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After a few tries of other people to retexture or remake Go CTF, I wanted to try it myself and came up with this result Smile

I mainly used the exomorphx and exx texture sets along with a few adapted textures. Also I fixed a few structural problems and added some details. The map now contains a crylink (it didnt in previous versions) and still has 3 nexguns.
The performance of the map still has to be improved; I already heard a few times that the fps are comparably lower than on other maps...

However, the map is available on some servers already (it is just a polished version of the original go by dublpaws after all). I am open for suggestions and constructive criticism.
'Go' and try it out yourself! Wink

Some screenshots:
[Image: 7mciG5Vl.jpg]

[Image: naDIPo8l.jpg]

[Image: V5OgH6hl.jpg]

Cheers Smile

And if people actually want to play it:

... Tongue

Aw yer.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Played on it once, enjoyed it. Smile (never played the original though)

(08-05-2014, 08:32 AM)Mirio Wrote: And if people actually want to play it:

... Tongue

Missing on a lot of textures Sad

(08-11-2014, 08:14 AM)Smilecythe Wrote:
(08-05-2014, 08:32 AM)Mirio Wrote: And if people actually want to play it:

... Tongue

Missing on a lot of textures Sad

Needs Autobuild/Git then.

How do I see the skybox?
On a side note, finding this thread was a bit manual since the map name is underneath the minimum length for search terms.

The links here are 404, but I've redownloaded the map several times from the unofficial map repository, regardless resulting in this. It's not terrible, but it seems much of the light is missing.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

In the Console, type: r_sky 1

It is hard to tell, but it looks a bit like the Nexuiz Go version.
Here is a link to Xonotics Go:

I've tried both.

r_sky 1 then vid_restart and still the sky turns up completely black. I got the map download from playing on servers, and since this issue is coming up I tried to redownload the map.

(08-02-2016, 08:46 PM)Mirio Wrote: It is hard to tell, but it looks a bit like the Nexuiz Go version.
Here is a link to Xonotics Go:

Download link here has the file name go-full-6f.... meanwhile the maps coming from the servers are go-full-0f...
With "6f" being the one with no map shot or author listed, it still kind of gives the same result of the black sky. I'm guessing it's because I've changed my graphics settings (the ones in menus), and some combination is causing this.

Have you tried moving your config.cfg out of the folder, generate a fresh one and load the map?
Or it could be that you have the malicious autoexec.cfg:

Tried both, well I didn't have an autoexec.cfg in my user accounts saved data for xonotic. It's still black.

Iokast, which server did you download that map from? What is the full name of the pk3 file? We can test that for you.

I was (re)downloading the map from, but I already figured out the problem- I had another map, map-ctf_go-v0r1.pk3, which I guess the game was loading that instead of go-full-0f... .

Anyone who wants this map can get it from

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