Ok, this is mine:
ESDF movement.
To the left are the rocket weapons:
A rocket launcher
W grenade launcher
Q hagar
To the right are energy weapons:
G nex
R crylink
T electro
On top i have the rest:
3 shotgun
4 machinegun
Laser, as a movement tool is on SHIFT, i am not sure, as I dont play minsta hook often, but hook must be there as well.
SPACE is jump
C is crouch,but i dont realy see the point of it in Xonotic.
Comunication binds are shifted by one to the side
Y chat
U team chat
1 and 2 are some cheering binds, like gl hf etc...
5 to 9 are reserved for ctf messages.
0 is thee spaming bind, although I never use it. It is /bind 9 say There is no SPAM on this bind.
MOUSE1 is pruimary
MOUSE2 is secondary
MOUSE3 (mousewheel click) is zoom
Nothing at all creative on the mouse as you see.