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Wish to replace the xonotic music with the music from nexuiz

May seem like an unusual request, but quite frankly I felt the original Nexuiz music to be more atmospheric and deep, whereas Xonotic's soundtrack gives me a headache. Is there any way for me to replace the music files in Xonotic with those in Nexuiz? Thanks.

Yes, in fact I have a pack with most of the tunes replaced with 2.5.2 ones, I might upload it soon.

(06-07-2012, 08:54 AM)rafallus Wrote: Yes, in fact I have a pack with most of the tunes replaced with 2.5.2 ones, I might upload it soon.

Splendid! I would be most keen!


Put it in /data folder. It will override default music pack.

(06-07-2012, 12:55 PM)rafallus Wrote:!download|28....pk3|80165

Put it in /data folder. It will override default music pack.

Wow, thanks for the upload!

Thank you very much, rafallus! I've been looking for something like this for a while. Nice that you retained Quiet and Traveler by blkrbt for some of the maps... good taste!

This is most brilliant! I've already repped you for it, this is brilliant as (no offence to the developers) the xonotic default music for the most part was driving me mental. The only thing that sucks is that silver city does not retain its original music from nexuiz, nor can I get it to do that ultra low gravity mode from the single-player campaign but I don't expect that of you. Cheers mate, 10/10.

No problem, glad you like it.

But wait, there is silvercity map for Xonotic too?

BTW, if you can open pk3 archive, you can edit music to whatever you find suitable. All you need to care about is:

-files need to be Ogg Vorbis (.ogg extension)
-names must match exactly as they are in pk3.

i gotta say , yea the old music was awesome an all , great memories , and its great to see some people actually listening to music while they play.

but just remember that there will be more tunes in game at some point (hopefully a flood) and dont forget to come back and recheck now and then.

there are some awesome tunes from the likes of unfa and frutiex and archer (maybe me even) (nah) that have not been placed into game yet and we just gotta be paitent and wait for them devs to get around it and stuff.

but hell yer , play them tunes! , gaming without music is just nerdy and them freaks that play without tunes are just cold cold killers ( hahahahahahah you know who u are :p ) (and yes i understand what ya up to , and im ok with that ya freaks!)

dont forget ya past... but f,,k the past and move on.



Could someone put the download on Mediafire? It limits my download speeds to 30-50kB/s!

It will limit other people's too, unless they have premium. So you'll have to wait for a second person to download it, THEN wait for them to upload. Time saved: nothing. Wink

EDIT: That is, assuming they don't have the file already. I don't. Sorry :<

We need a Xonotic file hosting service like warsow has, so we can easily share our demos, mods & music etc.

Look WsW has it

What even is the point? Xonotic branding? I don't get it. Just use one of the dozens of existing solutions for this.

Okey, I just thought it would be good, so we don't have links to websites like rapidshare and such, we might get banned by some sopa-like shit.

Quote:but just remember that there will be more tunes in game at some point (hopefully a flood) and dont forget to come back and recheck now and then.

That actually raises a question: what will happen if new tune gets added but it is not in custom pk3? Does entire pk3 get negated and game defaults to the one in game folder? Or will it default only for that new tune?

Either way I'm sure if a new one gets added, it will be heard in game regardless (as long as mappers use it), unless it will be explicitly replaced in custom packs.

BTW. Mediafire link is available, if that changes anything:

(07-02-2012, 07:00 AM)K__ Wrote: Okey, I just thought it would be good, so we don't have links to websites like rapidshare and such, we might get banned by some sopa-like shit.

Our use of such services would be fully legitimate and legal. It's a good thing that file hosting is used legitimately. Sure, there's a risk of it being shut down like Megaupload was (or other sites like FileServe that followed suit from fear of being the next one). But there's no reason to think that the longevity of a community-ran file host for Xonotic would be better than that of RapidShare or Mediafire etc. We're talking about file hosting there, it quickly gets huge in terms of bandwidth and storage use.

Your right, do you know any good sites for hosting(except those two already mentioned ofc)?

As far as I know, Dropbox is kinda cool, at least from the downloader's side. Otherwise, I usually use Mediafire because there's no silly captcha or waiting involved. There's also omploader but it's sometimes slow and purposedly unreliable.

Thanks for the link rafallus! Tongue

If I were you I'd edit your first post with the new link.

Oh, right. Fixed.

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