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(09-27-2012, 04:54 PM)Justin Wrote: Im making the webs stick so you can actually climb them. (ty to the Blaxpirit who had this idea)

haha brilliant idea!
<Halogene> ok "n1" means "nice one"
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Frogg on Instagram

Awesome. I've said it in an earlier post, but I'd LOVE to see some actual animated spiders crawling around. That would be freaky!

Now you have:

sticky webs (in the caves)
proper vis blocking,
1000 brushes less,
detail brushes and
imprroved performannce.

I hope that will fullfill your expectations for now Wink

Great thanks to Packer for beeing the stronges leak-finder in Xonotic ever.

Silencer: You asked why do you want to climb the web? Reson is simple: nice camp place and you are hidden.

This map looks absolutely fantastic, nice work so far!

You could probably increase performance a bit more by getting some models for the webs instead of patch tubes... plus, texture calculation and other stuff can be a bit iffy on patches.

Ehm.... I just noticed that on Overkill server players play on the older version of the map (v1r1) wchich is completly outdated and has layout issues (bad capture routes).

Overkill admins: Ablu, tZork: Please upload the proper version to the overkill server which is Spiderctf-v3 (the link on the first post and above) (huge imporement in terms of layout and brushwork- therefore a maps performance)

Will be more fun for players.

Thank you.

(05-02-2013, 06:44 AM)Justin Wrote: Ehm.... I just noticed that on Overkill server players play on the older version of the map (v1r1) wchich is completly outdated and has layout issues (bad capture routes).

WAT, there's a new, *better* version of this map?! Damn ... although it was not too bad imho (the old version I mean). Only with few players it's a bit too large maybe... =)
[Image: 9216.png] Web:[unconnected]
IRC: #uc.xonotic #xonotic #xonotic.pickup

Spiderctf-v3 is newer and it is smaller with less corridors and better performance. I apologize for the confusion there, should have pointed that out sooner, but I simply didn't know players played outdated version Wink.
As always folks: Have fun!

Mirror for those in need:
[Image: 230.jpg]

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