Nice map, i think it has probably the best layout of all the maps in the contest (yeah, maybe, just maybe, better than mine

The best is the layout, it has a lot of potential to be an amazing map.
The bad is that sometimes is confusing, the corridors look all the same and its hard to tell where exactly you are in the map.
I would fix this adding something special to every corridor, like a texture saying "big red spider corridor" or something. Just so that they look different and players can identify more easily in which part of the map they are.
Also, something that one of the players said was "this map woudln't be covered even in a 5vs5 match"
He was refering to the number of corridors.
There are 3 entrances to the flag room, you need at least then 3 people to cover them. But that is not the best idea to play any map, if you want to stop the other team you protect the middle of the map, therefore your people must be there.
Then you go to the middle but oh, 3 rooms totally separated are in the middle.
For the big one you need 2 people since there are 6 entrances to it.
For the small ones at the sides you need one more player for each.
If they pass, who protects the flag? One more guy.
And 2 trying to get the enemies flag... a total of 7.
Therefore is a good map for 7vs7 or bigger matches. Not bad, we hope to have full servers in a future, don't we?
I'm saying that so that you add it to the description or somewhere, so that people know that is a big map better played with big teams.
If you were to release an smaller version i would remove the rooms at the sides leaving only one big room in the middle so that players work in team trying to protect the middle, if you control the middle you control the map
That way it won't matter how many entrances the flag room has, it could be 3, it could be 10, it doesn't matter, the important thing would be that room in the middle.
Nice map.
Final though: A big spider map without spiderbot vehicles?