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[Duel/FFA] Imprisoned


The new lightmaps are awesome here; the but there's still a lot to be improved - i feel like it's gone a bit backwards in some aspects.
I don't mean that badly though, you are trying hard to improve it and i really appreciate it. Take this with a grain of salt :]

Keeping the lights a consistent one-tone theme is better than sprinkling alternating colours in places. But if done correctly a two-tone setup can work well like this:

- Simply denoting different height levels of the map
- "Primary/Secondary" Setup - One colour for main lighting and another for smaller highlights, etc, denoting places of interest
- One colour for bigger areas, one for smaller, tight spaces

in addition a lot of the lights seem to be pretty much the same size/texture even though they are the same model.

Also, in general, its good to leave the smaller, enclosed, lower down, spaces darker, unless they are of importance.

Making the lights smaller in smaller spaces, and varying the design of them more (maybe make most of the blue lights those nice looking tube models, as seen in one exit from the main atrium?)

[Image: Stui9KVl.jpg]
What happened to the nice design? It was smooth and easily identifiable as something out of the ordinary, as a teleport should be in any map.

I think the nice design would have worked well if it had just emitted more light compared to the surroundings.
The frame texture doesn't work as well either.
If you really want to stick with this design, you should make the water fall down and act according to gravity.

[Image: oFaHLZjl.jpg]

There is an unnatural discrepancy of the ambient light levels between the bottom and top here. There isnt any visible skybox or anything, so it just struck me as odd.
Maybe once i look at it later it will make moar sense.

[Image: lnAQHHul.jpg]

Since the main room is the only room with any visible sky, i feel like it and the shadows should be highlighted moar.

You say the theme is rusty/old right?
Light shining through iron prison bars is a very cool and popular picture to paint in someone's head :]

Removing the lights on the ceiling near there and really letting the light that the sky throws down on the map shine would really look nice.

[Image: sOo2Y0Fl.jpg]

Odd patch of blue between these mainly yellow-lit areas. While lighting smaller corridors and such with different coloured lights is a good idea, the small open path between rooms isn't a good place to do this.

However, the light models here are really cool! You should use them more in this map, they go with the theme and I like them :3

[Image: 2H04ihvl.jpg]

odd choice of exit indicator. poke around xonotic's available models, i sadly don't know enough to suggest any in particular.

[Image: 0piNMLcl.jpg]

I don't know how this changed item placement works in terms of gameplay, maybe you've found that out! It's got quite a bit of sightlines, i dont know how that will work though.

But majiki is right this just looks like another transition/gateway corridor with nothing special in it.

Obviously it's not, so maybe put a light directly above it, delete the lights except for the one above it, and have that light.. you know, point out where the item is :]

[Image: sJKJCDFl.jpg]

Whoa lights! I trust you to fix it well; i mean, it's a big area so i'd have maybe slightly lighter ambient than the adjacent main room (because no skybox visible).

I like the pattern on the ceiling of bars being broken up by those panels going across.

[Image: UfeFvthl.jpg]

On a positive, i like the lighting in this MH corridor! Nice contrast. The overall blueness of the water seems a bit unnatural in such a grungy environment though.

Looking forward to the next release with improvements, and also, when i get my ethernet cable set up, to being able to practice it online! :]

^ This post is not entirely useless Wink

After further testing i see that the 50 armor and the megahealth are really close to each other, may be too easy to control together.

maybe a 1 MH/MA + 1 50A layout would work better here?
since it seems to be hard to find a place of equal value (i can't find the right word :c ) for both armours to go.

I envisioned MH as is, 50A on ledge where RL is, and MA in other existing 50A spot.

just some ideas.

Okey, I just ran around the map so this won't be a huge review, more will come when I've played some matches on it.
  • It feels like a prison now, hell yeah! (Really good job!) Big Grin
  • Even thogh I haven't played it yet, the new item layout seem really interesting and the ammo placement looks promising (especially the nex ammo, since it makes that area a bit more attractive, before it wasn't really used for anything). Smile
  • I love the stone roof.
  • I love the trickjumps, so many of them.

Anyway, I hope it plays well, looking forward to play some duels on it. Before I felt this map was missing something, not sure what though, now it feels much more complete if you get what i mean.


Weird texture (warning, high res image)
Maybe add clipping on the floor here, sometimes when you shoot mortar it comes back
Soooo beutiful Big Grin

Map link in the OP is dead, here's a mirror:
[Image: 230.jpg]

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