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[NEED HELP] XONOTIC on Raspberry Pi

I was on my Raspberry Pi and I was looking at games that run on Linux, so I decided to download this game on my Pi. I have played Quake before. The problem that I have is when I try opening XONOTIC what happens is I get an error message saying exec file error or something like that even though Raspberry Pi runs on Linux. Can someone help me?

Raspberry Pi runs Linux but on a different hardware than traditional PC, the executable you downloaded is built for x86 processors (by Intel or AMD for example) and will not run on a Raspberry Pi which has an ARM processor. Sadly, unless someone or yourself rebuild the game for ARM (I even don't know if it's possible), you can't run Xonotic on a Pi, and I really don't know if a Pi is powerful enough.
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(05-12-2018, 07:50 PM)illwieckz Wrote: Hi!
Raspberry Pi runs Linux but on a different hardware than traditional PC, the executable you downloaded is built for x86 processors (by Intel or AMD for example) and will not run on a Raspberry Pi which has an ARM processor. Sadly, unless someone or yourself rebuild the game for ARM (I even don't know if it's possible), you can't run Xonotic on a Pi, and I really don't know if a Pi is powerful enough.

ok, I guess I will just play on my Linux computer then thanks

I think you should be able to compile/build xonotic on linux runnin on arm just like on any other processor using the linux guide to build the game. You might not even run into dependency issues like me on win.

I'm really curious if it works as I have similar plans but I haven't even a raspberry pi nor other sbc to try out. :c

(05-13-2018, 11:45 AM)_para Wrote: I think you should be able to compile/build xonotic on linux runnin on arm just like on any other processor using the linux guide to build the game. You might not even run into dependency issues like me on win.

I'm really curious if it works as I have similar plans but I haven't even a raspberry pi nor other sbc to try out. :c

I tried that it doesn't work

You can just:

sudo apt install darkplaces

And then unzip to anywhere, say:

mkdir -p /usr/share/games/
cd /usr/share/games
unzip ~/Downloads/
And then run it:
darkplaces -xonotic -basedir /usr/share/games/Xonotic

You will need a Pi with 2GB at least.

If you want to play solo, on 1 1GB Pi:

sudo apt install nexuiz
Works fine.

If you've got problems:
Look under advanced, and choose a different GL mode. Reboot. Try again.

(04-24-2020, 05:06 AM)dagelf Wrote: You can just:

sudo apt install darkplaces

And then unzip to anywhere, say:

mkdir -p /usr/share/games/
cd /usr/share/games
unzip ~/Downloads/
And then run it:
darkplaces -xonotic -basedir /usr/share/games/Xonotic

You will need a Pi with 2GB at least.

If you want to play solo, on 1 1GB Pi:

sudo apt install nexuiz
Works fine.

If you've got problems:
Look under advanced, and choose a different GL mode. Reboot. Try again.

Thankyou so much for this.  This works great, and for the most part the game seems to run fine Smile

There is some kind of font rendering issue going on where none of the text in the UI is intelligible.  It all looks blurry.

I'm getting errors on the console that look something like this...

ERROR: Texture compression is required but not supported.
Expect visual problems.

This seems like a likely culprit.

Do you have any ideas on what is causing this issue (or better still how I can resolve it?)

Hello, I've been able to run Xonotic through Darkplaces on my Pi 4, but sill have that font rendering issue mentioned above with the latest version of Darkplaces and Xonotic.
Does anyone know how to solve it or if it isn't possible to fix so far?

I am extremely waiting of Xonotic @ RPi4-8GB!!!

I got it running in my Pi 4 8GB today.

While the darkplaces option does work I had the same issue with the font not displaying correctly. 
So all I did was follow this guide : Repository_Access · Wiki · xonotic / xonotic · GitLab 
I used the Ubuntu dependencies command but changes libjpeg-turbo8-dev to libjpeg-dev. Otherwise I followed all the step and it worked fine.

Sorry to resurrect  an ancient thread, but the above methods no longer work. However the game is available as a SNAP so can be installed with the SnapStore. See for full instructions.

I've installed this on a Pi 5 with the official active cooler running overclocked at CPU: 3.0ghz GPU: 950mhz and I get a solid 65fps in game Smile Perfectly playable.

Just tested it on my 2nd Pi5 which has nvme storage and overclocks to 3.1ghz
On this one at 3.1ghz I get op to 140+ FPS in game.

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