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Overkill game mode - I like it!

Didn't felt like it Mirio...and I definitely listen to the game chat , unless you are referring to irc ...

Anyway I do not want to monopolize the thread,it's purpose serves other cause after all , and certainly this is not the place to address such things ...

Over by me .

Could we make a info box that comes up at the first time you launch the servers pain that explains what the icons mean ... cause they will be useless if player have no way of knowing what they mean.

(02-19-2012, 10:26 PM)hutty Wrote: Could we make a info box that comes up at the first time you launch the servers pain that explains what the icons mean ... cause they will be useless if player have no way of knowing what they mean.

Tooltips are less obstructive and more informitive.

Just to chip in my opinion.

Vechiles with racer jumping > Overkill > vehicles > rest of xonotic.

By shutting down Overkill, xonotic looses quite a few regulars, who will not be able to make a switch to regular gameplay (I am one of them, regular xonotic is a bit too slow, that I might as well play sauerbraten or red eclipse, they are identical for most of the part).

On the other hand, I cannot argue with tZork's view and decision, so, fair enough, let's see how minsta will start dominating the top servers now (it already did, if you exclude overkill).

Is there an overkill source btw? I.e. how easy would it be for someone else to bring up an OK server?

Quite easy, it's all in a branch on the Xonotic repository. tzork/overkill, IIRC.
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I have registered here for one reason only - to express my gratitude for the Overkill server (coincidence that my nick is also OVERKILL) and my dismay that someone would be discouraged by the actions of others to continue maintaining it.

I don't know what this whole argument is about, what is Xonotic and what isn't Xonotic is not an issue to me. I installed Xonotic two or three months ago and tried out a few servers. I noticed that each server had its own settings - one had vehicles, another had ropes, another had right-click jumping. We are all relatively free people, and I freely chose to play Overkill because I found it most enjoyable. Had the Overkill server not been in the server list, I would have uninstalled Xonotic that same day. I'm not saying the other game modes are not enjoyable, what I am saying is that they are not enjoyable for me. Some like NFS, others like Nascar. Some like jumping around clubbing people with their right-click shotgun, I prefer bouncing around like a speedballing Gummi Bear shotgunning and grenading fine players like Dear Lord, Lunitix and Orgasmic.
Oh, and vehicle ctf, loved that too.

divVerent Wrote:There is not enough players for both.
That might be a fact, I don't know; from my experience, there were almost always enough people (>6) to play an enjoyable game in my time zone. But shutting down the only server that I intensely enjoy playing to force me to play the others which I find slow and boring in comparison? What is this? Since when do you think you can tell people what to enjoy? No, this is not the way to fix your problem.

I'm involved with another game, it's an old classic, and at one point we had a lack of players. What did we do? We improved our website, recorded more gameplay videos, advertised it more, modded it more. That is what you should be doing. Advertise your game. Listen to your noobs. Improve the game. Clarify your website. Update those boring videos you have in the media section with something fast, fun and high quality - 1-3 minutes, not more.

But for christ's sake, don't bring down and disparage active community members and their mods just because their bunch of settings are more played than your bunch of settings are.

Deciding to bring the servers down did bring a few good things. It sparked a healthy debate and it brought some ppl to the forums that would not have been here else.

The reason controversy made me mad enough to shut it all down is argument along the lines of "Overkill is not Xonotic" and ideas to hide modified server's in the server list by default. lunitix touched the subject of why Xonotic is a free game ("Free" shouldn’t be regarded as "I got it free and didn't pay for it". Free should be regarded as freedom of choice). For me its more then that, tough. For me mod, custom maps, and so on IS what makes (or should make) Xonotic. Its what made me like Nexuiz all those years ago, its what kept me with it and the reason im still here. If this community no longer have space for those things, if they get to popular, then i want noting more to do with it. I do, however, not think this is the case but rather that's just how i saw it in the heat of the moment.

As for the overkill server, i will have wrestled with the topic in my head for a bit now. I can just conclude that its simply not fair towards all the ppl who enjoyed playing there or the ppl who developed it to let be be a victim of politics. Thus im bringing it back online right after finishing this port.

