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Reflex thread

What people have reflex? What are your opinions on it so far? Only played on it with my school computer (since it have Windows) so far, managed to get 50 fps xD

Still haven't tryed out,but it sure looks interesting.
[Image: 22172.png]

What is it? Can't be bothered to look it up. Is it some over hyped game?

(11-07-2014, 12:16 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: What is it? Can't be bothered to look it up. Is it some over hyped game?

It's standalone CPMA, basically. They just went Steam Early Access. It's hyped but I wouldn't say over hyped (yet).

EDIT: cpma =

I looked at it, but it doesn't look like anything spectacular as it's kinda bland looking and it's gameplay is literally copy/paste of something that already exists with way more content. With games like Xonotic, Warsow, and Quake III: Arena out now not to mention Project Freefall, Toxikk, and Unreal Tournament 2014 being around the corner I don't really see any reason for me to waste my time on it.

Oh wait.

(11-07-2014, 03:43 PM)Lee_Stricklin Wrote: I looked at it, but it doesn't look like anything spectacular as it's kinda bland looking and it's gameplay is literally copy/paste of something that already exists with way more content. With games like Xonotic, Warsow, and Quake III: Arena out now not to mention Project Freefall, Toxikk, and Unreal Tournament 2014 being around the corner I don't really see any reason for me to waste my time on it.

Never heard of Freefall, gotta check it out thanks! Well, sure you can say CPMA already exist but it's really hard to get into, it's hard to install and 80% of the community is high skill, the rest is mid skill so it's really hard to get into for complete newbs. Reflex is essentially CPMA in a modern engine with modern features that gamers expect, such as match making, good graphics, an actual playerbase to play with etc. (see it more like killing floor was to the killing floor mod or dota2 to dota wc3 mod rather than a clone, it's cpma 2 not cpma copy)

Kind of look like Terminal Overload mixed with Xonotic/Warsaw/etc..

Now we have this
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

(11-07-2014, 04:51 PM)end user Wrote: Now we have this

That certainly looks interesting, thanks for sharing!

Ahh, Team Fortres!

... next!
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

movement was way too hard for me, had strange FPS drops like from 10 to 450, did not work on linux

but seemed okayish otherwise

That overwatch looks brilliant, going to look up that some more!
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Looked a bit more into Overwatch, certainly looks interesting but I would not expect it to be especially FPS-oriented (certainly some hero will require some FPS-skill, but looking at the hero preview videos it looks more MOBA-like in situations, that is its more about putting off combos correctly and tactically together with team in contrast to correct aiming, positioning and movement).

Dunno, looked quite fps to me

As it's team-orientated I would expect it to be similar to Team Fortress.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Back to original topic. Played some more Reflex now and commenting purely on the gameplay (implementation wise it really sucks atm) it is really, really smooth. Everything feels somehow easier than in Xonotic or cpm, but not in a dumbed-down way. Movement feels precise and has some challenging but very rewarding elements (tele-cj for example). As for weapons they all feel very good, rail feels a bit off though but that's probably due to no netcode implemented yet. Plasma is replaced by a hagar-like weapon that is useful for combos and as a lower-tier weapon. Then there is stake gun which feels quite out of place, its like a combination of mortar and nex, but is also supposed to be used for movement (haven't really found or seen much use of this weapon, feels quite out-of-place imo). Then one annoying implementation issue is the sound engine, it's very hard to predict where someone is coming from and many sounds are too high volume or too low quality. As for maps, it actually includes two original and very good maps, and some cpm maps. Bdm3 is a small duel map and xfdm2 is a nice 2on2 map. Someone on Reflex forums is working on a tool to convert Reflex maps to Quake 3 format (I think), this could probably be used to somehow get maps in netradiant and then in Xonotic (would be cool because I much prefer reflex editor, not that it's extremely better but its much tighter feedback loop since you can just spawn and try stuff right in the editor).

Is it worth getting. Give me the bottom line machine!

I know Smilecythe wants me to get it (presumably to beat me down Smile ).

