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION can't be joined until next round (a player has no more lives left)\001";
                } => 1;
    } ],

    # detect IRC errors and reconnect
    [ irc => q{ERROR .*} => \&irc_error ],
    [ irc => q{:[^ ]* 404 .*} => \&irc_error ], # cannot send to channel
    [ system => q{error irc} => \&irc_error ],

    # IRC nick in use
    [ irc => q{:[^ ]* 433 .*} => sub {
        return irc_joinstage(433);
    } ],

    # IRC welcome
    [ irc => q{:[^ ]* 001 .*} => sub {
        $store{irc_seen_welcome} = 1;
        $store{irc_nick} = $store{irc_nick_requested};
        # If users for quakenet are listed, parse them into a hash and schedule a sub to query information
        if ($config{irc_quakenet_authusers} ne '') {
            $store{irc_quakenet_users} = { map { $_ => 1 } split / /, $config{irc_quakenet_authusers} };
            schedule sub {
                my ($timer) = @_;
                out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG Q :users " . $config{irc_channel};
                schedule $timer => 300;;
            } => 1;

        return irc_joinstage(0);
    } ],

    # IRC my nickname changed
    [ irc => q{:(?i:(??{$store{irc_nick}}))![^ ]* (?i:NICK) :(.*)} => sub {
        my ($n) = @_;
        $store{irc_nick} = $n;
        return irc_joinstage(0);
    } ],

    # Quakenet: challenge from Q
    [ irc => q{(??{$config{irc_quakenet_challengeprefix}}) (.*)} => sub {
        $store{irc_quakenet_challenge} = $1;
        return irc_joinstage(0);
    } ],
    # Catch joins of people in a channel the bot is in and catch our own joins of a channel,
    # detect channel join message and note hostname length to get the maximum allowed line length
    [ irc => q{:(([^! ]*)![^ ]*) JOIN (#.+)} => sub {
        my ($hostmask, $nick, $chan) = @_;

        if ($nick eq $store{irc_nick}) {
            $store{irc_maxlen} = 510 - length($hostmask);
            if($store{irc_joined_channel} == 1)
                $store{irc_joined_channel} = 2;
            print "* detected maximum line length for channel messages: $store{irc_maxlen}\n";

        return 0 unless ($store{irc_quakenet_users});
        if ($nick eq $store{irc_nick}) {
            out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG Q :users $chan"; # get auths for all users
        } else {
            $store{quakenet_hosts}->{$nick} = $hostmask;
            out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG Q :whois $nick"; # get auth for single user
        return 0;
    } ],
    # Catch response of users request
    [ irc => q{:Q! NOTICE [^:]+ :[@\+\s]?(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*(\S*)\s*\((.*)\)} => sub {
        my ($nick, $username, $flags, $host) = @_;
        return 0 unless ($store{irc_quakenet_users});
        $store{logins}{"$nick!$host"} = time() + 600 if ($store{irc_quakenet_users}->{$username});
        return 0;
    } ],
    # Catch response of whois request
    [ irc => q{:Q! NOTICE [^:]+ :-Information for user (.*) \(using account (.*)\):} => sub {
        my ($nick, $username) = @_;
        return 0 unless ($store{irc_quakenet_users});
        if ($store{irc_quakenet_users}->{$username}) {
            my $hostmask = $store{quakenet_hosts}->{$nick};
            $store{logins}{$hostmask} = time() + 600;
        return 0;
    } ],

    # shut down everything on SIGINT
    [ system => q{quit (.*)} => sub {
        my ($cause) = @_;
        out irc => 1, "QUIT :$cause";
        $store{quitcookie} = int rand 1000000000;
        out dp => 0, "rcon2irc_quit $store{quitcookie}";
    } ],

    # remove myself from the log destinations and exit everything
    [ dp => q{quitting rcon2irc (??{$store{quitcookie}}): log_dest_udp is (.*) *} => sub {
        my ($dest) = @_;
        my @dests = grep { $_ ne pickip($config{dp_listen_from_server}, $config{dp_listen}) } split ' ', $dest;
        out dp => 0, 'log_dest_udp "' . join(" ", @dests) . '"';
        exit 0;
        return 0;
    } ],

