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Waterland, a CTF map with vehicles

As the thread title says, this is a CTF + Veh map.

It is an experiment I started some time ago with terrain and water surfaces plus the engine's particle system.
I'm not expert, so dont spect any good performance or gameplay from this my very first CTF map.

[Image: uHHn9c8.jpg]

Waterland 1.0:

Enjoy Wink

Updated 05-Nov-2017:

Waterland 1.1:


 Waterland 1.0 (15-Oct-2017)

  First release of the map.

 Waterland 1.1 (05-Nov-2017)


   Version 1.0 (old)

    The water was made with 2 blended surfaces:

     - 100% transparent bottom surface with the water effects provided by
       "dpWater" shader directive (reflection & refraction).

     - Top surface which adds color and different opacity levels.

   Version 1.1 (new)

    A totally different aproach:

     - Only one surface with more reflect effect, more color and same different
       opacity levels.

     - The water surface is now made with a trisoup of brushes converted to
       3x ASE models and manipulated like if it were terrain surfaces:

        - "alphaGen vertex" directive to enable vertex-controlled transparency.

        - Use of "alphaMod" brushes to set the different values for opacity.

     - "surfaceparm water", "surfaceparm nonsolid" and "surfaceparm noimpact"
       directives are of NO use here, remember: the water is 3x ASE models now.


   Slighty different lighting to have more prominent shadow edges:

    - q3map_sunExt ... <deviance> <samples>   (1 for deviance instead of 2)

    - No "q3map_lightmapFilterRadius 16 0" in terrain shaders anymore.


   The new water surface has forced me to redo the waves efect:

    - Avoiding Z-Fight seems harder now.

    - Now, the waves does not look fine anymore from top-of-water/underwater at
      the same time, remember: I'm using a lot of reflection in the top side of
      the water while none underwater.

As stunning as this map is, I feel obliged to mention: The .mapinfo file contains an insane list of server side cvars modified. Those who wish to use this should be warned that their entire server's weapon and vehicle balance will be changed every time they switch to this map.
Many of these are personal balance preferences too, so you may be better off using a private configuration file for testing.

Other than that, this could easily be the most visually impressive open terrain map in Xonotic! One detail bothers me though; the hard cutoff around the edges of the map. I feel like it completely breaks the immersion when you see the skybox in a map like this...
I understand it's very difficult to work around, but the easiest way would be to treat this like an island and have an infinite water clip (like oilrig) extending beyond the playing area.

Really impressive work either way, keep it up!
[Image: 230.jpg]

Updated the first post with a new version of the map.

Very cool map.
iMac OS Monterey 12.1
Xonotic 0.8.2 autobuild

Map looks pretty awesome from screenshot. Gonna download it and give it a spin.

Oh wait.

Woah! The reflection glitch present on the water shaders is non existent here (the one where you can go underwater, look up, and see you and the floor)... Your tweaks need to find their way into the main game.

Oh wait.

(11-05-2017, 05:36 PM)Lee_Stricklin Wrote: Woah! The reflection glitch present on the water shaders is non existent here (the one where you can go underwater, look up, and see you and the floor)... Your tweaks need to find their way into the main game.

Well, nothing special for the water texture/shader combo, only some experimentations:

Top surface, Reflection + Refraction (with no Tint):

dpWater 0.80 1.25  0.30 0.75  1 1 1  1 1 1  0.4

Back surface, Refraction only:

dpWater 0.0 0.0  0.40 0.0  1 1 1  1 1 1  0.25

IMO, the reflection of the player's model does not looks very nice in a horizontal plane like a water surface.
And then, there is the underwater part, where any reflection effect looks really out of place.

Oh, and not having "volume fog" for underwater is a big handicap Wink

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