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[SUGGESTION] Yet another physics and balance revamp

I was thinking about doing a balance and physics configuration for some time, particularly one that would promote more styles of movement for fighting and work well with vehicle CTF maps as well as Xonotic's normal arenas. Taoki talking about getting to work on a configuration awhile back along with Hutty getting his ideas on the forum and getting to work on his configuration inspired me to actually have another go at this. This will be more or less an alternative set aimed particularly at people looking to do both vehicle CTF and traditional Xonotic maps on their servers, not really intended to replace the current default. The following is what I'm aiming for:

Physics and movement changes
Running speed/ground movement
Running speed slightly sped up to emphasize on foot movements for fighting and using the jump key for dodging or getting past obstacles. Bunnyhopping is no longer your only means of moving around.

Bunnyhop/ski movement
Reserved primarily for longer distance travel as doing this makes it easy to hit obstacles as well as making your movement more predictable. Skiiing can be accomplished via bunnyhopping downhills/terrain.

Trickjumps can still be accomplished just as they were before using weapon splash damage, ramps in the enviroment, etc. Jumping will be used largely for exactly that, not just for traveling flat planes via bunnyhopping.

There will be two types of jetpack in Xonotic. One of them requires fuel to operate (most likely to reserve it as a super item for deathmatches) while the other will recharge in a manner similar to what is in Tribes (Allowing for large scale team VS team battles).

Weapon Roles, they will still largely act the same with slight tweaks
Ammo: N/A
Role: Movement aid, mobility disruption, desperation weapon

Ammo: Shells
Role: Close range hitscan, melee

Lightning Gun
Ammo: Cells
Role: Mobility disruption/finishing weak opponents

Ammo: Explosives
Role: General purpose grenade launcher, good for finishing combos

Ammo: Shells
Role: Getaway weapon, ambush weapon

Ammo: Plasma
Role: Bouncy projectile shotgun/anti-air, anti mobility

Ammo: Plasma
Role: General purpose spam weapon, good for pinning enemies

Rocket Launcher
Ammo: Explosive
Role: General purpose rocket launcher

Ammo: Cells
Role: Long range railgun

Ammo: Weapon specific
Role: Explosive/burn damage projectile, fire starter, balance wrecker

Mine Layer
Ammo: Explosive
Role: Anti-Vehicle

Ammo: Plasma
Role: Super Spammer, made redundant by the Hagar

Machine Gun
Ammo: ?
Role: Finishing hitscan weapon, replaced by lightning gun

Ammo: ?
Role: Sniper Rifle, made redundant by Nex

Fk'n Tuba
Ammo: N/A
Role: Thrown in just for the hell of it, can cause damage by making opponents' ears bleed

Oh wait.

I would love to see a crouch slide in xonotic for quickly passing though small holes, as for the other things, I think they would make xonotic movement too easy. I would have to try them out before judging too harshly.

hutty, in one game they had crouch sliding and it was hell, it was impossible to kill a player and it was to op and everyone spammed it.

(04-27-2016, 11:46 AM)hutty Wrote: I would love to see a crouch slide in xonotic for quickly passing though small holes
Can already do this by holding crouch and jump without losing speed. You need to fit in the crack first though.

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