    # IRC PING
    [ irc => q{PING (.*)} => sub {
        my ($data) = @_;
        out irc => 1, "PONG $data";
        return 1;
    } ],

    # IRC PONG
    [ irc => q{:[^ ]* PONG .* :(.*)} => sub {
        my ($data) = @_;
        return 0
            if not defined $store{irc_pingtime};
        return 0
            if $data ne $store{irc_pingtime};
        print "* measured IRC line delay: @{[time() - $store{irc_pingtime}]}\n";
        undef $store{irc_pingtime};
        return 0;
    } ],

    # chat: Xonotic server -> IRC channel
    [ dp => q{\001(.*?)\^7: (.*)} => sub {
        my ($nick, $message) = map { color_dp2irc $_ } @_;
        out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :<$nick\017> $message";
        return 0;
    } ],

    # chat: Xonotic server -> IRC channel, nick set
    [ dp => q{:join:(\d+):(\d+):([^:]*):(.*)} => sub {
        my ($id, $slot, $ip, $nick) = @_;
        $store{"playernickraw_byid_$id"} = $nick;
        $nick = color_dp2irc $nick;
        $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} = $nick;
        $store{"playerip_byid_$id"} = $ip;
        $store{"playerslot_byid_$id"} = $slot;
        $store{"playerid_byslot_$slot"} = $id;
        return 0;
    } ],

    # chat: Xonotic server -> IRC channel, nick change/set
    [ dp => q{:name:(\d+):(.*)} => sub {
        my ($id, $nick) = @_;
        $store{"playernickraw_byid_$id"} = $nick;
        $nick = color_dp2irc $nick;
        my $oldnick = $store{"playernick_byid_$id"};
        out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :* $oldnick\017 is now known as $nick";
        $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} = $nick;
        return 0;
    } ],

    # chat: Xonotic server -> IRC channel, vote call
    [ dp => q{:vote:vcall:(\d+):(.*)} => sub {
        my ($id, $command) = @_;
        $command = color_dp2irc $command;
        my $oldnick = $id ? $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} : "(console)";
        out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :* $oldnick\017 calls a vote for \"$command\017\"";
        return 0;
    } ],

    # chat: Xonotic server -> IRC channel, vote stop
    [ dp => q{:vote:vstop:(\d+)} => sub {
        my ($id) = @_;
        my $oldnick = $id ? $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} : "(console)";
        out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :* $oldnick\017 stopped the vote";
        return 0;
    } ],

    # chat: Xonotic server -> IRC channel, master login
    [ dp => q{:vote:vlogin:(\d+)} => sub {
        my ($id) = @_;
        my $oldnick = $id ? $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} : "(console)";
        out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :* $oldnick\017 logged in as master";
        return 0;
    } ],

    # chat: Xonotic server -> IRC channel, master do
    [ dp => q{:vote:vdo:(\d+):(.*)} => sub {
        my ($id, $command) = @_;
        $command = color_dp2irc $command;
        my $oldnick = $id ? $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} : "(console)";
        out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :* $oldnick\017 used his master status to do \"$command\017\"";
        return 0;
    } ],

    # chat: Xonotic server -> IRC channel, result
    [ dp => q{:vote:v(yes|no|timeout):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(-?\d+)} => sub {
        my ($result, $yes, $no, $abstain, $not, $min) = @_;
        my $spam = "$yes:$no" . (($min >= 0) ? " ($min needed)" : "") . ", $abstain didn't care, $not didn't vote";
        out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :* the vote ended with $result: $spam";
        return 0;
    } ],

