(10-01-2013, 06:14 AM)frostwyrm333 Wrote: interesting, reminds me a lot of battlefront, what exactly is your vision, just battlefront remake or do you want to add more stuff to the gameplay?
We want it to be seen as the 'spiritual successor to Battlefront 2' but with obvious improvements and next gen features (e.g. minor customisations, better graphics and physics, better balance and hopefully advanced things like scripted events on maps and space-to-ground levels).
Since EA have announced they're actually making SWBF3, we're going to try and keep our gameplay fresh and give fans something a bit different. Having said that, we want to ensure that the experience isn't totally different from what Battlefront fans would expect. We don't want the game to be too similar to other games like Battlefield or CoD.
And thanks Kojn!