Will check it out on steam tonight.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


It's worth getting if you keep in mind it is alpha, it is not particularly optimized. I have FPS drops when there is too much particles and gibs in the scene and too detailed maps are completely unplayable, but on small maps I get 60fps with quite infrequent fps drops (I have gtx 650).

Its only £6.99
Will pick it up tonight, some duels please!
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Oh yes Kojn, we'll have to wait for the netcode to be implemented though, it's quite unplayable with +50 ping atm Tongue

(11-07-2014, 03:43 PM)Lee_Stricklin Wrote: I looked at it, but it doesn't look like anything spectacular as it's kinda bland looking and it's gameplay is literally copy/paste of something that already exists with way more content. With games like Xonotic, Warsow, and Quake III: Arena out now not to mention Project Freefall, Toxikk, and Unreal Tournament 2014 being around the corner I don't really see any reason for me to waste my time on it.

It's bland looking because it's in pre-alpha and they use only what little original assets they have. It's not copying exactly, their engine is made from scrap entirely and the Reflex developers were involved with the development of the original CPMA mode as well. It's been their dream plan for a long time to make it a standalone game long before any of those other 2013-2014 projects existed. None of those other upcoming projects have the same bunnyhop, accelerated and fast movement feeling that Xonotic has. If you prefer games like Xonotic/Quake over Unreal/Tribes, then following Reflex development is my recommendation. Otherwise, I'd go with UT4 and maybe Project Nex, nevermind those other games tho.

Another notable feature is the map editing mode, I'm no mapper and even I can cook up maps that can easily match Xonotic-level detail and looks (in the future). And sure, it's nothing really new and original either *cough* Sauerbraten *cough*, but how can you turn down Quake + Minecraft combo?

Sorry for the positive blabber, I'm over hyped and high lol.

It's fun to jump around in a local match, but online is quite unplayable atm. And fps gets pretty low when there are too many particles, I will just sit back and wait for it to get out of alpha before I start playing online. Smile
[Image: 237.png]

It's my understanding that Reflex is basically intended to be the new CPMA, basically being made for Q3A/QL die-hards who want to see their game with continued support and a facelift. That's not a bad thing when you consider that id is crap nowadays, and they really don't seem to care very about QL anymore. It's also includes a real-time map editor, an in-game replay editor, and is supposed to include things like steamworks functionality in the future.

Anyway, Reflex feels like Q3A. It has the same movement pretty much the same weapons. It's worth trying out if you like Q3A or QL, but keep in mind that the game is only in it's prototype stage atm.

Played some low ping duels with Machine, very responsive movement mechanics and mouse input so far. At it's core it plays like CPMA, but somehow feels unique and new at the same time. Words cannot quite describe it. Once polished I could see myself playing this regularly alongside with Xonotic.

(11-16-2014, 01:59 PM)Smilecythe Wrote: Played some low ping duels with Machine, very responsive movement mechanics and mouse input so far. At it's core it plays like CPMA, but somehow feels unique and new at the same time. Words cannot quite describe it. Once polished I could see myself playing this regularly alongside with Xonotic.

Yeah, it definitely has a familiar feel, but its own charm because it's on a different engine. Some things are unique to Reflex, like triple jumping, teleporter jumps, and wall acceleration. It's pretty cool to see the quirks of the engine being used for advanced movement. I hope they don't start "fixing" those things to stay close to being a CPMA clone.

i remember hearing that they intend to make it somewhat distinct from cpm, but they began by recreating it just to get their engine working. this early, they've already got a couple new mechanics which i'm excited for. as someone who missed out on painkiller multiplayer, OMG STAKE GUN

just from running around offline, movement feels a little bit more stable and less glitchy than cpma. stair jumps in particular seem to work more consistently. could just be my technique has improved, though. :V


Stair jumps are easier in Reflex because circle/strafe jumps accelerate faster Tongue

Made some example tricks:

You can do similar jump with wall jump in xonotic, just bounce off the walls. There are some cvars for the settings.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

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