    # chat: IRC channel -> Xonotic server
    [ irc => q{:([^! ]*)![^ ]* (?i:PRIVMSG) (?i:(??{$config{irc_channel}})) :(?i:(??{$store{irc_nick}}))(?: |: ?|, ?)(.*)} => sub {
        my ($nick, $message) = @_;
        $nick = color_dpfix $nick;
            # allow the nickname to contain colors in DP format! Therefore, NO color_irc2dp on the nickname!
        $message = color_irc2dp $message;
        $message =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;
        out dp => 0, "rcon2irc_say_as \"$nick on IRC\" \"$message\"";
        return 0;
    } ],

        length $config{irc_trigger}
                [ irc => q{:([^! ]*)![^ ]* (?i:PRIVMSG) (?i:(??{$config{irc_channel}})) :(?i:(??{$config{irc_trigger}}))(?: |: ?|, ?)(.*)} => sub {
                    my ($nick, $message) = @_;
                    $nick = color_dpfix $nick;
                        # allow the nickname to contain colors in DP format! Therefore, NO color_irc2dp on the nickname!
                    $message = color_irc2dp $message;
                    $message =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;
                    out dp => 0, "rcon2irc_say_as \"$nick on IRC\" \"$message\"";
                    return 0;
                } ]

    # irc: CTCP VERSION reply
    [ irc => q{:([^! ]*)![^ ]* (?i:PRIVMSG) (?i:(??{$store{irc_nick}})) :\001VERSION( .*)?\001} => sub {
        my ($nick) = @_;
        my $ver = $store{dp_version} or return 0;
        $ver .= ", rcon2irc $VERSION";
        out irc => 0, "NOTICE $nick :\001VERSION $ver\001";
    } ],

    # on game start, notify the channel
    [ dp => q{:gamestart:(.*):[0-9.]*} => sub {
        my ($map) = @_;
        $store{playing} = 1;
        $store{map} = $map;
        $store{map_starttime} = time();
        if ($config{irc_announce_mapchange} eq 'always' || ($config{irc_announce_mapchange} eq 'notempty' && $store{slots_active} > 0)) {
            my $slotsstr = xon_slotsstring();
            out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\00304" . $map . "\017 has begun$slotsstr";
        delete $store{lms_blocked};
        return 0;
    } ],

    # on game over, clear the current map
    [ dp => q{:gameover} => sub {
        $store{playing} = 0;
        return 0;
    } ],

    # scores: Xonotic server -> IRC channel (start)
    [ dp => q{:scores:(.*):(\d+)} => sub {
        my ($map, $time) = @_;
        $store{scores} = {};
        $store{scores}{map} = $map;
        $store{scores}{time} = $time;
        $store{scores}{players} = [];
        delete $store{lms_blocked};
        return 0;
    } ],

    # scores: Xonotic server -> IRC channel, legacy format
    [ dp => q{:player:(-?\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(.*)} => sub {
        my ($frags, $deaths, $time, $team, $id, $name) = @_;
        return if not exists $store{scores};
        push @{$store{scores}{players}}, [$frags, $team, $name]
            unless $frags <= -666; # no spectators
        return 0;
    } ],

    # scores: Xonotic server -> IRC channel (CTF), legacy format
    [ dp => q{:teamscores:(\d+:-?\d*(?::\d+:-?\d*)*)} => sub {
        my ($teams) = @_;
        return if not exists $store{scores};
        $store{scores}{teams} = {split /:/, $teams};
        return 0;
    } ],

    # scores: Xonotic server -> IRC channel, new format
    [ dp => q{:player:see-labels:(-?\d+)[-0-9,]*:(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(.*)} => sub {
        my ($frags, $time, $team, $id, $name) = @_;
        return if not exists $store{scores};
        push @{$store{scores}{players}}, [$frags, $team, $name];
        return 0;
    } ],

    # scores: Xonotic server -> IRC channel (CTF), new format
    [ dp => q{:teamscores:see-labels:(-?\d+)[-0-9,]*:(\d+)} => sub {
        my ($frags, $team) = @_;
        return if not exists $store{scores};
        $store{scores}{teams}{$team} = $frags;
        return 0;
    } ],

