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Weapon Balance Changes [PROPOSE/DISCUSS/REFINE]

Hello community! I want to get a discussion rolling about some weapon changes. And thus I made a balance file with changes I think are good or at least in the right direction.
The focus is to make each weapon fun to use on their own because I think some weaons are under represented which means theres potential for improvement!
Each weapon should stand for their own like how each weapon is designed to kill you differently but not relying on having other weapons. Switching should do more damage though as intended by design.

Please share your thoughts on that topic as well as those changes and I hope together we can improve it even further!

Faster, slightly weaker secondary, but more dps
1.2s > 0.5s speed
70 > 60 dmg
Reasoning is that you getting so close should be rewarded with reliable high damage.

Primary is the same except for the spread. I made it lose effectivity on mid-high range and force you to use controlled bursts.
Secondary consumes almost twice the ammo, has no spread and double the reload speed. being effective against snipers. (matches the vortex changes)
Reload is gone.
To make it as effective in mid range with the possibility to counter snipers while you dont have to reload anymore.

Secondary can spawn 6 balls max. Has lower damage and faster 3x bursts. 6 well placed balls however will still kill you instant. Balls lifetime is also doubled.(4s>8s)
To make it less spammy but still good for laying traps.

Nerfed but faster. It won't be your go-to camping tool anymore. Still good to finish running enemies.
80 > 45 dmg
400 > 240 force
1.5s > 1s refire

Secondary loads faster, can hold forever,  is a bit weaker and the rockets fly as fast as primary. (for consitent feel)
I think the hagar is usd too rarely which is an indicator for it being not useful enough.
This way you have a great way to get into combat or ambush enemies. One hit with the secondary and 1 to 2 rockets would kill an enemy. Also you fire secondary when you get killed because it's logical to me to have a dead-man switch.

80% dmg and the beam pulls you can make someone come in range for it's secondary.

300% travel speed @ 1 sec refire. It's just useless the way it is while it's limited to 30s.

280 force. To make it match more with the blaster but account for its spammy-ness.

