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[DM/CTF] Sirlent (Soylent remake) (added CTF version)

Hello! Today I'm releasing my remake of the old Soylent here.
It has some changes. The trickjumps you're used to still exist but a bit different and also more.
The map is more open and hiding just got even more difficult.

I adjusted the health and armor a bit to work better for duels.

Revision 2:
-brought back 100hp and 100 armor to 2 places
-sky light down to 38%
-jumppad a little longer outwards

Revision 2b:
-added gamemodes: CA, TDM, FT
-fixed minimap

>>Download Sirlent [Revision 2b]<<

>>Download Sirlent CTF [v1]<<

>>Here's a gallery with tons of animations of the new tricks you can do.<<

[Image: VDwgina.png]
Click for animation:
[Image: tSHNIaeh.gif]

Now one big armor got split into 50hp and 50armor:
[Image: kJsKNkc.png]

Instead of 100hp and 200 armor in total:
[Image: 3a7JZHO.png]

[Image: yrhqf5G.png]
[Image: 0dFd20E.png]

>>Download Sirlent (old: v1)<<

Looks cool, i'm not the fan of all the white you used, i think it will be distracting. But good job.

Also, you wrote: Now 100 hp and 100 armor at more places instead of 100hp and 200 armor.
Should be: 50 hp and 50 armor at more places instead of 100hp and 100 armor. - judging from items that are on pictures.
erebus minstanex erebus Angel

Thanks! Imo ingame it's not really distracting... at least not for me. (also it's less bright on the inside)

Thanks for pointing out the misunderstanding I meant all added up in total - I added that. It's 4x 50 hp/ar, yes.

Revision 2:
-brought back 100hp and 100 armor to 2 places
-sky light down to 38%
-jumppad a little longer outwards

So now in the cycle of 2minutes you get:
1x 100 armor
1x 100 health
4x 50 armor
4x 50 health
300 hp and 300 armor
(original: 100hp and 200 armor)

>>Download Sirlent [Revision 2b]<<

[Image: kJsKNkc.png]

(12-28-2022, 04:51 AM)_para Wrote: Revision 2:
-brought back 100hp and 100 armor to 2 places
-sky light down to 38%
-jumppad a little longer outwards

So now in the cycle of 2minutes you get:
1x 100 armor
1x 100 health
4x 50 armor
4x 50 health
300 hp and 300 armor
(original: 100hp and 200 armor)

>>Download Sirlent [Revision 2]<<

Thank you. Will this map be uploaded to ?

Edit: Added to Feris. Thank you.

(12-28-2022, 04:51 AM)_para Wrote: Revision 2:
-brought back 100hp and 100 armor to 2 places
-sky light down to 38%
-jumppad a little longer outwards

So now in the cycle of 2minutes you get:
1x 100 armor
1x 100 health
4x 50 armor
4x 50 health
300 hp and 300 armor
(original: 100hp and 200 armor)

>>Download Sirlent [Revision 2]<<

Good job, the general theme of the map is nice (I also found the white texture not very distracting).
Nice touch with the Strength powerup on the roof, at least there's an incentive to get on the roof now (other than hiding from your opponents Big Grin )
I added the map to PsyX servers for duel playtesting.

I'm a bit confused about how many items you can take in a cycle of 2 minutes, as the 100a + 50a + 100h seem to respawn every 30 seconds as expected and the 50h every 20 seconds.

Oh btw, where is the Tuba?  Big Grin

(12-29-2022, 04:25 AM)FAF Wrote: Will this map be uploaded to ?

I don't know who to ask this. But I'd be for it.

(12-29-2022, 05:24 AM)SpiKe Wrote: Good job, the general theme of the map is nice (I also found the white texture not very distracting).
Nice touch with the Strength powerup on the roof, at least there's an incentive to get on the roof now (other than hiding from your opponents Big Grin )
I added the map to PsyX servers for duel playtesting.

I'm a bit confused about how many items you can take in a cycle of 2 minutes, as the 100a + 50a + 100h seem to respawn every 30 seconds as expected and the 50h every 20 seconds.

Oh btw, where is the Tuba?  Big Grin
Glad you like it Smile

So normally you have 2x 100 armor and 1x100 hp which respawn every 2minutes by default. So (200ar + 100hp)/2min

I replaced 1 100 ar with 50 ar and added a 50 hp which respawn every 30sec. But you still got 100 ar + 100 hp.
(50ar + 50hp)/30sec => (200ar + 200hp)/2mins + (100ar + 100hp)/2mins => (300ar + 300hp)/2mins

Tubas were used to make the rims Wink


Revision 2b:
-added gamemodes: CA, TDM, FT
-fixed minimap
>>Download Sirlent [Revision 2b]<<

(12-29-2022, 05:24 AM)SpiKe Wrote: I'm a bit confused about how many items you can take in a cycle of 2 minutes, as the 100a + 50a + 100h seem to respawn every 30 seconds as expected and the 50h every 20 seconds.

OMG you're right. I could swear those 100x items did only respawn every 2 minutes. Well then fuck those calculations... but I also don't know which cvars for respawntime are for what item as they seem to group some ... I'll just ... quickly correct my posts like a pro.

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