I've been editing sound files for a couple of characters, and I've obviously noted that for some shouts there are multiple files, in which case each are appended a single-digit number to differentiate them. In-game, I gather that there's some algorithm that will pick the relevant names first, and, if there are more than one of the shouts available, it will pick one of those at random.
The question is this (because I can't see any indication of it); how many of each sound file can Xonotic handle for one character profile? Up to 9? Fewer? If more than, how should I append numbers? Or is there some other determination? When I attempted adding over 10 of one shout type, I couldn't discern whether or not it was actually working (if anything it sounded like they were shouting less frequently), with numbers appended as 01, 02, 03, etcetera...was this wrong?
For example, a coms folder might have .ogg files arranged like this;
I've been editing sound files for a couple of characters, and I've obviously noted that for some shouts there are multiple files, in which case each are appended a single-digit number to differentiate them. In-game, I gather that there's some algorithm that will pick the relevant names first, and, if there are more than one of the shouts available, it will pick one of those at random.
The question is this (because I can't see any indication of it); how many of each sound file can Xonotic handle for one character profile? Up to 9? Fewer? If more than, how should I append numbers? Or is there some other determination? When I attempted adding over 10 of one shout type, I couldn't discern whether or not it was actually working (if anything it sounded like they were shouting less frequently), with numbers appended as 01, 02, 03, etcetera...was this wrong?
For example, a coms folder might have .ogg files arranged like this;