Download here
To read here (i marked every change with //--# so you can ctrl+f them):
// {{{ #1: Blaster
set g_balance_blaster_primary_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_blaster_primary_damage 20
set g_balance_blaster_primary_delay 0
set g_balance_blaster_primary_edgedamage 10
set g_balance_blaster_primary_force 375
set g_balance_blaster_primary_force_zscale 1
set g_balance_blaster_primary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_blaster_primary_radius 60
set g_balance_blaster_primary_refire 0.7
set g_balance_blaster_primary_shotangle 0
set g_balance_blaster_primary_speed 6000
set g_balance_blaster_primary_spread 0
set g_balance_blaster_secondary 0
set g_balance_blaster_secondary_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_blaster_secondary_damage 25
set g_balance_blaster_secondary_delay 0
set g_balance_blaster_secondary_edgedamage 12.5
set g_balance_blaster_secondary_force 360
set g_balance_blaster_secondary_force_zscale 1
set g_balance_blaster_secondary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_blaster_secondary_radius 70
set g_balance_blaster_secondary_refire 0.7
set g_balance_blaster_secondary_shotangle 0
set g_balance_blaster_secondary_speed 6000
set g_balance_blaster_secondary_spread 0
set g_balance_blaster_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_blaster_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_blaster_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_blaster_weaponstart 1
set g_balance_blaster_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_blaster_weaponthrowable 0
// }}}
// {{{ #2: Shotgun
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_ammo 1
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets 12
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_damage 4
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_force 15
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_refire 0.75
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_solidpenetration 3.8
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_spread 0.12
set g_balance_shotgun_reload_ammo 0
set g_balance_shotgun_reload_time 2
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary 1
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_alt_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_alt_refire 1
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_animtime 0.5    //--#
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_damage 60   //--#
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_force 200
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_delay 0.25 //--#
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_multihit 1
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_no_doubleslap 1
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_nonplayerdamage 40
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_range 120
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_swing_side 120
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_swing_up 30
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_time 0.15
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_traces 10
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_refire 1    //--#
set g_balance_shotgun_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_shotgun_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_shotgun_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_shotgun_weaponstart 1
set g_balance_shotgun_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_shotgun_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #3: MachineGun
set g_balance_machinegun_burst 3
set g_balance_machinegun_burst_ammo 5   //--#
set g_balance_machinegun_burst_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_machinegun_burst_refire 0.07 //--#
set g_balance_machinegun_burst_refire2 0.8      //--#
set g_balance_machinegun_burst_spread 0
set g_balance_machinegun_first 1
set g_balance_machinegun_first_ammo 1
set g_balance_machinegun_first_damage 10
set g_balance_machinegun_first_force 3
set g_balance_machinegun_first_refire 0.125
set g_balance_machinegun_first_spread 0.03
set g_balance_machinegun_mode 1
set g_balance_machinegun_reload_ammo 0     //--#
set g_balance_machinegun_reload_time 0     //--#
set g_balance_machinegun_solidpenetration 13.1
set g_balance_machinegun_spread_add 0.015       //--#
set g_balance_machinegun_spread_max 0.1         //--#
set g_balance_machinegun_spread_min 0.01           //--#
set g_balance_machinegun_sustained_ammo 1
set g_balance_machinegun_sustained_damage 10
set g_balance_machinegun_sustained_force 3
set g_balance_machinegun_sustained_refire 0.1
set g_balance_machinegun_sustained_spread 0  //--#
set g_balance_machinegun_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_machinegun_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_machinegun_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_machinegun_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_machinegun_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_machinegun_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #4: Mortar
set g_balance_mortar_bouncefactor 0.5
set g_balance_mortar_bouncestop 0.075
set g_balance_mortar_primary_ammo 2
set g_balance_mortar_primary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_mortar_primary_damage 55
set g_balance_mortar_primary_damageforcescale 0
set g_balance_mortar_primary_edgedamage 25
set g_balance_mortar_primary_force 250
set g_balance_mortar_primary_health 15
set g_balance_mortar_primary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_mortar_primary_lifetime_stick 0
set g_balance_mortar_primary_radius 120
set g_balance_mortar_primary_refire 0.8
set g_balance_mortar_primary_remote_minbouncecnt 0
set g_balance_mortar_primary_speed 1900
set g_balance_mortar_primary_speed_up 225
set g_balance_mortar_primary_speed_z 0
set g_balance_mortar_primary_spread 0
set g_balance_mortar_primary_type 0
set g_balance_mortar_reload_ammo 0
set g_balance_mortar_reload_time 2
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_ammo 2
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_damage 55
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_damageforcescale 4
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_edgedamage 30
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_force 250
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_health 30
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_lifetime_bounce 0.5
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_lifetime_stick 0
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_radius 120
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_refire 0.7
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_remote_detonateprimary 0
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_speed 1400
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_speed_up 150
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_speed_z 0
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_spread 0
set g_balance_mortar_secondary_type 1
set g_balance_mortar_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_mortar_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_mortar_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_mortar_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_mortar_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_mortar_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #5: Mine Layer (MUTATOR WEAPON)
set g_balance_minelayer_ammo 4
set g_balance_minelayer_animtime 0.4
set g_balance_minelayer_damage 40
set g_balance_minelayer_damageforcescale 0
set g_balance_minelayer_detonatedelay -1
set g_balance_minelayer_edgedamage 20
set g_balance_minelayer_force 250
set g_balance_minelayer_health 15
set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime 10
set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime_countdown 0.5
set g_balance_minelayer_limit 3
set g_balance_minelayer_protection 0
set g_balance_minelayer_proximityradius 150
set g_balance_minelayer_radius 175
set g_balance_minelayer_refire 1.5
set g_balance_minelayer_reload_ammo 0
set g_balance_minelayer_reload_time 2
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_damage 45
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage 40
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_force 300
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius 200
set g_balance_minelayer_speed 1000
set g_balance_minelayer_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_minelayer_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_minelayer_time 0.5
set g_balance_minelayer_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_minelayer_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_minelayer_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_minelayer_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #6: Electro
set g_balance_electro_combo_comboradius 300
set g_balance_electro_combo_comboradius_thruwall 200
set g_balance_electro_combo_damage 20       //--#
set g_balance_electro_combo_edgedamage 10   //--#
set g_balance_electro_combo_force 120
set g_balance_electro_combo_radius 200
set g_balance_electro_combo_safeammocheck 1
set g_balance_electro_combo_speed 2000
set g_balance_electro_primary_ammo 4
set g_balance_electro_primary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_electro_primary_comboradius 300
set g_balance_electro_primary_damage 40
set g_balance_electro_primary_edgedamage 20
set g_balance_electro_primary_force 200
set g_balance_electro_primary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_electro_primary_midaircombo_enemy 1
set g_balance_electro_primary_midaircombo_explode 1
set g_balance_electro_primary_midaircombo_interval 0.1
set g_balance_electro_primary_midaircombo_own 1
set g_balance_electro_primary_midaircombo_radius 0
set g_balance_electro_primary_midaircombo_speed 2000
