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[SOLVED] [SOLVED] destroyable brushes?

At the moment i try to make a map and I want to make a brush that can be destroyed by shooting.

Furthermore it should leave fragments if it gets destroyed.

I found func_breakable but if i use it the brush only disappears when i shoot on it.

There are some keys which could work but i dont know how to use them :o.

Is it even possible to make fragments in n....z (with netradiant)?

Can someone help me Smile?

Sry for my failenglisch ^^
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no ideas? Sad
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hmmm I wish I knew also Smile
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if i use the key debris
a colored cube falls down :o

then i made some func_walls and named them piece... (with targetname)

key: debris
value: piece

but its still only a cube... <_<

fail D:
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Uh, don't you need to use a model path in the .debris key?

(07-15-2010, 04:10 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Uh, don't you need to use a model path in the .debris key?

Idk xD im a noob Smile
what is a model path and where can i get it o.o?
but yes a path seems to be better instead of only "piece" ^^
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models/rocket.md3 for example... I don't know, read the documentation for the .debris key.

I read it about 20 times yesterday...
I dont understand it :o.
but thanks for your help.
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debris: names of debris models to show when destroyed, separated by spaces

i did that :o
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Well, use full paths obviously, it can't know where to find the model if you don't tell him. Tongue

So, my example is correct, models/rocket.md3 will make the debris rocket models. Don't use that example in your map though, that's an awful idea Tongue

Is models/rocket.md3 a proper path? Isn't this relative to xonotic root? Or is it relative to the data pk3dir?
(07-18-2010, 10:59 AM)Flying Steel Wrote: How could anyone with ADHD tell its a high damage weapon if it wasn't a gigantic metal cock fucking the map whenever a player gets within 3 meters of a wall?

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

Relative to data. QC can't access anything outside of the data directory.

k ty =D
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