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Thoughts on Xonotic?

I have handed in the review, and here it is.

Unfortunately I had overestimated the space available, and underestimated the replies I would receive here. Therefore I only managed to directly quote a couple of you guys, but I tried to put all your praise and concerns indirectly in the review.

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Hey, i remember you taking screenshots ingame Smile Also this looks like a two page newspaper layout. I am work printing production and i must say this looks very nice! Good job. Lol, maybe that's me in upper right corner.
erebus minstanex erebus Angel

Cool article! Small correction though; vehicles are in the game (since 0.1 or so i think) theres just no official map with them on. Wrt to Overkill, its not purely a CTF mod but rather a game mod - it works with any mode (kh, tdm etc) vanilla does theres for some additional info.

The "Durability" point is actualyl really good. It's still like that for me even after 7 years.

Impressive. Thats straight fire, sir! Very well done, +10 =)

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