set g_balance_electro_primary_midaircombo_teammate 1
set g_balance_electro_primary_radius 100
set g_balance_electro_primary_refire 0.6
set g_balance_electro_primary_speed 2500
set g_balance_electro_primary_spread 0
set g_balance_electro_reload_ammo 0
set g_balance_electro_reload_time 2
set g_balance_electro_secondary_ammo 2
set g_balance_electro_secondary_animtime 0.15   //--#
set g_balance_electro_secondary_bouncefactor 0.4    //--# 0.3
set g_balance_electro_secondary_bouncestop 0.025     //--# 0.05
set g_balance_electro_secondary_count 3         //--#?
set g_balance_electro_secondary_damage 10           //--#
set g_balance_electro_secondary_damagedbycontents 1
set g_balance_electro_secondary_damageforcescale 4
set g_balance_electro_secondary_edgedamage 5       //--#
set g_balance_electro_secondary_force 50
set g_balance_electro_secondary_health 5
set g_balance_electro_secondary_lifetime 8  //--#
set g_balance_electro_secondary_limit 6     //--#
set g_balance_electro_secondary_radius 150
set g_balance_electro_secondary_refire 0.15      //--#
set g_balance_electro_secondary_refire2 1.2     //--#
set g_balance_electro_secondary_speed 1000  //--#
set g_balance_electro_secondary_speed_up 200  //--#
set g_balance_electro_secondary_speed_z 0
set g_balance_electro_secondary_spread 0.04  //--#
set g_balance_electro_secondary_stick 0     //--#
set g_balance_electro_secondary_touchexplode 0  //--#?
set g_balance_electro_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_electro_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_electro_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_electro_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_electro_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_electro_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #7: Crylink
set g_balance_crylink_primary_ammo 3
set g_balance_crylink_primary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_crylink_primary_bouncedamagefactor 0.5
set g_balance_crylink_primary_bounces 1
set g_balance_crylink_primary_damage 10
set g_balance_crylink_primary_edgedamage 5
set g_balance_crylink_primary_force -50
set g_balance_crylink_primary_joindelay 0.1
set g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode 1
set g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_damage 0
set g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_edgedamage 0
set g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_force 0
set g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_radius 0
set g_balance_crylink_primary_joinspread 0.2
set g_balance_crylink_primary_linkexplode 1
set g_balance_crylink_primary_middle_fadetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_primary_middle_lifetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_primary_other_fadetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_primary_other_lifetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_primary_radius 80
set g_balance_crylink_primary_refire 0.7
set g_balance_crylink_primary_shots 6
set g_balance_crylink_primary_speed 2000
set g_balance_crylink_primary_spread 0.08
set g_balance_crylink_reload_ammo 0
set g_balance_crylink_reload_time 2
set g_balance_crylink_secondary 1
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_ammo 3
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_bouncedamagefactor 0.5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_bounces 0
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_damage 8
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_edgedamage 4
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_force -200
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_joindelay 0
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode 0
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_damage 0
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_edgedamage 0
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_force 0
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_radius 0
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinspread 0
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_linkexplode 1
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_fadetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_lifetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_other_fadetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_other_lifetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_radius 100
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_refire 0.7
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_shots 5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_speed 3000
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_spread 0.01
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_spreadtype 1
set g_balance_crylink_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_crylink_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_crylink_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_crylink_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_crylink_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_crylink_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #8: Vortex
set g_balance_vortex_charge 0
set g_balance_vortex_charge_always 0
set g_balance_vortex_charge_animlimit 0.5
set g_balance_vortex_charge_limit 1
set g_balance_vortex_charge_maxspeed 800
set g_balance_vortex_charge_mindmg 40
set g_balance_vortex_charge_minspeed 400
set g_balance_vortex_charge_rate 0.6
set g_balance_vortex_charge_rot_pause 0
set g_balance_vortex_charge_rot_rate 0
set g_balance_vortex_charge_shot_multiplier 0
set g_balance_vortex_charge_start 0.5
set g_balance_vortex_charge_velocity_rate 0
set g_balance_vortex_primary_ammo 5
set g_balance_vortex_primary_animtime 0.4
set g_balance_vortex_primary_armorpierce 0
set g_balance_vortex_primary_damage 45          //--#
set g_balance_vortex_primary_damagefalloff_forcehalflife 0
set g_balance_vortex_primary_damagefalloff_halflife 0
set g_balance_vortex_primary_damagefalloff_maxdist 0
set g_balance_vortex_primary_damagefalloff_mindist 0
set g_balance_vortex_primary_force 240          //--#
set g_balance_vortex_primary_refire 1            //--#
set g_balance_vortex_reload_ammo 0
set g_balance_vortex_reload_time 2
set g_balance_vortex_secondary 0
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_ammo 2
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_animtime 0
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_armorpierce 0
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_chargepool 0
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_chargepool_pause_regen 1
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_chargepool_regen 0.15
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_damage 0
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_damagefalloff_forcehalflife 0
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_damagefalloff_halflife 0
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_damagefalloff_maxdist 0
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_damagefalloff_mindist 0
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_force 0
set g_balance_vortex_secondary_refire 0
set g_balance_vortex_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_vortex_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_vortex_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_vortex_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_vortex_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_vortex_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #9: Hagar
set g_balance_hagar_primary_ammo 1
set g_balance_hagar_primary_damage 25
set g_balance_hagar_primary_damageforcescale 0
set g_balance_hagar_primary_edgedamage 12.5
set g_balance_hagar_primary_force 100
set g_balance_hagar_primary_health 15
set g_balance_hagar_primary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_hagar_primary_radius 65
set g_balance_hagar_primary_refire 0.16667
set g_balance_hagar_primary_speed 2200
set g_balance_hagar_primary_spread 0
set g_balance_hagar_reload_ammo 0
set g_balance_hagar_reload_time 2
set g_balance_hagar_secondary 1
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_ammo 2    //--#
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_damage 16 //--#
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_damageforcescale 0
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_edgedamage 8   //--#
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_force 50      //--#
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_health 15
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_lifetime_min 10
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_lifetime_rand 0
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_load 1
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_abort 1
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_hold -1   //--#
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_linkexplode 1    //--#
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_max 4
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_releasedeath 1   //--#
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_speed 0.3    //--#
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_spread 0.065     //--# 0.075
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_spread_bias 0.5
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_radius 80
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_refire 0.25    //--#
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_speed 2200    //--#
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_spread 0
set g_balance_hagar_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_hagar_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_hagar_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_hagar_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_hagar_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_hagar_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #10: Devastator
