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Overkill game mode - I like it!

Hello there,

I've been playing on the Overkill server on various occasions and enjoyed each and every match on it.

I'd like to thank tZork for his hard work, who is discouraged to continue working on this mod by a"never ending shitstorm i have to take for it existing". I also thank everybody else working on this mod, e.g. Morphed!

I don't think creating mods for Xonotic should be punishable with a shitstorm, so here I am expressing my thanks and would like to encourage everyone being just as grateful as I am to leave a short notice here.

Oh, and I enjoy Vanilla Xonotic as well. Thank you, Team Xonotic!

+1 on all what SavageX said.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

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Because who needs more than three guns!
Overkill is wonderful.



I have been also playing the Overkill server where I discovered with great pleasure tZork's mod after my second try at Xonotic. And I say second because first try was a discouraging one, were the only taste I got of the game was seer boredom . Even now Nexuiz is by far more fun and speedy , a join in, and imediately have a fast and fun game opposed to Xonotic standard, where I feel glued, moving like a turtle and spending too much time trying to have fun, rather than actually having fun. The physics , the moving , the weapons everything just isn't. Not to say a lot of no's and don'ts that took out the fun from many things.

Then after a lot of months I discovered Overkill mod and immediately became my favorite. It had all I wanted and I said "wow, this is it. I like it !!!" This can draw me from Nexuiz. And it did . Judging by the popularity of the server it appealed to many others as well. Lastly we started seeing players from Nexuiz coming in.
A great sign I would say for the future of the game. But not for all as I discover with great disappointment.

Before getting carried away and letting a justified frustration find it's way into words, and occupy lots and lots of valuable space , I restrain myself and say only one thing more:

"Free and open source game" . I point only to the first word and say "Free" shouldn’t be regarded as "I got it free and didn't pay for it".Free should be regarded as freedom of choice ! That is my understanding of it.

Until whoever is responsible opens his\her\their mind , I guess back it's back to Nexuiz 4 me ....


Ok, I´m also thanking tZork now for the Overkill mod. A lot of fun! Smile

But I don´t understand your opinion lunitix, for me normal DM is even more exciting. It needs more tactics to beat your opponents. It´s a little bit different than in Nexuiz but I think it´s good how it is now. Maybe you just got not used to all the different functions yet?

I would like to thank all the ppl who supported us in making and developing Overkill here, without you i would not still be involved in the Xonotic project. I will must also STRONGLY point out that Morphed designed this mod, my part was mainly as a implementer of hes ideas. Another huge thanks goes out to merlijn who hosted the Overkill and Vehicles servers for all this time. The coding effort (my part) was really minimal. Above ppl are you need to thank for those servers.
Oh iSuck, another HUGE thanks goes to divVerent who implemented our talks about a "mod system" witch is what allowed this mod to be made as easily as it was. Without this, it would have been a major undertaking. With it is was easy, very easy.

Quote:Even now Nexuiz is by far more fun and speedy

Funny, because IMO it's exactly the opposite. Bunnyhopping in Nexuiz is very clumsy, and racetrack is a testament to that statement.

I have to add to this, Overkill is great. Just the grenades need a redesign :p

Overkill is great, I've enjoyed a lot of games, actually lately spent about equal time playing regular Xonotic and Overkill. The gameplay is very straightforward and simple, but a lot of complex and fun situations happen for teamwork because of the spawn system. Everything works as expected without any gagdets and gimmicks that can confuse players and is great with players of all skills. Plus, it uses the same physics and maps so it's very easy to switch between the 2. These days I prefer Overkill for public play over regular Xonotic, and prefer regular Xonotic for duels and pickups, I have no trouble playing both.

I don't see what the fuss is all about, if people complain because it is a mod, then Minsta is just the same in the sense that it uses none of the weapons from regular game and is one shot kills and I don't see people whining about it being in serverlist and such, it's basically a mod just as Overkill is a mod. If anything, Overkill should be be included in the game (if it's not already) because it's obviously very popular and kicks Minsta's ass.

Though I haven't had the time to play a lot Xonotic lately, I do have to say that I really like overkill. In my opinion it allows for the most enjoyable CTF experience available in Xonotic.
I like the normal Xonotic settings for every game mode except for CTF, it might allow for more teamplay but it really makes it a lot more boring to me. The reason I liked playing Nexuiz (almost CTF exclusive) where the moments where you had the flag and rushed back to your base while under heavy fire and only -just- making it thanks to speed, dodging unpredictably with the laser and good health management, since health meant fuel for movement. In normal Xonotic this feel is gone for me, but Overkill gives me the same kind of thrill (with the exception of the health management, but due to the weapons you are always close to death anyway, so that compensates for it).
So in short, everyone working on overkill, thanks for making CTF fun again.


