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[SUGGESTION] Assault Maps

Right now there are only 4 playable assault maps (techassault, safe-district, warehouses-b1, fortsntowerassault) and one unfinished (onarail). Can anyone try to make some maps or you will let this mode die again as with nexuiz?

No assault maps, no assault servers, no assault improvements... anyone?

I think this mode was not even really alive yet, although it's quite nice to play.

I thought it was easy: Take random map, place vehicles (also randomly) and compile it with this additional command: [q3map2] -scale 3.0 "[MapFile]" (this will make it 3 times bigger then orginal)

PS: To achive better effect: Compile known map (like dance) upside down.This might work too.

Ok, Im just joking there, but this mode requires great mappers: Morphed, TZork... they have experience in this sort of maps.

(02-25-2013, 08:27 AM)Justin Wrote: Ok, Im just joking there, but this mode requires great mappers: Morphed, TZork... they have experience in this sort of maps.

So then the thing is more like:
Who is up for the challenge? Cool

sry 2 busy makin lightning guns finishing player models & experemental mapping. have 2 go. cu
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

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