set g_balance_devastator_ammo 4
set g_balance_devastator_animtime 0.4
set g_balance_devastator_damage 80
set g_balance_devastator_damageforcescale 1
set g_balance_devastator_detonatedelay 0.02
set g_balance_devastator_edgedamage 40
set g_balance_devastator_force 400
set g_balance_devastator_guidedelay 0.2
set g_balance_devastator_guidegoal 512
set g_balance_devastator_guiderate 90
set g_balance_devastator_guideratedelay 0.01
set g_balance_devastator_guidestop 0
set g_balance_devastator_health 30
set g_balance_devastator_lifetime 10
set g_balance_devastator_radius 110
set g_balance_devastator_refire 1.1
set g_balance_devastator_reload_ammo 0
set g_balance_devastator_reload_time 2
set g_balance_devastator_remote_damage 70
set g_balance_devastator_remote_edgedamage 35
set g_balance_devastator_remote_force 300
set g_balance_devastator_remote_jump 0
set g_balance_devastator_remote_jump_damage 70
set g_balance_devastator_remote_jump_force 450
set g_balance_devastator_remote_jump_radius 100
set g_balance_devastator_remote_jump_velocity_z_add 0
set g_balance_devastator_remote_jump_velocity_z_max 1500
set g_balance_devastator_remote_jump_velocity_z_min 400
set g_balance_devastator_remote_radius 110
set g_balance_devastator_speed 1300
set g_balance_devastator_speedaccel 1300
set g_balance_devastator_speedstart 1000
set g_balance_devastator_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_devastator_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_devastator_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_devastator_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_devastator_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_devastator_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #11: Port-O-Launch
set g_balance_porto_primary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_porto_primary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_porto_primary_refire 1    //--#
set g_balance_porto_primary_speed 3000  //--#
set g_balance_porto_secondary 1
set g_balance_porto_secondary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_porto_secondary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_porto_secondary_refire 1      //--#
set g_balance_porto_secondary_speed 3000    //--#
set g_balance_porto_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_porto_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_porto_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_porto_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_porto_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_porto_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #12: Vaporizer
set g_balance_vaporizer_primary_ammo 10
set g_balance_vaporizer_primary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_vaporizer_primary_damage 150
set g_balance_vaporizer_primary_force 800
set g_balance_vaporizer_primary_refire 1
set g_balance_vaporizer_reload_ammo 0
set g_balance_vaporizer_reload_time 0
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_ammo 0
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_damage 25
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_delay 0
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_edgedamage 12.5
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_force 480
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_force_zscale 1
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_radius 70
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_refire 0.7
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_shotangle 0
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_speed 6000
set g_balance_vaporizer_secondary_spread 0
set g_balance_vaporizer_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_vaporizer_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_vaporizer_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_vaporizer_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_vaporizer_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_vaporizer_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #13: Grappling Hook
set g_balance_hook_primary_ammo 5
set g_balance_hook_primary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_ammo 5
set g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_time_free 2
set g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_time_max 0
set g_balance_hook_primary_refire 0.2
set g_balance_hook_secondary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_hook_secondary_damage 25
set g_balance_hook_secondary_damageforcescale 0
set g_balance_hook_secondary_duration 1.5
set g_balance_hook_secondary_edgedamage 5
set g_balance_hook_secondary_force -2000
set g_balance_hook_secondary_gravity 5
set g_balance_hook_secondary_health 15
set g_balance_hook_secondary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_hook_secondary_power 3
set g_balance_hook_secondary_radius 500
set g_balance_hook_secondary_refire 3
set g_balance_hook_secondary_speed 0
set g_balance_hook_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_hook_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_hook_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_hook_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_hook_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_hook_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #14: Heavy Laser Assault Cannon (MUTATOR WEAPON)
set g_balance_hlac_primary_ammo 1
set g_balance_hlac_primary_animtime 0.4
set g_balance_hlac_primary_damage 18
set g_balance_hlac_primary_edgedamage 9
set g_balance_hlac_primary_force 280    //--#
set g_balance_hlac_primary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_hlac_primary_radius 70
set g_balance_hlac_primary_refire 0.15
set g_balance_hlac_primary_speed 9000
set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_add 0.0045
set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_crouchmod 0.25
set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_max 0.25
set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_min 0.01
set g_balance_hlac_reload_ammo 0
set g_balance_hlac_reload_time 2
set g_balance_hlac_secondary 1
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 10
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_damage 15
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_edgedamage 7.5
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_force 90
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_radius 70
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_refire 1
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 6
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_speed 9000
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread 0.15
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread_crouchmod 0.5
set g_balance_hlac_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_hlac_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_hlac_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_hlac_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_hlac_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_hlac_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #15: @!#%'n Tuba
set g_balance_tuba_animtime 0.05
set g_balance_tuba_attenuation 0.5
set g_balance_tuba_damage 5
set g_balance_tuba_edgedamage 0
set g_balance_tuba_fadetime 0.25
set g_balance_tuba_force 40
set g_balance_tuba_pitchstep 6
set g_balance_tuba_radius 200
set g_balance_tuba_refire 0.05
set g_balance_tuba_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_tuba_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_tuba_volume 1
set g_balance_tuba_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_tuba_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_tuba_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_tuba_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #16: Rifle (MUTATOR WEAPON)
set g_balance_rifle_bursttime 0
set g_balance_rifle_primary_ammo 10
set g_balance_rifle_primary_animtime 0.4
set g_balance_rifle_primary_bullethail 0
set g_balance_rifle_primary_burstcost 0
set g_balance_rifle_primary_damage 80
set g_balance_rifle_primary_force 100
set g_balance_rifle_primary_headshot_multiplier 0
set g_balance_rifle_primary_refire 1.2
set g_balance_rifle_primary_shots 1
set g_balance_rifle_primary_solidpenetration 62.2
set g_balance_rifle_primary_spread 0
set g_balance_rifle_primary_tracer 1
set g_balance_rifle_reload_ammo 80
set g_balance_rifle_reload_time 2
set g_balance_rifle_secondary 1
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_ammo 10
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_bullethail 0
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_burstcost 0
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_damage 20
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_headshot_multiplier 0
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_force 50
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_refire 0.9
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_reload 0
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_shots 4
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_solidpenetration 15.5
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_spread 0.04
set g_balance_rifle_secondary_tracer 0
set g_balance_rifle_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_rifle_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_rifle_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_rifle_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_rifle_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_rifle_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #17: Fireball
set g_balance_fireball_primary_animtime 0.4
set g_balance_fireball_primary_bfgdamage 100
set g_balance_fireball_primary_bfgforce 0
set g_balance_fireball_primary_bfgradius 1000