    # scores: Xonotic server -> IRC channel
    [ dp => q{:end} => sub {
        return if not exists $store{scores};
        my $s = $store{scores};
        delete $store{scores};
        my $teams_matter = defined $s->{teams};

        my @t = ();
        my @p = ();

            # put players into teams
            my %t = ();
                my $thisteam = ($t{$_->[1]} ||= {score => 0, team => $_->[1], players => []});
                push @{$thisteam->{players}}, [$_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[2]];
                    $thisteam->{score} = $s->{teams}{$_->[1]};
                    $thisteam->{score} += $_->[0];

            # sort by team score
            @t = sort { $b->{score} <=> $a->{score} } values %t;

            # sort by player score
            @p = ();
                @{$_->{players}} = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @{$_->{players}};
                push @p, @{$_->{players}};
            @p = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @{$s->{players}};

        # no display for empty server
        return 0
            if !@p;

        # make message fit somehow
        for my $maxnamelen(reverse 3..64)
            my $scores_string = "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\00304" . $s->{map} . "\017 ended:";
                my $sep = ' ';
                    $scores_string .= $sep . "\003" . $color_team2irc_table{$_->{team}}. "\002\002" . $_->{score} . "\017";
                    $sep = ':';
            my $sep = '';
                my ($frags, $team, $name) = @$_;
                $name = color_dpfix substr($name, 0, $maxnamelen);
                    $name = "\003" . $color_team2irc_table{$team} . " " . color_dp2none $name;
                    $name = " " . color_dp2irc $name;
                $scores_string .= "$sep$name\017 $frags";
                $sep = ',';
            if(length($scores_string) <= ($store{irc_maxlen} || 256))
                out irc => 0, $scores_string;
                return 0;
        out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION would have LIKED to put the scores here, but they wouldn't fit :(\001";
        return 0;
    } ],

    # complain when system load gets too high
    [ dp => q{timing:   (([0-9.]*)% CPU, ([0-9.]*)% lost, offset avg ([0-9.]*)ms, max ([0-9.]*)ms, sdev ([0-9.]*)ms)} => sub {
        my ($all, $cpu, $lost, $avg, $max, $sdev) = @_;
        return 0 # don't complain when just on the voting screen
            if !$store{playing};
        if(length $config{dp_timinglog})
            open my $fh, '>>', $config{dp_timinglog}
                or warn "open >> $config{dp_timinglog}: $!";
            print $fh "@{[time]} $cpu $lost $avg $max $sdev $store{slots_active}\n"
                or warn "print >> $config{dp_timinglog}: $!";
            close $fh
                or warn "close >> $config{dp_timinglog}: $!";
        return 0 # don't complain if it was less than 0.5%
            if $lost < 0.5;
        return 0 # don't complain if nobody is looking
            if $store{slots_active} == 0;
        return 0 # don't complain in the first two minutes
            if time() - $store{map_starttime} < 120;
        return 0 # don't complain if it was already at least half as bad in this round
            if $store{map_starttime} == $store{timingerror_map_starttime} and $lost <= 2 * $store{timingerror_lost};
        $store{timingerror_map_starttime} = $store{map_starttime};
        $store{timingerror_lost} = $lost;
        out dp => 0, 'rcon2irc_say_as server "There are currently some severe system load problems. The admins have been notified."';
        out irc => 1, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION has big trouble on $store{map} after @{[int(time() - $store{map_starttime})]}s: $all\001";
        #out irc => 1, "PRIVMSG OpBaI :\001ACTION has big trouble on $store{map} after @{[int(time() - $store{map_starttime})]}s: $all\001";
        return 0;
    } ],

# Load plugins and add them to the handler list in the front.
for my $p(split ' ', $config{plugins})
    my @h = eval { do $p; }
        or die "Invalid plugin $p: $@";
    for(reverse @h)
        ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' or die "Invalid plugin $p: did not return a list of arrays";
        @$_ == 3 or die "Invalid plugin $p: did not return a list of three-element arrays";
        !ref $_->[0] && !ref $_->[1] && ref $_->[2] eq 'CODE' or die "Invalid plugin $p: did not return a list of string-string-sub arrays";
        unshift @handlers, $_;

