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Error response from keygen server: Not allowed

Well out of the blue I get this error when starting a server
Quote:Error response from keygen server: Not allowed.
I didn't change anything up to this point and the first main server was running fine. When I stopped it just to see if I would get that error like from the test server, sure enough I got it.

I tried deleting evrything and unziping and making the appropriate changes but I still get this error "Error response from keygen server: Not allowed"
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

The keygen will only generate one key per IP address per week, could that be it? If you're using -sessionid to run multiple instances of the dedicated server, the server keys are unique for each sessionid used, so make sure you don't constantly change that.

(02-18-2013, 01:42 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: The keygen will only generate one key per IP address per week, could that be it? If you're using -sessionid to run multiple instances of the dedicated server, the server keys are unique for each sessionid used, so make sure you don't constantly change that.

Thats probably the issue as I was going to change the testing server to production one and changed the session id. Right after that though the first instance of the server also got the error, ths one I didn't use -sessionid for it, just ran the script.

Any suggestions? I don't have to wait for a week do I, lol?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

The keys are stored in ~/.xonotic/ (for example ~/.xonotic/key_0.d0si for an instance without a session id). Are you sure they weren't (re)moved and that they are actually accessible?

If you don't have a key to use or another IP address to use to generate a key, then yes, you'll have to wait for a week to get a new one.

I don't know what specifically causes the error to appear though. I don't know if it's an actual refusal from the keygen server to generate a key, or if it can also be a consequence of the key server not being reachable. Check the server startup log, if all is well you'll see "Loaded private ID key_0.d0si for key_0.d0pk" or something similar.

The keys were there. I tried removing them like suggested in another thread but no go. I'll f around some more at work today, need something to do.

(02-18-2013, 01:59 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: The keys are stored in ~/.xonotic/ (for example ~/.xonotic/key_0.d0si for an instance without a session id). Are you sure they weren't (re)moved and that they are actually accessible?

If you don't have a key to use or another IP address to use to generate a key, then yes, you'll have to wait for a week to get a new one.

I don't know what specifically causes the error to appear though. I don't know if it's an actual refusal from the keygen server to generate a key, or if it can also be a consequence of the key server not being reachable. Check the server startup log, if all is well you'll see "Loaded private ID key_0.d0si for key_0.d0pk" or something similar.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Eh, why would you remove them? Now you will have to wait a week, that's for sure. You should have looked for that line that I mention in my last paragraph.

(02-18-2013, 02:30 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Eh, why would you remove them? Now you will have to wait a week, that's for sure. You should have looked for that line that I mention in my last paragraph.

This was before I made this thread when the other threads suggestions didn't solve the issue.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Oh okay. Come back next week then! And the week after for your second server! Tongue

(02-18-2013, 04:33 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Oh okay. Come back next week then! And the week after for your second server! Tongue

I forgot to change the port number of the second server in a new cfg file and right after I started it, it selected port 26001 I got that error message.

Well shit the first instance of the server is running so I don't want to stop it and be stuck for another week with no game action.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Eh, a keyless server works just fine. The only problem is that it can't send stats to XonStat.

(02-19-2013, 12:55 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Eh, a keyless server works just fine. The only problem is that it can't send stats to XonStat.

Ok couple more things.

On the first server both instances of the server get the key error. On my new server I got the error for the second instance but the first instance using the default server.cfg file can be stopped and restarted with no problems and no key error.

Whats the best way to fix this in the future? Can I run each sever as a different user on a second port?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

I don't know. Can you please check for the key loading line that I mentioned in post #4? Tell me what instances have this line and what instances have the keygen server error.

Running each instance as a different user will make no difference, except that managing them will give you headaches.

(02-19-2013, 02:17 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: I don't know. Can you please check for the key loading line that I mentioned in post #4? Tell me what instances have this line and what instances have the keygen server error.

Running each instance as a different user will make no difference, except that managing them will give you headaches.

