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[SUGGESTION] Including training videos in the game

Games with complexity such as this one benefit greatly from having videos for learning gameplay mechanics easily accessible to the player. In the game's current state, it's not uncommon for most new players to not utilize even the most basic movement techniques and especially your more advanced weapon handling ones until your more experienced players tell them how to pull them off. I'm thinking a couple of training videos demonstrating your basic movement techniques as well as ones that demonstrate how the weapons work would greatly benefit new players (and the community as a whole really) and better help newcomers understand the gameplay mechanics and reduce the possibility of new players getting frustrated to the point of quitting the game entirely. Currently as it is, newer players jump into the fire completely clueless and get steamrolled by players using techniques that are completely alien to them.

Oh wait.

Can't be done easily. Either we make special demos (but then that is FPS dependent, needs special maps entities to trigger voice over messages etc.), or somebody hs to implement mpeg playback into darkplaces (darkplaces video format can't play sound), but divVerent would rather rewrite the whole game from scratch than even trying to implement it (it's that hard, yes).
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

I think it would be more effective to have something like the old Nexuiz tutorial, this way you can actually perform the various tasks and you get a feedback on whether you are doing it properly (ie: reach the next room)

Yes, a tutorial map is the best way to handle this.
[Image: 12766.png]
Sucks at weapons

I like the Quake live approach
A guided tour through a map including explanations of Items jump pads etc. followed by a short match against the guide.
How to Englich?

Don't forget the Nexuiz in-depth YouTube channel. There's some piece of explanation there regarding tips for very basic up to not so basic techniques. Maybe we should advertise this more?
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

(10-15-2013, 10:30 AM)CuBe0wL Wrote: Can't be done easily. Either we make special demos (but then that is FPS dependent, needs special maps entities to trigger voice over messages etc.), or somebody hs to implement mpeg playback into darkplaces (darkplaces video format can't play sound), but divVerent would rather rewrite the whole game from scratch than even trying to implement it (it's that hard, yes).


(10-15-2013, 10:32 AM)Melanosuchus Wrote: I think it would be more effective to have something like the old Nexuiz tutorial, this way you can actually perform the various tasks and you get a feedback on whether you are doing it properly (ie: reach the next room)

This would probably be the best way to do it.

(10-16-2013, 04:09 AM)unfa Wrote: Don't forget the Nexuiz in-depth YouTube channel. There's some piece of explanation there regarding tips for very basic up to not so basic techniques. Maybe we should advertise this more?

It would probably be a good idea to start making videos similar to these after Xonotic hits 1.0.

(10-15-2013, 03:48 PM)cvcxc Wrote: I like the Quake live approach
A guided tour through a map including explanations of Items jump pads etc. followed by a short match against the guide.

That is one thing that Quake Live got right.

Oh wait.

I will try to dive into helping with a tutorial map or demo or whatever soon, and I'm confident we'll be able to make something like that happen. I just have to finish another task first, but rest assured, there WILL be some sort of tutorial at some point.
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