(02-18-2012, 06:44 PM)rafallus Wrote:
Quote:Even now Nexuiz is by far more fun and speedy

Funny, because IMO it's exactly the opposite. Bunnyhopping in Nexuiz is very clumsy, and racetrack is a testament to that statement.

Even if Xonotic might be faster, Nexuiz had a greater sensation of speed. Compare a car that slowly pulls up to 200 km/h on the straight highway, to one that is drifting in a tight, curvy race course at "only" 150 km/h. Even though the first one might be faster, the second one will feel a lot faster.

(02-18-2012, 07:34 PM)nifrek Wrote: I don't see what the fuss is all about, if people complain because it is a mod, then Minsta is just the same in the sense that it uses none of the weapons from regular game and is one shot kills and I don't see people whining about it being in serverlist and such, it's basically a mod just as Overkill is a mod. If anything, Overkill should be be included in the game (if it's not already) because it's obviously very popular and kicks Minsta's ass.

This. Personally, I haven't really grown fond of overkill, but I totally fail to see why it should not be an official mod either. It seems very polished and loved by a lot of people, so unless it's hopelessly unstable why not have it as an official mod? I prefer it over minsta, too, which is an official mod.

Oh, and yes, great work and thank you.
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It seems that when I play Xonotic the most populated servers are MoN's vehicle and overkill. I like the regular game modes too, but overkill seems popular. Overkill is a nice cross between the extremes of minsta and regular; it's not as complicated (for new players) as regular and not as simple as minsta (without weapon switching). I'm not sure why anyone would give grief to those that created a very popular mod. Seems a bit childish and counterproductive.

The server is (was) clearly marked as a mod so if anyone is confused, gosh, don't know what to tell you and be kind about it. :/

Anyway, thank you to tZork and Morphed and all else that worked so hard on overkill. Xonotic is the only game I play and all of you made a very enjoyable mod of it. Nobody is playing on the other servers so please bring it back.

First of all: Overkill is an interesting mod, and should exist and be played.

The real issue is that we do not have enough players.

Now put yourself into the position of someone who actually likes Xonotic. They open server list, click on the only populated server, notice "oh no, this is not Xonotic", and go away and complain. Quite many people have been in this position before, and got annoyed, then complained - and this is exactly what set tZork off.

So basically... this seems like it asks the question, we can EITHER have Overkill, OR have Xonotic. There is not enough players for both. And yes, MinstaGib caused the same issues before, especially in Nexuiz times - it just seemed less of a problem because there is nobody one can direct "MinstaGib hate" to, while Overkill clearly has people who are responsible for it.

It also doesn't help that many who DO like Xonotic, and not Overkill, don't play on public server but only private and pickup games. All this together made Overkill seem like the culprit of destroying the Xonotic these players like, and directed the complaints to tZork.

It is simply not possible to make a game style everyone can enjoy. Overkill is for one group. Xonotic is for another group. The issue is that only one group ever can have the game they want, due to not enough active players on public servers.

So, the solution should be:
  • Bring the overkill server back
  • Make the private/pickup players play public again
  • Make it clearer that Overkill servers are running a mod, e.g. by server browser icons
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I don't enjoy playing the overkill mod very much but I can't believe that people think that it hurts xonotic. People play on the MoN server because they have fun there. If they had fun playing on other servers. e.g. public DM servers they would play there too (and some do so).
Solution: make those servers that you want to get crowded more fun for newbies. I don't think that new players would have much fun playing with the experienced ctf players from #xonotic.pickup, getting pushed around like rubber balls. Give them the maps they like (even if you think WTF spacemaps??), use noob friendly settings like a short weapon respawn delay and keep care of them. Ban the bad guys, help the good ones. On the MoN server you get everything mentioned, kudos for that.

Well, anyway. All this will "fix itself" with Xonotic 0.6 release, which is expected to at least double the current player counts.
BRLOGENSHFEGLE (core dumped)

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Quote:Even if Xonotic might be faster, Nexuiz had a greater sensation of speed. Compare a car that slowly pulls up to 200 km/h on the straight highway, to one that is drifting in a tight, curvy race course at "only" 150 km/h. Even though the first one might be faster, the second one will feel a lot faster.