Here's my startup log

PHP Code:
Game is Xonotic using base gamedir data
Xonotic Linux 17
:18:25 Mar  8 2012 release
Current nice level is below the soft limit 
cannot use niceness
Skeletal animation uses SSE code path
execing quake
execing defaultXonotic
Could not expand $vid_width
Could not expand $vid_height
Could not expand $vid_pixelheight
execing sRGB
program is not loaded
execing weapons
Could not expand $r_showsurfaces
Could not expand $r_ambient
Could not expand $gl_finish
Could not expand $vid_gl20
Could not expand $vid_gl13
Could not expand $r_drawviewmodel
execing cdtracks
execing balanceXonotic
execing ctfscoring
execing effects
execing physicsX
execing turrets
execing unit_machinegun
execing unit_hk
execing unit_hellion
execing unit_mlrs
execing unit_flac
execing unit_fusreac
execing unit_plasma
execing unit_plasma2
execing unit_tesla
execing unit_phaser
execing unit_walker
execing unit_ewheel
execing vehicles
execing vehicle_racer
execing vehicle_raptor
execing vehicle_spiderbot
execing vehicle_bumblebee
execing crosshairs
execing commands
Could not expand $qport in alias _if_dedicated
execing _hud_common
execing _hud_descriptions
execing hud_luminos
't exec config.cfg
"maxplayers" set to "16"
execing data/campaign.cfg
execing config_update.cfg
execing font-xolonium.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $scr_loadingscreen_barheight
Warning: Could not expand $scr_infobar_height
Warning: Could not expand $scr_centersize
This command only works on clients: cl_cmd hud scoreboard_columns_set
execing autoexec/empty.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
Loaded public key key_0.d0pk (fingerprint: Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=)
Loaded private ID key_0.d0si for key_0.d0pk (public key fingerprint: oBfpOaz5YmDQXWQ9pvd+PM+Uu/bMVVE5kOi5vEiJufA=)
NOTE: this ID has not yet been signed!
Only need a signature for an existing key...
Signature generation in progress...
Server using port 26000
Server listening on address
Server listening on address [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:26000
execing server.cfg
maxplayers can not be changed while a server is running.
It will be changed on next server startup ("map" command).
"maxplayers" set to "20"
Host_Mingled: time stepped forward (went from 0.000000 to 1361280868.395852, difference 1361280868.395852)
FS_OpenVirtualFile("data/maps/.mapinfo", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("maps/.mapinfo", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("data/maps/autogenerated/.mapinfo", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("maps/autogenerated/.mapinfo", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("data/maps/.ent", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("maps/.ent", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("data/maps/.bsp", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("maps/.bsp", false): nasty filename rejected
Maplist contains no single playable map!  Resetting it to default map list.
menu: program is not loaded
Server using port 26000
Server listening on address
Server listening on address [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:26000
Error response from keygen server: Not allowed 
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Oh okay, so you have a key but it's not signed. No idea why.

I really don't know what's supposed to happen. I would have to check the source code for that, but I don't know when I'll have time for that.

(02-19-2013, 05:17 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Oh okay, so you have a key but it's not signed. No idea why.

I really don't know what's supposed to happen. I would have to check the source code for that, but I don't know when I'll have time for that.

So I would imagine then not too many people run multiple instances of the game on the same server?

On my first server it was running fine for quite a bit even with me messing around with the test instance of the server and sometime running a different sessionid. Then one day when I restarted the test server I got that message and when I restarted the main game server it also got the same message.

However on my new server for whatever reason right after starting a second instance of the game server with a different sessionid but with the same port (forgot to change it) the error popped up BUT on this server I can stop/restart the main game server no problem but not the second instance as I get the keys error.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Ok so on the new server I added a new ip and changed //net_address to the new IP.

After running another instance of the server with a new session id I still go the same error. It did state in the logs that it was using the new IP.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

As I said, running multiple instances should not matter, and in fact many people do it without a problem (as all the servers submit stats successfully). If you have a problem related to instances, then that's a bug worth investigating.

I don't understand why your key would suddenly lose its signature, that makes no sense. Are you absolutely certain that the error was not there from the beginning?

