I added support for my authentication library. If you get any build problems related to "d0_blind_id", please post in this thread.
Extra features that are already implemented
Possible extra features in the future
Possible by adding an extra library that is not provided by default
The algorithm is RSA for key signing, Schnorr DL identification (now patent free for almost a year) for identification, AES for optional encryption (not supplied by default because of crypto regulations).
For more details, see http://github.com/divVerent/d0_blind_id
Privacy implications
Who can generate an ID
Anyone whose IP address
In case you currently are banned from generating an ID and also have no ID generated yet, you can still play but will show up as an unidentified player, but you then lose the features an identified player can get. So, for example, race records will not be saved for you. A new ID generation will be attempted the next time you start Xonotic.
Extra features that are already implemented
- secure and unique player identification (malicious server cannot steal your ID)
- persistent (nick-independent) race records
- IP banning system can ban per ID, not only per IP range
Possible extra features in the future
- persistent (nick-independent) statistics, achievements
- "master" authentication by ID, not by password (and with autologin)
- automatic team/spectator assignment for tournament/clan matches (e.g. ID of the two opponents could be required and they automatically get their player slots, while everyone else can only spectate)
- ???
Possible by adding an extra library that is not provided by default
- encrypted chat
The algorithm is RSA for key signing, Schnorr DL identification (now patent free for almost a year) for identification, AES for optional encryption (not supplied by default because of crypto regulations).
For more details, see http://github.com/divVerent/d0_blind_id
Privacy implications
- ID generation is anonymous - the worst we can log is "when did someone from which IP generate an ID" but we cannot know the ID of the action because a blind signature is being used
- Any server you connect to can get to know your ID, and connect the player's IP, his ID to e.g. his nickname (or any other ingame actions). However, the Xonotic Core Team promises to not implement tracking of ID versus IP address, or ID versus nickname, unless the player explicitly opted in to it. This also means that player statistics may be gathered for your ID, but the ID will not be linked to your in-game nickname unless you explicitly authorize the game to.
- We DO track: the tuples (Date, Time, IP address) of any signing attempt (note that we cannot know the ID for it because of the aforementioned reason)
Who can generate an ID
Anyone whose IP address
- did not generate an ID within the last two weeks
- is not banned on a certain set of Xonotic and Nexuiz game servers
In case you currently are banned from generating an ID and also have no ID generated yet, you can still play but will show up as an unidentified player, but you then lose the features an identified player can get. So, for example, race records will not be saved for you. A new ID generation will be attempted the next time you start Xonotic.
BRLOGENSHFEGLE (core dumped)
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The Bot Orchestra is back! | Xoylent Easter Egg | 5bots1piano
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