Because there is far less blur than there was in Nexuiz. Textures are much sharper, and motion blur is reduced. Oddly, I don't know if it's just me, but motion blur doesn't work from recent autobuild at all.

As for overkill itself, I wondered if it was included in build itself, if not, there could be some tutorial on how to integrate it with local install (third-party IMO, there is enough other stuff to be done as it is anyway)

I enjoy playing on the overkill servers. Well done to all of the mod creators. Big Grin
The only thing I think that needs work is the models. Imo, they need more detail.

The other thing I have to say, is that Overkill feels a little too much like instagib. The main rifle's damage should be turned down a notch.

How about two tabs in the server browser? One for normal Xonotic, and one for mods like overkill and minista? As long as the normal tab is displayed first, people who want to just join a game are more likely to jump into the regular ones, while those who want to join the other servers are free to do so, with only one additional click away.

No, two tabs would basically mean hiding mods by default. That's not the general idea.

What we will do, is showing icons for popular mods where you currently see the Xonotic icon on "pure" servers.

So Xonotic icon = core Xonotic gameplay
minstagib icon (currently the MinstaNex crosshair) = minstagib
icon of mod = mod (also includes balance configs, physics configs)
question mark = new mod (no icon yet), open server info dialog to see mod name
no icon = "unknown" changes of gameplay settings on the server, but sure not one of the popular mods. Maybe just minor things.
BRLOGENSHFEGLE (core dumped)

The Bot Orchestra is back! | Xoylent Easter Egg | 5bots1piano
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I would like to thank Morphed,merlijn and divVerent as tzork corrently pointed out. Thank you guys so much!

@divVerent There is no argument strong enough that could possibly reason the decision to bring down OVERKILL server. You pointed though a very significant factor that should worry people more and you correctly brougth this into attention. That of the "private games" .This is a real problem for one to consider why there are not enough players.

Heck, I once joined one of these games by "mistake", because someone over there forgot to make it private and the server was visible.The server was full of players .Do you know what they did ? They mocked the few players that joined while on this window of "publicness", then all disconnected to restart the server and blocked further connections to it .Need I say names ?Not needed . Need I say that this behaviour draws people away ? No.

I for sure do not need to play with some arrogant people who think that because they have the server keys can do anything they want , and don't let anyone spoil their precius private club .

I do not know who decided to bring down Overkill server, but it is a childish decision to make . Let's burn those books again while you are at it . Start with the most popular ones , and leave only what you like to read ...Maybe this way they'll become also popular ...WOW how come I hadn't thought of it ...I would be a very popular writer this way !

Cheers xonoticans

It was tZork's decision to shut down the server, reason stated in the OP. It was not at all meant to hurt OK's popularity, he just ran out of enthusiasm because he felt opponents of OK put too much pressure on him. He doesn't want OK to stop, but he's done with it.

[Image: d22dfd3fe9672a5d3f0738134095c035.jpg]
See at the bottom (where the cursor is) how an Overkill server then would look like with the new icons code.

That should make it easy for Overkill fans to prefer them, and for Overkill haters to avoid them.

EDIT: of course MinstaGib also gets a special icon...
BRLOGENSHFEGLE (core dumped)

The Bot Orchestra is back! | Xoylent Easter Egg | 5bots1piano
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Thanx Mr.Bougo for clearing that out . I believe that for doing so he had enough, and certainly good reasons .

I really hope he changes his mind .

"Ear-bubs" can help filter the "noise".

(02-19-2012, 10:48 AM)lunitix Wrote: Heck, I once joined one of these games by "mistake", because someone over there forgot to make it private and the server was visible.The server was full of players .Do you know what they did ? They mocked the few players that joined while on this window of "publicness", then all disconnected to restart the server and blocked further connections to it .Need I say names ?Not needed . Need I say that this behaviour draws people away ? No.

The server was public that people can see that there are players.
Apparently we try to create fair teams and you and some others just joined and interupted this, without even listening to the chat.
This is not about being arrogant or hiding - we just want to have some nice games. Those are not even exclusive since everyone can join them.
We invite every new player to join (e.g. see "Hello"-topics here) anyway and I invite you to play with us too.
(Beside that, such a game happens like ..maybe every 2 weeks Tongue)
Personally I am waiting for 0.6 and DCC CTF to migrate to Xonotic, so I can play on a decent server (I know others who wait for DCC CTF as well).

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