I'll summarize the only possibilities that I imagine would make sense in a well-configured bug-free setup:
  1. New instance, keygen agrees to sign
    Loaded public key key_0.d0pk (fingerprint: Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=)
    Loaded public key key_15.d0pk (fingerprint: TEST5XYWfX09i5/ekwTd1cJkalvnR3A1AvBlFPijhE0=)
    Generated private ID key_0.d0pk (public key fingerprint: vyWZEtxTY/0BQ2extPlVM2bWG3EnngH93fziMXk3xoQ=)
    Saved unsigned key to key_0.d0si.temporary
    Signature generation in progress...
    Received signature for private ID key_0.d0pk (public key fingerprint: vyWZEtxTY/0BQ2extPlVM2bWG3EnngH93fziMXk3xoQ=)
    Saved to key_0.d0si.temporary
  2. New instance, keygen refuses to sign because I already had a key generated in the past 7 days
    Loaded public key key_0.d0pk (fingerprint: Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=)
    Loaded public key key_15.d0pk (fingerprint: TEST5XYWfX09i5/ekwTd1cJkalvnR3A1AvBlFPijhE0=)
    Generated private ID key_0.d0pk (public key fingerprint: ub1CpAZIPwmKGRlxCE6thlprkvsagcI0ooFglAINS+Q=)
    Saved unsigned key to key_0.d0si.temporary2
    Signature generation in progress...
    Error response from keygen server: Not allowed
  3. Old instance, key already signed
    Loaded public key key_0.d0pk (fingerprint: Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=)
    Loaded private ID key_0.d0si.temporary for key_0.d0pk (public key fingerprint: vyWZEtxTY/0BQ2extPlVM2bWG3EnngH93fziMXk3xoQ=)
    Loaded public key key_15.d0pk (fingerprint: TEST5XYWfX09i5/ekwTd1cJkalvnR3A1AvBlFPijhE0=)
    there is already a signed private key for 0
  4. Old instance, key not signed
    Loaded public key key_0.d0pk (fingerprint: Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=)
    Loaded private ID key_0.d0si.temporary2 for key_0.d0pk (public key fingerprint: ub1CpAZIPwmKGRlxCE6thlprkvsagcI0ooFglAINS+Q=)
    NOTE: this ID has not yet been signed!
    Loaded public key key_15.d0pk (fingerprint: TEST5XYWfX09i5/ekwTd1cJkalvnR3A1AvBlFPijhE0=)
    Only need a signature for an existing key...
    Signature generation in progress...
    Error response from keygen server: Not allowed
  5. Old instance, keygen previously refused but now accepts because 7 days have passed
    (I can't reproduce this one right now)

If you're saying that your server was previously in case 3 and is now in case 4, then something very strange is happening that really shouldn't happen.

Ok I'm not sure what's going on but I keep getting the Error response from keygen server: Not allowed. error.

Ok so I added a second ip to the server and set it in second server-***.cfg file. Adjusted the server_linux_***.sh file and set the new IP inside the server-***.cfg file. Logged in on the second IP just incase. When I ran the new srver_linux_***.sh file I got the error again

Should I have ran the second server under a different user?

/Xonotic$ ./ -sessionid vehicle
Game is Xonotic using base gamedir data
Xonotic Linux 17:18:25 Mar  8 2012 - release
Current nice level is below the soft limit - cannot use niceness
Skeletal animation uses SSE code path
execing quake.rc
execing default.cfg
execing defaultXonotic.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $vid_width
Warning: Could not expand $vid_height
Warning: Could not expand $vid_pixelheight
execing sRGB-disable.cfg
menu: program is not loaded
execing weapons.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $r_showsurfaces
Warning: Could not expand $r_ambient
Warning: Could not expand $gl_finish
Warning: Could not expand $vid_gl20
Warning: Could not expand $vid_gl13
Warning: Could not expand $r_drawviewmodel
execing cdtracks.cfg
execing balanceXonotic.cfg
execing ctfscoring-ai.cfg
execing effects-normal.cfg
execing physicsX.cfg
execing turrets.cfg
execing unit_machinegun.cfg
execing unit_hk.cfg
execing unit_hellion.cfg
execing unit_mlrs.cfg
execing unit_flac.cfg
execing unit_fusreac.cfg
execing unit_plasma.cfg
execing unit_plasma2.cfg
execing unit_tesla.cfg
execing unit_phaser.cfg
execing unit_walker.cfg
execing unit_ewheel.cfg
execing vehicles.cfg
execing vehicle_racer.cfg
execing vehicle_raptor.cfg
execing vehicle_spiderbot.cfg
execing vehicle_bumblebee.cfg
execing crosshairs.cfg
execing commands.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $qport in alias _if_dedicated
execing _hud_common.cfg
execing _hud_descriptions.cfg
execing hud_luminos.cfg
couldn't exec config.cfg
"maxplayers" set to "16"
execing data/campaign.cfg
execing config_update.cfg
execing font-xolonium.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $scr_loadingscreen_barheight
Warning: Could not expand $scr_infobar_height
Warning: Could not expand $scr_centersize
This command only works on clients: cl_cmd hud scoreboard_columns_set
execing autoexec/empty.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
Loaded public key key_0.d0pk (fingerprint: Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=)
Loaded private ID key_0.d0si.vehicle for key_0.d0pk (public key fingerprint: jQUGxtmD1K1wfvvvOpaTO9KP7qMQdvBz9eMdkp2ZWxs=)
NOTE: this ID has not yet been signed!
Only need a signature for an existing key...
Signature generation in progress...
Server using port 26000
LHNET_OpenSocket_Connectionless: bind returned error: Address already in use
Server failed to open socket on address
Server listening on address
LHNET_OpenSocket_Connectionless: bind returned error: Address already in use
Server failed to open socket on address [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:26000
Server listening on address [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:26001
execing server-vehicles.cfg
maxplayers can not be changed while a server is running.
It will be changed on next server startup ("map" command).
"maxplayers" set to "20"
Game type successfully switched to ctf
Host_Mingled: time stepped forward (went from 0.000000 to 1362217878.057420, difference 1362217878.057420)
Changing "port" will not take effect until "map" command is executed.
FS_OpenVirtualFile("data/maps/.mapinfo", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("maps/.mapinfo", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("data/maps/autogenerated/.mapinfo", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("maps/autogenerated/.mapinfo", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("data/maps/.ent", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("maps/.ent", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("data/maps/.bsp", false): nasty filename rejected
FS_OpenVirtualFile("maps/.bsp", false): nasty filename rejected
Maplist contains no single playable map!  Resetting it to default map list.
menu: program is not loaded
Server using port 26002
Server listening on address
Server listening on address [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:26002
Initializing ClientSide information entities
Error response from keygen server: Not allowed
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

