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[NEEDS INFO] Xonotic menu lag

Hey there I am meeting a serious lag problem on my Xonotic.

When everytime I started my Xonotic, the menu will always laggy(include music). Seems the problem was caused by the server list loading and refreshing. When I plug-off my ethernet cable which my pc is in offline mode the problem solved.

But I don't want to plug-off my cable everytime when I am going to play Xonotic. Any solution for this? To prevent the laggy in menu.

When you start up, there's a lot of traffic because the server list is polled, then every server from that list is also polled.

To confirm that this is indeed the issue, try to click "pause" in the server list and see if the lag disappears.

If that works, you can then try to lower the server polling rate by changing the values of net_slist_queriesperframe and net_slist_queriespersecond. The first has a default of 4 and the second a default of 20, try to use lower values. You can change those settings in the Xonotic console (shift escape), typing in there such commands as
net_slist_queriesperframe 2
or you can use the "advanced settings" editor in the "misc" tab of the settings window (which will be more tedious if you're lagging).

Do you get any lag when you're playing on a server? If your network can't handle the server list polling, I have to wonder how well the game itself works. Check your firewall settings or your router's logs to see if there's any throttling or flood protection being triggered.

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