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Anybody know of any good mods for Deus Ex?

I just started playing the PC version of this and it's turning out to be a major letdown in comparison to the PlayStation 2 version I played the hell out of. In particular I'm looking for some clean ups and replacement maps as Game of the Year Edition is just loaded with problems, feels under developed, and has maps that seriously lack complexity, not to mention a clumsy more-complicated-than-necessary interface (PS2 is streamlined, though retains ALL of the functionality).


Afaik these are the best mods available.

both are bigger then 1GB.
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

I thought you played Xonotic.

I'm a little disapointed.

If our game devs / content creators never played any game before, Xonotic would look... unique.

Are you actually insane? That's a rhetorical question so don't answer, because YES YOU ARE. You reckon the PS2 Version was better? FOR A CONSOLE?

Seriously, you need to be hung, drawn and quartered for trying to de-face Deus Ex on the PC!!
I have the GOTY edition, and have no idea what your on about!

Deus Ex was single handedly one of the best game's EVER for the PC.

On-topic in the off-topic section, what cortez said.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


(08-31-2011, 11:02 AM)Cortez666 Wrote:

Afaik these are the best mods available.

both are bigger then 1GB.

Will check out the nameless mod. Already have the graphics enhancements installed.

(08-31-2011, 04:49 PM)kojn^ Wrote: Are you actually insane? That's a rhetorical question so don't answer, because YES YOU ARE. You reckon the PS2 Version was better? FOR A CONSOLE?

Seriously, you need to be hung, drawn and quartered for trying to de-face Deus Ex on the PC!!
I have the GOTY edition, and have no idea what your on about!

Deus Ex was single handedly one of the best game's EVER for the PC.

On-topic in the off-topic section, what cortez said.

Improvements made to PS2 version (btw, Warren Spector himself worked on this version and it still has keyboard/mouse support):

Better intro and endings (intro especially, the one in the PC version sucked because it was poorly animated and too revealing)
BETTER MAPS (They re-did the whole game, the maps are more complex with more ways to achieve your objective and also contain more enemies and numerous other improvements. They actually used every inch of each map and didn't waste any space in them unlike in the PC version. Some of the earlier maps that are noticeably improved are Liberty Island, Battery Park, Hell's Kitchen, and the optional Water Treatment Facility in the sewers. Other areas like the Wan Chai District, Area 51, and both MJ12 labs are also vastly improved.)
Better soundtrack (most noticeable is that they used an orchestral version for the title theme)
Streamlined/cleaned up interface (your no longer tripping over the damn utility belt and ALL of the functionality that existed in the PC version remains. You can set any and all weapons/items in your inventory to cycle if you want.)
Better models
BETTER ANIMATION (especially noticeable when NPCs are talking)
Better textures/texture brightness fixed (when set to the same resolution, the PC version looks inferior unless you have third party texture packs installed.)
Various fixes/clean ups

These are the only issues with that version:

LOAD TIMES (Maps are made up of smaller sections to save memory)
It's possible to carry too many items (though your limited to having only 4 fire arms)
Removed limb deterioration (Though a single shot to the head or chest can still kill you)
Four lines of dialogue cut from intro (not a big deal really, though they should have left in "let it spill over into the schools and churches")
Slowdowns (though nothing worse than what existed on hardware that was common at the time of the PC version's release)
The PS2 version's logo doesn't look as cool

Other noteworthy changes:

You no longer type in logins/passwords. Instead the login/passwords are automatically entered if your character learns it. (in my opinion this is A LOT better)
Different hacking interface (though it still works pretty much the same)
Any and all items you can't carry with you when you search a body will be dropped instead of staying on the corpse your searching. (this is an improvement in my opinion)
You no longer need to use the med bot to install augmentations
Weapon mods and augmentation canisters don't use any inventory space
All guns use the exact same inventory space (so feel free to use a GEP gun and a plasma rifle if you want to)
SWIMMING IS ACTUALLY A USEFUL SKILL (a direct result of the entire game being remapped)
On realistic difficulty, you only have total of 100 health which is A LOT LESS than what they give you on any difficulty on the PC version. The lowest difficulty gives you like 400 which is still less than the PC versions.

Try ACTUALLY PLAYING both versions before you shit talk the other.

I have played both versions, you baboon.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Whoa there kojn, why so aggressive?

(09-01-2011, 09:55 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Whoa there kojn, why so aggressive?

If I have to take a guess it's that's he's probably biased towards PC and doesn't recognize that every platform has something going for it. Every platform being special was at least true for pre-HD era systems (Perfect Dark, arguably the best all-around FPS is a console exclusive). Right now the only console that compliments a gaming PC really well is the PS3 (360 has hardly any exclusives and it's recommended to emulate most Wii games as they'll run better emulated than on an actual Wii), but Sony seems to have nothing better to do than treat their customers badly with constant locking down of the system, feature stripping (which has led to lawsuits), and bad firmware updates.

This one looks EXTREMELY promising, downloading the demo now. It may make the overall game better than the PS2 version if they're really remapping everything.

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