As I said above, users do not matter. A different session id is all you should need.

I had a look at the keygen server sources, and it seems you get "Not allowed" when the IP is blacklisted in one of three ways:
  1. The IP is found in one of the following dns blacklists (dnsbl):,
  2. The IP appears in the global banlist on (which is down so that's not it)
  3. A signature request has been recorded from that IP into the local database in the past 7 days
Your IP address,, is not in a dnsbl. That leaves us with the third option. Either something went very wrong with the database, OR someone used the same IP address to request a key signature in the past 7 days. If you are absolutely sure that you did not request a key signature in the past week (that is, never used a new sessionid or removed an old sessionid's keys before using it), then you should mail divVerent, telling him the IP you're using to request the signature.

Or, if you think you can follow the instructions, you could get the key manually signed from your home IP for example, at this address:

Eh for someone reason I got the key gen error today when I tired to run a second instance of the server.

For the original one I used

./all run dedicated -sessionid vehicles +serverconfig vehicle-server.cfg < this one didn't get the error and is set to port 26000

For the second instance I used

./all run dedicated -sessionid ft +serverconfig ft-server.cfg < this one got the error and I used port 26010

Now one thing I did notice is that even though the first server is listed in the xonotic game server list the second instance is not and it wont let me connect manually by ip. Any suggestion on that?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

Did you forward port 26010 UDP? Is sv_public set higher than -2?

As for the keygen error, there's nothing more I can say than what has been said earlier. If you think the keygen server is bugged, please file a bug report.

Ok so ran into another issue.

I noticed that if i change git branches, compile and run the server with the same sessionid i get the keygen error. Is this normal when changing branches? If so is there a way to merge the server stats from the previous server to the new one like with player stats?
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

(06-13-2013, 10:48 AM)end user Wrote: Ok so ran into another issue.

I noticed that if i change git branches, compile and run the server with the same sessionid i get the keygen error. Is this normal when changing branches? If so is there a way to merge the server stats from the previous server to the new one like with player stats?

That doesn't seem normal to me. Your server has its files in ~/.xonotic, right, not in the clone?

You should keep a backup of your server keys anyway. If you notice keygen errors, restore the keys from backup.

If you want to merge the server in the stats, post in the relevant thread, same thing as player IDs.

(06-13-2013, 03:13 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote:
(06-13-2013, 10:48 AM)end user Wrote: Ok so ran into another issue.

I noticed that if i change git branches, compile and run the server with the same sessionid i get the keygen error. Is this normal when changing branches? If so is there a way to merge the server stats from the previous server to the new one like with player stats?

That doesn't seem normal to me. Your server has its files in ~/.xonotic, right, not in the clone?

You should keep a backup of your server keys anyway. If you notice keygen errors, restore the keys from backup.

If you want to merge the server in the stats, post in the relevant thread, same thing as player IDs.


Yes I noticed this first when I went from autobuild to git. I used the same session id and port number but when I started the server I got the keygen error. Though maybe i messed up so did a test, created a new account, install git this time, ran it to get the server going, stopped it and got the autobuild. Used the same sessionid and port and sure enough I got the key error.

Now yesterday I updated one of Mario's branches to a new one and same thing. I used the same line to start the server ./all run dedicated -sessionid ft +serverconfig ft-server.cfg

I guess next time I'll just backup the keys and then go from there.
[MoFo] Servers - North America - Hosted in Montreal Canada - Admin DeadDred [MoFo]

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