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[SUGGESTION] Xonotic Demo Archive

So, ehm, wouldnt it be cool to have a page you could upload demos to? :o
There could be a frontpage with featured demos/matches, selected by votings or admins/mods.
And every registered forum user (or seperate accounts) would have its own little page with a list of uploaded demos and the possibility to add 1-3 small screenshots to the page of the single demo. If space is a problem, you could limit it and instead give the possibility to host it somwhere else and still list it on the page.

Maybe that would make more sense when the community is bigger.

So, what do you guys think? Big Grin

(03-11-2014, 05:48 PM)DauX Wrote: Maybe that would make more sense when the community is bigger.

This is the key part. I like the idea.
erebus minstanex erebus Angel

Sounds cool, little bit like . I could probably try do something like this, I won't be hosting it though.

Theres no reason not to do something like that now, if someone can create it. Would also be somewhere people could access old or latest demls, different cups/tournaments etc.

Demos at the moment are fragmented all over the place, so a central depository makes sense.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @



edit: But in all seriousness, this is easily part of the centralized map repository that i've been wanting to get deployed for years... Issue is that no one has both the time and knowledge to build it properly... So for now, it's merely a concept we can all desire until someone with the know-how actually is free enough to create it.
Do it yourself, or stop complaining.

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