set g_balance_fireball_primary_damage 200
set g_balance_fireball_primary_damageforcescale 0
set g_balance_fireball_primary_edgedamage 50
set g_balance_fireball_primary_force 600
set g_balance_fireball_primary_health 0
set g_balance_fireball_primary_laserburntime 0.5
set g_balance_fireball_primary_laserdamage 80
set g_balance_fireball_primary_laseredgedamage 20
set g_balance_fireball_primary_laserradius 256
set g_balance_fireball_primary_lifetime 15
set g_balance_fireball_primary_radius 200
set g_balance_fireball_primary_refire 2
set g_balance_fireball_primary_refire2 0
set g_balance_fireball_primary_speed 1200
set g_balance_fireball_primary_spread 0
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_damage 40
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_damageforcescale 4
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_damagetime 5
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_laserburntime 0.5
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_laserdamage 50
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_laseredgedamage 20
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_laserradius 110
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_lifetime 7
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_refire 1.5
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed 900
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_up 100
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_z 0
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_spread 0
set g_balance_fireball_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_fireball_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_fireball_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_fireball_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_fireball_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_fireball_weaponthrowable 0
// }}}
// {{{ #18: T.A.G. Seeker (MUTATOR WEAPON)
set g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo 1
set g_balance_seeker_flac_animtime 0.1
set g_balance_seeker_flac_damage 15
set g_balance_seeker_flac_edgedamage 10
set g_balance_seeker_flac_force 50
set g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime 0.1
set g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime_rand 0.05
set g_balance_seeker_flac_radius 100
set g_balance_seeker_flac_refire 0.1
set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed 3000
set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_up 1000
set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_z 0
set g_balance_seeker_flac_spread 0.4
set g_balance_seeker_missile_accel 1400
set g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo 2
set g_balance_seeker_missile_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_seeker_missile_count 3
set g_balance_seeker_missile_damage 30
set g_balance_seeker_missile_damageforcescale 4
set g_balance_seeker_missile_decel 1400
set g_balance_seeker_missile_delay 0.25
set g_balance_seeker_missile_edgedamage 10
set g_balance_seeker_missile_force 150
set g_balance_seeker_missile_health 5
set g_balance_seeker_missile_lifetime 15
set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy 0
set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_delay 0.2
set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_maxrange 45
set g_balance_seeker_missile_radius 80
set g_balance_seeker_missile_refire 0.5
set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart 1
set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_mindist 800
set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_max 2500
set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_min 1000
set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed 700
set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_max 1300
set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_up 300
set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_z 0
set g_balance_seeker_missile_spread 0
set g_balance_seeker_missile_turnrate 0.65
set g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo 0
set g_balance_seeker_reload_time 2
set g_balance_seeker_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_seeker_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo 1
set g_balance_seeker_tag_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_seeker_tag_damageforcescale 4
set g_balance_seeker_tag_health 5
set g_balance_seeker_tag_lifetime 15
set g_balance_seeker_tag_refire 0.75
set g_balance_seeker_tag_speed 5000
set g_balance_seeker_tag_spread 0
set g_balance_seeker_tag_tracker_lifetime 10
set g_balance_seeker_type 0
set g_balance_seeker_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_seeker_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_seeker_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_seeker_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #19: Shockwave
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_damage 40
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_distance 1000
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_edgedamage 0
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_force 15
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_force_forwardbias 50
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_force_zscale 1
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_jump_damage 20
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_jump_edgedamage 0
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_jump_force 100
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_jump_force_velocitybias 1
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_jump_force_zscale 1
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_jump_multiplier_accuracy 0.5
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_jump_multiplier_distance 0.5
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_jump_multiplier_min 0
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_jump_radius 150
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_multiplier_accuracy 0.45
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_multiplier_distance 0.2
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_multiplier_min 0
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_refire 0.75
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_splash_damage 15
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_splash_edgedamage 0
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_splash_force 100
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_splash_force_forwardbias 50
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_splash_multiplier_accuracy 0.5
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_splash_multiplier_distance 0.5
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_splash_multiplier_min 0
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_splash_radius 70
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_spread_max 120
set g_balance_shockwave_blast_spread_min 25
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_animtime 1.3
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_damage 80
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_delay 0.25
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_force 200
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_multihit 1
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_no_doubleslap 1
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_nonplayerdamage 40
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_range 120
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_refire 1.25
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_swing_side 120
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_swing_up 30
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_time 0.15
set g_balance_shockwave_melee_traces 10
set g_balance_shockwave_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_shockwave_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_shockwave_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_shockwave_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_shockwave_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_shockwave_weaponthrowable 0
// }}}
// {{{ #20: Arc
set g_balance_arc_beam_ammo 6
set g_balance_arc_beam_animtime 0.1
set g_balance_arc_beam_botaimlifetime 0
set g_balance_arc_beam_botaimspeed 0
set g_balance_arc_beam_damage 70       //--#
set g_balance_arc_beam_degreespersegment 1
set g_balance_arc_beam_distancepersegment 0
set g_balance_arc_beam_falloff_halflifedist 0
set g_balance_arc_beam_falloff_maxdist 0
set g_balance_arc_beam_falloff_mindist 0
set g_balance_arc_beam_force -600        //--#
set g_balance_arc_beam_healing_amax 0
set g_balance_arc_beam_healing_aps 50
set g_balance_arc_beam_healing_hmax 150
set g_balance_arc_beam_healing_hps 50
set g_balance_arc_beam_heat 0
set g_balance_arc_beam_maxangle 10
set g_balance_arc_beam_nonplayerdamage 80
set g_balance_arc_beam_range 1500
set g_balance_arc_beam_refire 0.25
set g_balance_arc_beam_returnspeed 8
set g_balance_arc_beam_tightness 0.6
set g_balance_arc_bolt 1
set g_balance_arc_bolt_ammo 1
set g_balance_arc_bolt_bounce_count 0
set g_balance_arc_bolt_bounce_explode 0
set g_balance_arc_bolt_bounce_lifetime 0
set g_balance_arc_bolt_count 1
set g_balance_arc_bolt_damage 25
set g_balance_arc_bolt_damageforcescale 0
set g_balance_arc_bolt_edgedamage 12.5
set g_balance_arc_bolt_force 120
set g_balance_arc_bolt_health 15
set g_balance_arc_bolt_lifetime 5
set g_balance_arc_bolt_radius 65
set g_balance_arc_bolt_refire 0.16667
set g_balance_arc_bolt_refire2 0.16667
set g_balance_arc_bolt_speed 2300
set g_balance_arc_bolt_spread 0
set g_balance_arc_burst_ammo 15
set g_balance_arc_burst_damage 250
set g_balance_arc_burst_healing_aps 100
set g_balance_arc_burst_healing_hps 100
set g_balance_arc_burst_heat 5
set g_balance_arc_cooldown 2.5
set g_balance_arc_cooldown_release 0