Thanks everyone who showed their support here, and my apologies for any overreactions on my part.

ExclamationHeartBig Grin

One thing I dislike in overkill is teamspawn. Its ok in games with 4-6 players, but for example 8-8 games are just ridiculous. There are mobs of players slowly moving through entire map dieing and spawning at the same time. Anyone who is afk-ing outside enemy base is a spawn point, its just a matter of seconds, the best players respawn and you have lost.
Also its sometimes too easy, you can run through entire map just to be killed at random by spawned enemy, skills are half-useless, anyone can kill you instantly, that's why i never considered minstagib to be the main game.

I would recommend changing behavior of teamspawn or lowering player limit.

@tZork, thanks for reconsidering and bringing the server back! Hooray!

Shutting down one (or two?) of the most popular servers for strange reasons like:
"Keep Xonotic pure" is like: Kill the game, mess up with some new gained players who like this mod, grow tension and ... erm .

Please keep this Server(s) online. Even if it's not Xonotic with default settings, it's a mod which could be (and is) attractive for players.

Btw. I really cant see the reason why a server should be shut off which raises popularity of Xon.

(02-21-2012, 04:02 AM)SavageX Wrote: @tZork, thanks for reconsidering and bringing the server back! Hooray!

[Image: Sigsig.jpg]

The first thing that made me smile today.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

A good decision tZork! Thanks!

We had almost the same discussion about the XPM CTS server not too long ago, remember? I can't be bothered to look up my serious poll for serious players in the suggestions forum, but it's pretty much the same situation.

Let's face it, most people use this game for something it was not originally intended. Be it playing music with bots, CTS, football or overkill. But that in my opinion signifies what this game is really about: freedom to do, develop and play (or not play) what YOU want.
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

Quote:One thing I dislike in overkill is teamspawn. Its ok in games with 4-6 players, but for example 8-8 games are just ridiculous. There are mobs of players slowly moving through entire map dieing and spawning at the same time. Anyone who is afk-ing outside enemy base is a spawn point, its just a matter of seconds, the best players respawn and you have lost.
Also its sometimes too easy, you can run through entire map just to be killed at random by spawned enemy, skills are half-useless, anyone can kill you instantly, that's why i never considered minstagib to be the main game.

I would recommend changing behavior of teamspawn or lowering player limit.

Maybe spawn with, eg. 2 AP which die down at the same rate as 5 HP from a shard. In other words, you could survive a nex hit for first 2 seconds.

For anyone running a server with a possibly 'confusing' configuration, i committed code to master today to provide an as clear as possible way to grab the users attention:
set sv_join_notices_time 10
set sv_join_notices "first msg line | second msg line | ..."
This will make your server show sth like:
[Image: GJpmr.jpg]
For sv_join_notices_time seconds at the start of each map, or when someone connects. There is no client option to hide it.

Overkill rocks! I love the simplified weapons and the regen. The spawn system is just great. You die fast, but as long as one member of a group stays alive you can continue to fight because of the respawn. Thanks alot for this mod!

Just one request: Remove weapon reload. It breaks the gameflow!

Hey! I never played that mod it sounds interesting to me. How can I try it?
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

filter for overkill in the server browser. server's usually preddy well populated.

Thanks, gonna try it! Smile
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

Did you know that wearing a helmet can save your life? I mean those helmets that dead players drop. They give you 5 armor that wear off after 5 seconds, but in this time you can survive a railgun shot. In large open maps this really makes a difference. But it looks like most people just ignore the helmets.

These are helmets? Look more like knee/elbow pads to me.

Yes, they can let you survive next hit, but won't do much against any other weapon - for that you need to look for 100 AP armor.

Yes on most maps they're not important. But on that huge town map everybody uses only the rail and they're nearly as good as the mega health.

Maybe [MoN] should have a 2nd server slot. During the rush hour (~20h-23h CET) it's often 8vs8 and more, and it becomes quite laggy. On the other hand, defending your base against a respawning 8 player horde with your shotgun is just fun. Zombie mode!

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