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Poll: Should we replace the Current Nexuiz Models in Xonotic with the recently developed ones?
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Yes, this is a great idea.
15 68.18%
No, let's wait until the Xonotic weapon models are completed.
7 31.82%
Total 22 vote(s) 100%
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[SUGGESTION] To put or not put in the new weapon models, that is the question?

Despite the title cliche, I would like to see if maybe the Xonotic community would like to replace the current Nexuiz weapon models in Xonotic with the recently developed ones showcased on the forums. I have seen some posts where people would like to replace the current Nexuiz models with the newer bleeding edge models.

Some Pros to this: People playing Xonotic will definitely know that Xonotic is in development and will be less likely to be critical about Xonotic since it is not finished yet. Also, this will give incentive for people to finish up the models and give Xonotic a whole new weapon model set. And this will mean the fireball will actually have a real model in the game rather than just an orange seeker weapon model.

Cons: Obviously not all the new weapon models have been fully textured in the game, so it will not look as good as the current Nexuiz weapons at first. So until someone textures them, they will just not look as complete as the current Nexuiz ones are.

Please post your opinions on this idea in the thread, I would like to see what the community thinks on this issue Tongue

(06-23-2011, 04:39 PM)Squigger Wrote: Some Pros to this: People playing Xonotic will definitely know that Xonotic is in development and will be less likely to be critical about Xonotic since it is not finished yet. Also, this will give incentive for people to finish up the models and give Xonotic a whole new weapon model set. And this will mean the fireball will actually have a real model in the game rather than just an orange seeker weapon model.

Cons: Obviously not all the new weapon models have been fully textured in the game, so it will not look as good as the current Nexuiz weapons at first. So until someone textures them, they will just not look as complete as the current Nexuiz ones are.

Your 'pro' could be a con, people might judge more critically of Xonotic if "they don't even have textured models"

The Fireball already has a new model and is mostly textured.

I would say make the issue more of a priority for development, but don't make Xonotic look even more underdeveloped by trying to encourage development.

I see, so maybe i should change the poll to what particular weapons should be replaced instead of just all of them (with the fireball probably being a obvious choice)? Would that work better? Big Grin

You can't please everybody. Those who complain about "woo, no new models are made, this game is underdeveloped!" know shit about this game, and you'll never change this.
I'm currently fine with the old weapons, and I'm also at the view, include them when they are ready, not just some half made ones. Those, who wish to play with the half made weapons: git merge is the key Wink
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

I think I was one of those who suggested this. As long as community/game says clearly, that XONOTIC IS IN DEVELOPEMENT I think people won't judge Xonotic as a underdeveloped game. More likely, I think replacing old Nexuiz models with new ones shows that Xonotic is really gone forward from Nexuiz. While people play current Xonotic, they more likely think that "this is Nexuiz with new maps and maybe a bit different feel". While weapon models are raplaced, people really think that Xonotic is a new game. And I think that this is what Xonotic should be.

If you think that people don't understand that Xonotic is in developement, maybe you should put big red "IN DEVELOPEMENT, THIS GAME COULD EAT YOUR HAMSTER!" in main menu?

Besides, this should motivate texture artists to make textures for new models and tweak visual appereance to the maximum, while new models is available for everyone. Smile

Edit: Oh, yes, simply put: I totally agree with this. Replace them!

Well, seeing this is not as clear cut one way or another with the community, I will give this poll about two weeks more before the final results can be shown to be the official thoughts of the community. Does this sound reasonable? Smile

I think you should replace the old models with the new ones, but only if the new ones are totally finished. Playing with untextured models... No, not a good idea.

But if weapon models are ready to use, what are we waiting for?

Personally i think many of the new models lack the polish of the old ones, and i fear we may end up with them never getting attended to if we merge them before they are as good or better.

tZork, isn't using something is the best way to finish it? Can you imagine yourself developing vehicles without a test server random players can join and play on? :)

If the deployment process is not too difficult models will be finished faster if we merge ones which are already usable right now or at least create a branch with them which tracks every master's commit so players who can use git can check them out in action.
chooksta Wrote:640t ought to be enuf for antibody
- microsoft windows

Yeh i can naryl, in fact i did so for a quite long lime. Also, vehicles was not replacing something that already works and i was running my testserver of the wip vehicle branch as they where not merged to main until a weak ago or so. So the testserver thing is preddy void as argument for merging things to master before they are done as its easy to run a testing server.

As far as if its the best way to get it finished or not its quite hard to say. sometimes it motivates, sometimes it causes stagnation.

I can see your point Tzork, but according to my poll so far, people are actually almost saying 2 to 1 that they want the weapons to be added. I think this might be a sign that they would be motivated if the weapons were added in. What do you think?

imo, adding untextured weapon models is just dumb, really dumb.

Either put them in when there complete or don't, I can't believe this is even being considered to be honest.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


tZork, create a branch with all WIP weapons tracking master if it's not too much work.
chooksta Wrote:640t ought to be enuf for antibody
- microsoft windows

Im not sure what you mean naryl (do you mean a branch with all the models?). then otoh you can do that yourself, if its not to much work Wink

Assuming each model has its own branch already:

cd data/xonotic-data.pk3dir
git checkout master
git pull
git reset --hard origin/master
git branch myname/wipgunz
git merge origin/somename/gun1
git merge origin/somename/gun2

if you have push access you can then
git commit -a -m "Testing branch for WIP weapon models"
git push

so others can use it too.

No, I don't have push access. I just want somebody to do it for everyone to use. I can do it too if you allow me to make branches. Wink
chooksta Wrote:640t ought to be enuf for antibody
- microsoft windows

getting access is easy, just follow:

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