set g_balance_arc_overheat_max 5
set g_balance_arc_overheat_min 3
set g_balance_arc_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_arc_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_arc_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_arc_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_arc_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_arc_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #21: Overkill Heavy Machine Gun (MUTATOR WEAPON)
set g_balance_okhmg_primary_ammo 1
set g_balance_okhmg_primary_damage 30
set g_balance_okhmg_primary_force 10
set g_balance_okhmg_primary_refire 0.05
set g_balance_okhmg_primary_solidpenetration 127
set g_balance_okhmg_primary_spread_add 0.005
set g_balance_okhmg_primary_spread_max 0.06
set g_balance_okhmg_primary_spread_min 0.01
set g_balance_okhmg_reload_ammo 120
set g_balance_okhmg_reload_time 1
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_ammo 0
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_damage 25
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_delay 0
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_edgedamage 12.5
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_force 360
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_force_zscale 1
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_radius 70
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_refire 0.7
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_refire_type 1
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_shotangle 0
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_speed 6000
set g_balance_okhmg_secondary_spread 0
set g_balance_okhmg_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_okhmg_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_okhmg_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_okhmg_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_okhmg_weaponstartoverride 0
set g_balance_okhmg_weaponthrowable 0
// }}}
// {{{ #22: Overkill MachineGun (MUTATOR WEAPON)
set g_balance_okmachinegun_primary_ammo 1
set g_balance_okmachinegun_primary_damage 25
set g_balance_okmachinegun_primary_force 5
set g_balance_okmachinegun_primary_refire 0.1
set g_balance_okmachinegun_primary_solidpenetration 100
set g_balance_okmachinegun_primary_spread_add 0.012
set g_balance_okmachinegun_primary_spread_max 0.05
set g_balance_okmachinegun_primary_spread_min 0
set g_balance_okmachinegun_reload_ammo 30
set g_balance_okmachinegun_reload_time 1.5
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_damage 25
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_delay 0
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_edgedamage 12.5
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_force 360
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_force_zscale 1
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_radius 70
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_refire 0.7
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_refire_type 1
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_shotangle 0
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_speed 6000
set g_balance_okmachinegun_secondary_spread 0
set g_balance_okmachinegun_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_okmachinegun_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_okmachinegun_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_okmachinegun_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_okmachinegun_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_okmachinegun_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #23: Overkill Nex (MUTATOR WEAPON)
set g_balance_oknex_charge 0
set g_balance_oknex_charge_animlimit 0.5
set g_balance_oknex_charge_limit 1
set g_balance_oknex_charge_maxspeed 800
set g_balance_oknex_charge_mindmg 40
set g_balance_oknex_charge_minspeed 400
set g_balance_oknex_charge_rate 0.6
set g_balance_oknex_charge_rot_pause 0
set g_balance_oknex_charge_rot_rate 0
set g_balance_oknex_charge_shot_multiplier 0
set g_balance_oknex_charge_start 0.5
set g_balance_oknex_charge_velocity_rate 0
set g_balance_oknex_primary_ammo 10
set g_balance_oknex_primary_animtime 0.65
set g_balance_oknex_primary_damage 100
set g_balance_oknex_primary_damagefalloff_forcehalflife 0
set g_balance_oknex_primary_damagefalloff_halflife 0
set g_balance_oknex_primary_damagefalloff_maxdist 0
set g_balance_oknex_primary_damagefalloff_mindist 0
set g_balance_oknex_primary_force 500
set g_balance_oknex_primary_refire 1
set g_balance_oknex_reload_ammo 50
set g_balance_oknex_reload_time 2
set g_balance_oknex_secondary 2
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_ammo 0
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_chargepool 0
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_chargepool_pause_regen 1
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_chargepool_regen 0.15
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_damage 25
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_damagefalloff_forcehalflife 0
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_damagefalloff_halflife 0
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_damagefalloff_maxdist 0
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_damagefalloff_mindist 0
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_delay 0
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_edgedamage 12.5
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_force 360
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_force_zscale 1
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_radius 70
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_refire 0.7
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_refire_type 1
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_shotangle 0
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_speed 6000
set g_balance_oknex_secondary_spread 0
set g_balance_oknex_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_oknex_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_oknex_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_oknex_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_oknex_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_oknex_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}
// {{{ #24: Overkill Rocket Propelled Chainsaw (MUTATOR WEAPON)
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_ammo 10
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_animtime 1
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_damage 150
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_damage2 500
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_damageforcescale 2
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_edgedamage 50
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_force 400
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_health 25
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_lifetime 30
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_radius 300
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_refire 1
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_speed 2500
set g_balance_okrpc_primary_speedaccel 5000
set g_balance_okrpc_reload_ammo 10
set g_balance_okrpc_reload_time 1
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_ammo 0
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_damage 25
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_delay 0
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_edgedamage 12.5
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_force 360
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_force_zscale 1
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_radius 70
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_refire 0.7
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_refire_type 1
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_shotangle 0
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_speed 6000
set g_balance_okrpc_secondary_spread 0
set g_balance_okrpc_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_okrpc_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_okrpc_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_okrpc_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_okrpc_weaponstartoverride 0
set g_balance_okrpc_weaponthrowable 0
// }}}
// {{{ #25: Overkill Shotgun (MUTATOR WEAPON)
set g_balance_okshotgun_primary_ammo 3
set g_balance_okshotgun_primary_animtime 0.65
set g_balance_okshotgun_primary_bot_range 512
set g_balance_okshotgun_primary_bullets 10
set g_balance_okshotgun_primary_damage 17
set g_balance_okshotgun_primary_force 80
set g_balance_okshotgun_primary_refire 0.75
set g_balance_okshotgun_primary_solidpenetration 3.8
set g_balance_okshotgun_primary_spread 0.07
set g_balance_okshotgun_reload_ammo 24
set g_balance_okshotgun_reload_time 2
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_damage 25
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_delay 0
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_edgedamage 12.5
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_force 360
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_force_zscale 1
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_lifetime 5
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_radius 70
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_refire 0.7
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_refire_type 1
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_shotangle 0
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_speed 6000
set g_balance_okshotgun_secondary_spread 0
set g_balance_okshotgun_switchdelay_drop 0.2
set g_balance_okshotgun_switchdelay_raise 0.2
set g_balance_okshotgun_weaponreplace ""
set g_balance_okshotgun_weaponstart 0
set g_balance_okshotgun_weaponstartoverride -1
set g_balance_okshotgun_weaponthrowable 1
// }}}

