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Q3Map2Wizard - a map compiler GUI for Xonotic

--> What is 'Q3Map2Wizard'?
  • It is a graphical user interface for the map compiler q3map2 and was designed to work with Xonotic. It allows you to use the full power of q3map2´s numerous switches and options.

The main features are building with various compile options which nobody can´t remember at any time (that´s why this tool might be helpful Wink ) and effectively test your maps while designing it. You can play maps you are developing through this GUI, no need to start the executable manually.

[Image: qmw1.png]

[Image: qmw2.png]

If you download the zip file containing the program you accept the terms of the GNU GPLv3 which Q3Map2Wizard is licensed under.

Download: 10.9Mb

  • Windows 32/64bit
    Linux 32/64bit

After you have downloaded the package extract the folder in it to your preferred location. In the extracted folder you then can start the program by either executing (you may need to make it executable before doing so) if you´re using Linux or by executing Q3Map2Wizard.exe if you´re using Windows. Do not forget to set up the paths in the 'settings' tab!

I´m happy for every constructive feedback which brings this program forward. I want and will go on with developing this program and any ideas of useful feature will help me make it better.

good work maddin!

There seem to be some text rendering bugs in the bsp pane.

Is there an online repository for this such as a GitHub clone?

@s1lence: Oh, right. Seems to dependent on the used theme. Will try to fix that somehow... Tongue

@Mr. Bougo: No, sadly not. I´m sorry, I really should get used to git. In the near future I will make it available through git. But thanks for reminding me on that. Smile

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib
./QMW $*

Heh, not cool. Why not make libqt a dependency?

Also, the Qt libs are LGPL, this should be made clear in a "LICENSING" file, because "COPYING.txt" seems to imply that everything is licensed under GPLv3.

(11-21-2012, 05:03 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib
./QMW $*

Heh, not cool. Why not make libqt a dependency?

Ok. But how? (Forgive me, this is my first program I wrote plus I´m new to C++ and Qt... my skills regarding Unix should be better too.)

Mr. Bougo Wrote:Also, the Qt libs are LGPL, this should be made clear in a "LICENSING" file, because "COPYING.txt" seems to imply that everything is licensed under GPLv3.
Ups. :S Will correct that at soon as possible. Probably this case of mutliple licenses is explained on , right?

(11-21-2012, 05:10 PM)Maddin Wrote:
(11-21-2012, 05:03 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib
./QMW $*

Heh, not cool. Why not make libqt a dependency?

Ok. But how? (Forgive me, this is my first program I wrote plus I´m new to C++ and Qt... my skills regarding Unix should be better too.)

By just adding in the readme that Qt is required Wink

As for the licensing, I really am not sure. I'd ask merlijn about that if nobody helps in this thread.

Oh ok, seems obvious... Big Grin Though I would prefer to not force the user to install Qt. It´s easier this way (though it´s cleaner the way you suggested it). Well, I could deliver different versions/packages: One without the libraries if somebody already has installed Qt and another onewith the libraries if somebody just wants to use the program (without being and actual coder/developer).

And then, how should it work on Windows? The application does search in the application´s location as far as I know. Having Qt installed doesn´t mean you can start the application externally. Or did you mean that just using a shell script isn´t such a sleek method to start a program? Wink

Windows apps often include dlls, so that's no problem. But in Linux, supplying your own lib binaries is redundant and therefore a waste of space. Many people already have Qt installed, and if they don't they'd much rather have it installed for other apps to use as well. Shipping a library with every application that depends on it is wasteful in every respect.

It's also harder to trust a package that comes with sources and a LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If anything, you should be using LD_PRELOAD for this. Also, read this, I've seen this link passed around a lot. It does not explicitly say that what you're doing is bad.

I'd say most of Linux users have Qt installed (based on the info that KDE has over 50% popularity as a desktop environment).

As for windoze... I would really welcome some kind of installable Qt dlls package in a similar manner to the 'm$ visual c redistributable' - dropping dlls along the app binary is a chore ;-P.
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

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