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Taunts info?

Hmm saw two setting in the server.cfg file for taunts but can't find anything else on them. Does the player have to map these themselves? Is there a how to/faq on them?

[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

if you type "cmd voice taunt" into console (you can bind that of course) your player will release taunt voices.
There are other things like "attack", "defend" etc. too.

I guess that's .. what you asked.

FWIW, the voice commands are defined in server/defs.qh (see the current revision in git).
                _VOICEMSG(attack) \
                _VOICEMSG(attackinfive) \
                _VOICEMSG(coverme) \
                _VOICEMSG(defend) \
                _VOICEMSG(freelance) \
                _VOICEMSG(incoming) \
                _VOICEMSG(meet) \
                _VOICEMSG(needhelp) \
                _VOICEMSG(seenflag) \
                _VOICEMSG(taunt) \

As Mirio pointed out, they are accessed through the "cmd voice" command, for which "voice" is an alias. They can also be listed using "cmd voice" with an invalid argument.

Is there a way to bind these keys to the number pad? I saw that you can do voice chats with the number pad and want to do voice chat with it.
minstanex erebus Angel

(12-17-2018, 05:54 PM)3agle427 Wrote: Is there a way to bind these keys to the number pad? I saw that you can do voice chats with the number pad and want to do voice chat with it.

Those are not voice chats. Those are just pre-recorded, pre-defined sound effects.

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