Shotgun for a starting weapon is stupidly strong with 120 DPS when flanking someone, in multiple person combat it's very easy to find someone who is unaware of you with xon's fast movement.

MG needs high starting spread as it doesn't have actual spray buildup unless you're unable to release mouse1 for a single tick. 100 DPS is also high.

Electro is useless, primary was before worthless 40 dmg peashooter, half of devastator's dmg or 2/3rds of mortar/crylink, alt fire nerfs don't buff primary and thus electro is useless. The damage from 6 ball traps on teleporters barely competes with devastator or MG.

Vortex is a "you can't come near me, stay back" OP stick with that refire and knockback.

Hagar's alt fire is useless as it's worse than other weapons and requires loading before using.

arc porto hlac aren't in the regular weapon pool and almost no one uses them let alone has studied them to be good with their strong points and avoid weaknesses.

Okey thanks very much for your feedback. I think I rushed a bit too fast for rebalancing itself I think but I want to address your points first.

adressing your points Wrote:I think you should decouple the ideas of starting weapon and weak. A starting weapon should just be as viable of a choice for it's purpose. There's no need to create an artificial incentive to search for other weapons because they cover different circumstances differently. So the incentive is there because you want a weapon for longer range for example. As it is right now a shot and a slap will also do more than 120 dmg in shorter time even. Also I think you will adapt really quickly to not letting anyone too close.

I agree MG could be too strong but I'd rather decrease the damage.