# verify that the server is up by letting it echo back a string that causes
# re-initialization of the required aliases
out dp => 0, 'echo "Unknown command \"rcon2irc_eval\""'; # assume the server has been restarted

# regularily, query the server status and if it still is connected to us using
# the log_dest_udp feature. If not, we will detect the response to this rcon
# command and re-initialize the server's connection to us (either by log_dest_udp
# not containing our own IP:port, or by rcon2irc_eval not being a defined command).
schedule sub {
    my ($timer) = @_;
    out dp => 0, 'sv_cmd banlist', 'status 1', 'log_dest_udp', 'rcon2irc_eval set dummy 1';
    $store{status_waiting} = -1;
    schedule $timer => (exists $store{dp_hostname} ? $config{dp_status_delay} : 1);;
} => 1;

# Continue with connecting to IRC as soon as we get our first status reply from
# the DP server (which contains the server's hostname that we'll use as
# realname for IRC).
schedule sub {
    my ($timer) = @_;

    # log on to IRC when needed
    if(exists $store{dp_hostname} && !exists $store{irc_seen_welcome})
        $store{irc_nick_requested} = $config{irc_nick};
        out irc => 1, "NICK $config{irc_nick}", "USER $config{irc_user} localhost localhost :$store{dp_hostname}";
        $store{irc_logged_in} = 1;
        undef $store{irc_maxlen};
        undef $store{irc_pingtime};

    schedule $timer => 1;;
} => 1;

# Regularily ping the IRC server to detect if the connection is down. If it is,
# schedule an IRC error that will cause reconnection later.
schedule sub {
    my ($timer) = @_;

        if(defined $store{irc_pingtime})
            # IRC connection apparently broke
            # so... KILL IT WITH FIRE
            $channels{system}->send("error irc", 0);
            # everything is fine, send a new ping
            $store{irc_pingtime} = time();
            out irc => 1, "PING $store{irc_pingtime}";

    schedule $timer => $config{irc_ping_delay};;
} => 1;

# Main loop.
    # Build up an IO::Select object for all our channels.
    my $s = IO::Select->new();
    for my $chan(values %channels)
        $s->add($_) for $chan->fds();

    # wait for something to happen on our sockets, or wait 2 seconds without anything happening there
    my @errors = $s->has_exception(0);

    # on every channel, look for incoming messages
    for my $chanstr(keys %channels)
        my $chan = $channels{$chanstr};
        my @chanfds = $chan->fds();

        for my $chanfd(@chanfds)
            if(grep { $_ == $chanfd } @errors)
                # STOP! This channel errored!
                $channels{system}->send("error $chanstr", 0);
                next CHANNEL;

            for my $line($chan->recv())
                # found one! Check if it matches the regular expression of one of
                # our handlers...
                my $handled = 0;
                my $private = 0;
                for my $h(@handlers)
                    my ($chanstr_wanted, $re, $sub) = @$h;
                        if $chanstr_wanted ne $chanstr;
                    use re 'eval';
                    my @matches = ($line =~ /^$re$/s);
                    no re 'eval';
                        unless @matches;
                    # and if it is a match, handle it.
                    my $result = $sub->(@matches);
                    $private = 1
                        if $result < 0;
                        if $result;
                # print the message, together with info on whether it has been handled or not
                    print "           $chanstr >> (private)\n";
                    print "           $chanstr >> $line\n";
                    print "unhandled: $chanstr >> $line\n";
        } or do {
            if($@ eq "read error\n")
                $channels{system}->send("error $chanstr", 0);
                next CHANNEL;
                # re-throw
                die $@;

    # handle scheduled tasks...
    my @t = @tasks;
    my $t = time();
    # by emptying the list of tasks...
    @tasks = ();
        my ($time, $sub) = @$_;
        if($t >= $time)
            # calling them if they are schedled for the "past"...
            # or re-adding them to the task list if they still are scheduled for the "future"
            push @tasks, [$time, $sub];
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

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