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map that looks like a kitchen?

I was online the other night and there was a server that had a map that was a CTF map and was basically someone's kitchen :-)
where can I get this map for my server?

Mike B

Every map you play online gets downloaded into the dlcache folder, you can find it there.


I don't know if there are more of them, but some is called "mm_kitch" or so.

Perhaps you can find the name of the map in XonStat?

There are at least 2 kitchen maps I can recall currently;


You can put them in your Xonotic/data folder to play them locally.
[Image: 230.jpg]

Is it the one where the flag is in the top part of the fridge? That's a fun map.
[Image: 38443.png]

Why would someone create a kitchen map? Sounds like a joke.

My bet is that they're ports from World of Padman


found it guys! whoot! thank you all!!!

(02-12-2015, 01:32 PM)Smilecythe Wrote: My bet is that they're ports from World of Padman

Padman looks kick ass! I'm grabbing a copy and loadin' her up for the LanParty! ;-)

thanks again!

Our Element server host that map (mmkitch). Was a much played map in Nexuiz.

[Image: 39855.png]

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