I think thats about availability and the purpose. Electro you'd wanna use to block an area more defensively like a hallway. Whereas the RL is for longer range and targeted.

The vortex I think is getting closer to a good spot. I see your concern about it keeping you away but I'd make sure that there are viable counter measures like MG secondary.

Hagars alt fire is more reliable in dealing damage straight forward. I think it's a weapon to go into combat and land a strong first hit so you can finish with another weapon.

The arc i'd like to see there at some point i heard it was considered as a mg-replacer and I at least dont dislike this idea.

Ok but I figured I should take a step back and look at how it's designed, look where unnecessary redundancies occur and define a proper theme to balance everything along.
Like crunch some numbers on how to balance use vs dmg-output vs ammo-type vs versatility.

As I stated I want every weapon to have it's purpose.
I think it should start with the ammo type because redundancies in weapons of different ammo-types are good vs having the same ammo-type and being redundant.
Like what each ammo-type has as advantage/disadvantage.
What are the purposes of every weapon? Is there a clear definition? (to me it seems like a concept is missing)

Maybe just to clarify.

Ammo Concept:
Cells: Expensive. Fast weapons. Medium damage.
Rockets: Cheap. Slower weapons. High damage.
Shells: as only the shotgun uses it I would combine it with bullets to have moderatly expensive, medium damage weapons.

Meaning in numbers:
Expensive: 3 ammo/10dps.
Moderate: 2 ammo/10dps.
Cheap: 1 ammo/10dps.

Fast: 2700 (3 times max player speed cap)
Medium: 1800 (2 times...)
Slow: 900 (can be outrun easily)

The ammo type should also define the impact-radius and damage-falloff. This aims to provide a consistent feel among an ammo type as well as introducing the use cases. Like Rockets are more useful against multiple targets and cells vice versa. The radius is proportional to the projectile damage.

Lower impact-radius (dmg*2), lower falloff (edgedamage = 0.6*dmg)

Greater impact radius (dmg*4), greater falloff (edgedamage = 0.4*dmg)

But also the balance of each variable per ammo type like how you can for example change the speed vs the cost OR speed vs the damage etc. (there would be some rest variance per weapon to compensate for the feel of it like a per weapon-bias-value)

I would kinda define it like that:
Target_damage is defined by a fixed value of dps. I think 60-80 would be a good value because one weapon should not directly be able to finish an opponent.
Also I think this formular might be incomplete so it would be really nice to have some math experts to help me on this.

(target_damage*weapon_bias)*x = ((speed*speed_cells)*(dps*damage_cells))*effective_range)/(cost_cells*ammo_use)

(target_damage*weapon_bias)*x = ((speed*speed_rockets)*(dps*damage_rockets))*effective_range)/(cost_rockets*ammo_use)

Bullets/shells analog to that.

X is just some multiplicator to normalize the values because the right side might tend to output a higher number.
Then I would apply the same formula to balance every weapon according to it's ammo type.

So now that's clear lets move on to the weapons but first lets talk about defining range. I would define it exponentially like((16*x)^2):
Short range: 225 (x=1) (width of a hallway (taking warfare as reference))
Medium range: 1024 (x=2) (length of a hallway)
Long range: 2304 (x=3) (across the map)

Here is a basic balance concept i would perceive as reasonable:
([P]rimary; [S]econdary)

Blaster: Is a special case. And for the sake of simplicity I assume it's in the right place. The lack of damage is compensated by its utility.

[P]Range: x = 1.2  (i just make thse values up on the go, suggest better but they will work to get my point across)
[S]Range: x = 0.8
[P/S]High damage, short range.
[P/S]Utility: Dominate close range combat.
weapon_bias = 1

[P]Range: x = 2
[P]Medium damage, medium range.
[P]Utility: Reliable damage on medium range. Good as balance for skill weapon. (like a noob weapon to compete on higher level but capped noticably)
[S]Range: x = 3
[S]Medium damage, long range, more costly and slower
[S]Utility: deal with snipers on long range
weapon_bias = 0.9 (weaker for easiness)

[P/S]Range: x = 1.8
[P/S]good damage on medium range, a bit harder to hit so the weapon bias value would be higher.
[P]Utility: a bit harder to hit so the weapon is stronger in general.
[S]Utility: same but weaker and bounces to get around corners.
weapon_bias = 1.2

[P]Range: 2.5
[P]lower damage on greater range
[P]Utility: do some damage but set off secondary traps
[S]Range: 1.7
[S]Utility: lay traps, deny area with high damage for its low ability to hit directly
weapon_bias = 1.3

[P]Range: 2
[P]medium damage, medium range, but pulls enemies
[P]Utility: Pull enemies to do reliable damage once they lose momentum
[S]Range: 1.4
[S]shorter range, great pull, medium damage
[S]Utility: pull yourself to gain speed,
weapon_bias = 1

[P]Range: 3
[P]medium damage, long range
[P]Utility: cover long range
[S]Utility: zoom
weapon_bias = 1

[P]medium range, medium damage
[P]Utility: rockets+machinegun
[S]Range: 1.8
[S]hight damage, must be charged, ambush, surprise, fight-opener
weapon_bias = 1.2

[P]medium range, medium damage, guided versatile missiles
[P]Utility: good damage, easy-to-hit-with projectile
[S]Utility: detonate mid air
weapon_bias = 0.7

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